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I’m human and I’ve played my butt off for ten years. I’m not a loafer, I’m not a jerk, I’m a baseball player  (Played Quotes) The current prohibition laws are forcing drug disputes to be played out with guns in our streets. We need to put a stop to this criminal drug element in our country  (Played Quotes) Then I thought I was going to be a photographer. I tried a hand at darkroom technician. I played in a band. It took me quite some time to discover that I wanted to write  (Played Quotes) The only reason I ever played golf in the first place was so I could afford to hunt and fish  (Played Quotes) I’ve played a prostitute now three times. I don’t know how it’s come about that way. It’s just a matter of me growing up  (Played Quotes) By virtue of some of the ways the game is played, in terms of message discipline, in terms of access for reporters, and especially in the way that sources and subjects, especially famous subjects, treat the media, almost by default there’s more news that’s falling into books  (Played Quotes) When I was real young I wanted to play baseball. I really loved playing center field, but that was never anything I was really ever that good at. I played up until I was in ninth grade  (Played Quotes) When all is done, human life is, at the greatest, and the best, but like a froward child, that must be played with and humored a little to keep it quiet till it falls asleep, and then the care is over  (Played Quotes) I played baseball because I could make more money doing that than I could doing anything else  (Played Quotes) One simple word: ugh. Is something still considered a conspiracy if it’s played out right under our noses?  (Played Quotes) There are damn few great writers and I’m not one of them. While I could afford to I played with words. When I could no longer afford that I wrote for money  (Played Quotes) The band played marching from deck to deck, and as the ship went under I could still hear the music  (Played Quotes) If any glory at all attaches to the awful tragedy of the sea about which the world is still talking, it circles round the heads of these heroic bandsmen who played the mighty vessel to its doom  (Played Quotes) I hope people will say I never had a hidden agenda, and I never played it cute around the turns, and that my integrity stayed intact  (Played Quotes) The reason for this project comes from my childhood, that is clear to me. I did not have any toys. So, I played in the bricks of ruined buildings around me and with which I built houses  (Played Quotes) We played for peanuts. But we did what we wanted to do, we heard what we wanted to hear, we performed what we wanted to perform, we learned what we wanted to learn  (Played Quotes) Making a film of a work you’ve played for six weeks gives you intimate knowledge of the character. By the time you go in front of the camera you’ve worked out the behavior and life of a character  (Played Quotes) The studio is meant to be always a place where, first of all, they can be out of spotlight, and second, where they could work with a peer group on parts that they might not have played otherwise  (Played Quotes) Here I was, this good guy that played football; I was gonna go play in college but I had a bad senior year. But I played guitar in assemblies whenever I could  (Played Quotes) If we could have somehow stayed away from the public and the press, it might have been different, but every private issue seemed to be played out on the front page  (Played Quotes) My father was always anxious to give pleasure to his children. Accordingly, he took me one day, as a special treat, to the top of the grand old tower, to see the chimes played  (Played Quotes) It’s been too many years since I’ve played live as myself as opposed to in a fake band for a film  (Played Quotes) Unfortunately, a lot of people are stupid. They take drugs. They get drunk and do all the wrong things in life. I just played it straight  (Played Quotes) Yeah, two or three weeks ago I was fairly snappy. I’ve never been injured before and this year it feels like I’ve hardly played  (Played Quotes) I have played in rain before. I have played in wind before. I have played in cold before, but not all put together. They were the hardest conditions I ever played in  (Played Quotes) I think when I began, I played distortion more than the guitar. The results of my strumming. Now I play the twang of the string, which is a lot closer to the source of the sound making  (Played Quotes) Rugby is a beastly game played by gentlemen. Soccer is a gentleman’s game played by beasts. Football is a beastly game played by beasts  (Played Quotes) You know over 20 years I played for a number of managers and dozens of coaches. I don’t know any of them that I didn’t learn something from to help make me a better player  (Played Quotes) The art of politics is learning to walk with your back to the wall, your elbows high, and a smile on your face. It’s a survival game played under the glare of lights  (Played Quotes) Our losses... Have reached an intolerable level. The enemy air force played a decisive role in inflicting these high losses  (Played Quotes)
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