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Heaven blew every trumpet and played every horn on the wonderful, marvelous night you were born  (Played Quotes) Gabriel Batistuta. He was a spectacular No 9 - great at finding space, shooting from outside the box, good in the air. He was always a reference for me and I used to watch the way he played  (Played Quotes) There was a huge movement that led up to [gay marriage legilization], and I played a small role in the great scheme of things. But it was really a privilege to get to do it  (Played Quotes) I’ve played with Mardy Fish a lot. Played with him, I think, two years ago in one of the weekend rounds  (Played Quotes) If I played a tough kid on the street I couldn’t go out there and get into fifth position. I had to dance like a tough kid on the street  (Played Quotes) Coldplay was unknown, and we played them over and over and over again, and they were really loyal to us. They went on M2 way after they had broken and become famous, because they remembered us  (Played Quotes) Ford O’Connell, the guy in the sound bite we just played, he’s the guy who said that nominating a conservative presidential candidate would just postpone the GOP nightmare  (Played Quotes) When George [Harrison] died the guards at Buckingham Palace played a medley of George’s songs during the changing of the guard; that sort of thing never happens  (Played Quotes) We never played China, India or Africa. We also haven’t played Russia enough. I would love to play those places  (Played Quotes) Here is the thing: I have seen several times that anti-Russian cards are being played during domestic campaigns in the United States. I find this approach very short-sighted  (Played Quotes) Just ask yourself what record you played over and over again when you were depressed or what record made you really happy? Those will never change and you should never be embarrassed by it  (Played Quotes) I played under many Captains, but Dhoni is the one, who fulfilled my Dream of winning World Cup  (Played Quotes) I played the tour in 1967 and told jokes and nobody laughed. Then I won the Open the next year, told the same jokes, and everybody laughed like hell  (Played Quotes) I actually prepared Vice President Biden for his debate in the last election. I played Sarah Palin. It’s a little tough debating a woman  (Played Quotes) I know what tablas sound like, because my father played a lot of Ustad Ali Akbar Khan  (Played Quotes) When I played Robin Hood, I knew the great role was Alan Rickman’s and it didn’t bother me. I always think that leading actors should be called the best supporting actors  (Played Quotes) I’m no Ripley. I had doubts that I could play her as strongly as she had to be played, but I must say that it was fun exploring that side of myself. Women don’t get to do that very often  (Played Quotes) Although I’m not from London originally: I moved down here when I was 16, so it’s played a part in my life. It’s where I’ve lived for all that time  (Played Quotes) I certainly look at the modern guys and think they are a different species to when we played. They are fitter and their conditioning is extraordinary  (Played Quotes) I think the greatest player I’ve ever played against was Magic Johnson. Next, was Larry Bird. Then, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar  (Played Quotes) Been there done that a while back. I know when game is being played though  (Played Quotes) It’s just unreal, I’m shocked myself. I’ve played good matches here, but never really almost destroyed somebody  (Played Quotes) I’ve played comedy before but not that much. I mostly do get drawn to darker material  (Played Quotes) Take a bow. Hear the applause? My heart is broken and you’re the cause. I played the game and it looks like you’ve won. Congratulations, baby. I hope you’ve had fun  (Played Quotes) He has let her in not because he genuinely loved her, but only because she played so well into his preconceived fantasies  (Played Quotes) I am proud of my heart, it’s been played, cheated and broken, but it still works  (Played Quotes) No one wants to be hurt or played, but sometimes you have to go through a few losers before you find someone worth keeping  (Played Quotes) The first professional game that I ever played remains, to me, the most exciting moment of my professional career  (Played Quotes) I wish I played an instrument, but I could never decide which one, and I ended up playing nothing  (Played Quotes) I just wish things were different or things played out differently. But. What’s done is done right? Keep moving forward  (Played Quotes)
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