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I would love to play ‘Funny Girl’ or ‘Evita,’ but I idolize the women who have played those parts. I don’t know if there needs to be another version of those shows  (Played Quotes) I’m thrilled, I’m grateful, I’m blessed. I played for the world’s greatest professional sports team in history. Once a Dallas Cowboy, always a Dallas Cowboy  (Played Quotes) If you play it straight it’s funny - the best comedy is always played straight down the middle. The adjustment is understanding from the screenplay that a moment is hilarious  (Played Quotes) In 1977 we played America and Europe three times, and Japan - my marriage suffered as a result. My then wife took the kids to Canada to be near her parent  (Played Quotes) My dad didn’t want me to play guitar. He played piano, so I chose that. And I ended up loving it  (Played Quotes) My mom and dad played this music all the time when I was growing up, so to me songs by Jerry Lee and Fats Domino are the classics, they’re the best songs ever  (Played Quotes) My parents and my grandfather on my mom’s side would travel the earth. They went to Australia and China, and they went to probably every soccer game I ever played  (Played Quotes) One of the perks of being an actor is to get to meet athletes that you respect. Especially who played before my time. Brooks Robinson is one of those athletes; they just don’t make them any nicer  (Played Quotes) Sport is a wonderful metaphor for life. Of all the sports that I played - skiing, baseball, fishing - there is no greater example than golf, because you’re playing against yourself and nature  (Played Quotes) The best player I’ve ever played with was Paul Gascoigne. He had everything. He was amazing  (Played Quotes) The part which American friendship played in helping us to win the freedom we enjoy in this part of Ireland has been gratefully recognized and acknowledged by our people  (Played Quotes) The Pledge of Allegiance reflects the truth that faith in God has played a significant role in America since the days of the founding of our country  (Played Quotes) They played Boston. They played at the Boston Tea Party and through an amazing chain of events I got to hang out with them backstage even though I was underage  (Played Quotes) They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus, that means guns, sex, lies, video tapes, but if I talk about God my record won’t get played Huh  (Played Quotes) They wanted me to play more sports because they were acutely sensitive to their children being one hundred percent American, and they believed that all Americans played sports and loved sports  (Played Quotes) We played in Texas about a year ago, at Emo’s, the famous country and western club in Austin. And I figured, well, if I’m finally gonna die onstage, that’s where it’s going to be!  (Played Quotes) Well, we played with Soul Coughing once for like two days, that was pretty cool. I mean they were all good, you can pull a great experience from everything  (Played Quotes) When we play “Angel of Death”, it’s actually a 2 and half minutes sing ‘til our party starts. That song is pretty much been played traditionally in the end  (Played Quotes) You go back to those films of the 40s and 50s and hear the dialogue, the way the people played off each other, the wordplay. I think we’ve really lost that in movies  (Played Quotes) Never having played Chess before, it was most interesting to be playing the game with no pieces in front of me. But I still knew how to stroke my hair when I won  (Played Quotes) I played with the Birmingham Black Barons. I was making 500 at 14. That was a lot of money in those days  (Played Quotes) I had played many gay characters before, but they were finite - guest characters in TV shows or characters in plays  (Played Quotes) I love playing with Jeff. That’s something I never really say in the press, but he’s my favorite bass player. I’ve played right next to him for 10 years  (Played Quotes) We’re doing 3,000 seaters before that we never played anything more than 1,000  (Played Quotes) I think the greatest all - around athlete ever was Jim Brown. He played lacrosse, basketball and ran track at Syracuse. He played professional football for the Browns  (Played Quotes) Then when I was in grammar school I played the clarinet, and then, after clarinet I played the flute in college orchestra - besides singing in the college chorus and things like that  (Played Quotes) I’ve played in pipe bands in Scotland, and I’ve always played guitars and drums and stuff  (Played Quotes) Mainly I was able to perform with music - I played the French horn, I would sing, and I was a drummer in the pipe band. So I think it was a way to show off  (Played Quotes) It was really fun. Well, Bobby was just basically a folk singer. He didn’t play with any bands or anything, like all the rest of us. Just played his guitar and sang his songs  (Played Quotes) When I first read the script, I realized that Katie would have to be played as a rather down - to - Earth person  (Played Quotes)
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