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There are times when I’ve been feeling something and played a solo that I’ve never been able to repeat  (Played Quotes) I was a professional tennis player in my teens. I played mostly in Europe. I was top 10 in the world in juniors, and then I messed up my back. I had three herniated discs and that put a stop to it  (Played Quotes) At 3, I played an innocent game of doctor, minus the stethoscope and medicine bag  (Played Quotes) The New Orleans bands, you see, didn’t play with a flat sound. They’d shade the music. After the band had played with the two or three horns blowing, they’d let the rhythm have it  (Played Quotes) I’m playing better than I’ve ever played, and I m feeling better. I have this crazy idea that the best part of my career is ahead of me. I really believe that with all my heart  (Played Quotes) The rock and roll spirit. I learned a lot of that because I worked with Buddy Holly. I played bass with him, and he taught me a lot about that  (Played Quotes) The way in which the USA and Great Britain delivered Iraq to the Iraqis, the way and means that this played out, that is the endgame  (Played Quotes) I played at my church every once in a while, but that’s not a good gauge, because everybody loves you at your church  (Played Quotes) That’s the first band I ever played in that was working and I was getting paid for it. I was 12. The other guys were a lot older than me  (Played Quotes) My mom is very proud of introducing music to all her kids. But I played in some bad rock bands my junior and senior years of high school  (Played Quotes) I was played the villain so much because I was bigger and stronger than most, and they cast me as the villain everywhere I went  (Played Quotes) I couldn’t possibly have played someone with feelings towards a woman unless I had those feelings myself  (Played Quotes) I come home more exhausted after a day of emotional work on set than I’ve ever had in any sporting event I’ve played or anything. It’s draining. But it’s also part of the fun  (Played Quotes) The fans treated me with a lot of respect, and I played as hard as possible every night. I wanted to win. I’m going to always be a competitor  (Played Quotes) At the end of the day, there are a hell of a lot of notes being played out there and I defy the average middle-American or the average punter to differentiate between them  (Played Quotes) I think there are a lot of crazy guys that I’ve played with in the past. Wayne VanDorp, when I played in Chicago. He wasn’t a big name, but my God was he nuts  (Played Quotes) My mom is a singer and my Dad introduced me to bands such as Zeppelin and the Stones so music has always played a huge part in my life  (Played Quotes) As someone who played music and never got famous, and remembers little fragments of that, I don’t remember life as a dramatic flamboyant thing  (Played Quotes) The most complicated character I have ever played - she has many, many, many layers that even I’m not fully aware of  (Played Quotes) I played piano. I’ve always liked piano. My father played piano. Actually, to be fair, the sound of the harpsichord did annoy him a bit, and I thought, how can I annoy Dad? I’ll play the harpsichord  (Played Quotes) I played three sports in high school, baseball, football and basketball. Baseball really helped me a lot  (Played Quotes) I was a Packers fan growing up, and just to see the way he played the game and how excited he was about it all the time, he’s my favorite  (Played Quotes) The United States played the role of encouraging both sides to come together to try to finally resolve this issue, and we were pleased to see leaders on both sides work courageously to get that done  (Played Quotes) I was the nerdy one. I always played those kind of characters until Mad Men  (Played Quotes) I often played the nerdy friend or the goofy sidekick or the sort of naive movie character in some ways  (Played Quotes) And in this relentlessly unfolding series of interactions, the U.S. has played a very distinctive role, which most Americans have been either shielded from or simply unaware of  (Played Quotes) Technology was something I avoided when I started out - I didn’t even have electric guitars. Only played acoustic  (Played Quotes) All the songs were written on guitar and then put into the computer, where I played around with different sounds I was hearing and what was available in the software  (Played Quotes) When I was living in Boston I worked in this store that played the college radio station. I had to listen to it all day, and I didn’t care for most of it  (Played Quotes) I was born or raised in the church, so I guess the first songs I would have played would have been church songs  (Played Quotes)
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