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I was always the bad guy in westerns. I played more bad guys than you can shake a stick at until I played the Professor. Then I couldn’t get a job being a bad guy  (Played Quotes) I always played the ugly sister instead of Cinderella or the Wicked Witch. But those are the parts I love, and actually, to be a character actress, you have more longevity, hopefully  (Played Quotes) I played the drums, and I was in a band called Funkasaurus Rex in Toronto. When I left for school, it became hard to play as frequently  (Played Quotes) I played a medium on ‘Ghost Whisperer’ for six years, and the mediums never complained at the fact that I had cleavage while I was crossing people over into the light. In fact, they were super-excited that a hot person was out there representing the medium  (Played Quotes) If I had the money, I would love to open up a movie theater that just played images and colors and beautiful music. For me, there’s nothing like listening to a beautiful opera sometimes - on a record or seeing it live - just to be sleepy and let those beautiful voices take me somewhere I’ve never been before  (Played Quotes) You don’t have to play a whole lot of guitar to be a good blues player. Some people plays too much guitar. Stack it on top of each other the way it don’t - you’re working too fast. Blues not supposed to be played fast. Blues supposed to be played slow. You could kill a man with just one chord  (Played Quotes) I used to play too with a boy who played a saxophone. We didn’t play no blues, we’d play a lot of love songs - ‘Stardust’, ‘Blue Moon’, ‘Out Cold Again’, ‘Sophisticated Lady’, ‘Stars Fell On Alabama’, a lot of different stuff  (Played Quotes) I worked at an old folks’ home once in Harlem, and I was an activities volunteer. I used to do all these plays with the old people. I did ‘The Wizard of Oz;’ it was adapted. There was a guy there who played the harmonica, so we had an overture, and The Wizard was 96  (Played Quotes) Weezer’s ‘El Scorcho.’ I’m in a 90s cover band called ‘Straight 2 Video’ with members of the crew from ‘The Vampire Diaries,’ and we played this song at our wrap party. I grin from ear to ear every time I scream this song in my car  (Played Quotes) When I played Darth Maul, it sort of came from inside. I’m not saying it was natural, but I really enjoyed it, and I think I was tapping into my childhood, growing up with ‘Star Wars.’ And I grew up with G.I. Joe as well. Same as ‘Thundercats’ and ‘Transformers’ and ‘He-Man.’ And so I think it was the inner kid in me just came out  (Played Quotes) Jazz music and, more specifically, jazz musicians, are my artistic heroes. I want to be the Thelonious Monk of acting. He had no concern for how well he was received. He played whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. He just wasn’t interested in achieving the good opinion of his audience. That’s the Holy Grail of acting; of any art form  (Played Quotes) I graduated from a place called Whitworth College in Spokane with a theater degree, then in 1993 I moved to L.A. and auditioned and did very well there. My first gig was playing a skinhead in John Singleton’s ‘Higher Learning’, and I played Glenn Close’s son in a TV movie called ‘Serving In Silence.’  (Played Quotes) Fashion and music have always played off each other and certainly do for me; I love both so much. But there are definitely those moments when you’re playing the right song at the right time in the right place, and it feels like the best job in the world  (Played Quotes) I’ve only gotten directly offered two or three movies, ever. I don’t have the luxury of being able to say no a lot, and I don’t really have the luxury of just getting to pick and choose certain things. If I did, I probably would choose even more different roles than I’ve played  (Played Quotes) I played college soccer before I was hurt, and just to be able to jump back into something that you could be so competitive at or you can achieve, to get to the Paralympics, that’s the first really big achievement that you can have. It’s the second biggest sporting event in the world. To be a part of it and to get a medal for that, it’s unreal  (Played Quotes) Frank Sobotka in ‘The Wire’ on HBO was one of the greatest characters I’ve ever played. They cut his throat at the end of that season. There’s something about creative coupling that seems to go with great characters, and the fact that you can never play them again once you’re done  (Played Quotes) The longer and longer I played in the NFL, I kind of said, ‘Well, I’m not going to go out and get a 9 to 5 job at any point soon, so what can I do?’ So I started hosting radio and TV shows while I was still playing  (Played Quotes) I never played Freddy as real. In the true bible of Wes Craven’s outline for the films, Freddy only manifests himself in dreams. And a lot goes into a dream, not the least of which is imagination. So Freddy is secondhand information. Freddy is an urban legend that’s been handed down to these teenagers over the years  (Played Quotes) We are already so many things by the time we reach the middle of life that it is possible to see that really anything can happen, and that, by extension, anything is doable. I decided I’d write ‘The Calling’ as someone else. Another writer entirely, a fictional one who would be played by me  (Played Quotes) Seeing people catch a feeling in their spirit and sprint the aisles of the church while my cousins played driving, uplifting gospel stuck with me. I let that same feeling wash over me when I experience and perform music  (Played Quotes) I’ve always had my ear peeled for interesting music. As a student, I regularly spent time hunting for interesting repertoire, looking through music bins, buying stacks and stacks of CDs, and discovering rarely played pieces by composers  (Played Quotes) I’m thinking about some developments say in the 80s when the anti-apartheid movement began to claim more support and strength within the US. Black trade unionists played a really important role in developing this US anti-apartheid movement  (Played Quotes) I’ve always played music and I’ve always been in bands and there have been periods in my life where the music has taken a much more front row seat than any acting. For a big period of time the acting work was really a way of raising money to fund my music. And then that all sort of changed around and that’s fine  (Played Quotes) It’s based not only on what it played like in the theater, but it’s also knowing that certain things play differently in a home theater environment. You have different expectations when you’re sitting with 700 people than when you’re sitting with your friends or family. It’s just a different world  (Played Quotes) I played with Mike Dunleavy Jr., and we got a great relationship on the Warriors. Knowing him and now knowing his dad, all I know is he’s a man of his word. Anything that he’s ever said to me has been honest and I respect that  (Played Quotes) My dad was so influential in my career. It was a fulfillment of every athlete’s dream. I dreamed about it as a kid. We played hockey in the backyard. We had silver buckets we carried around like the Stanley Cup. It was everything that you would hope  (Played Quotes) I don’t really have a career as a jazz musician. I don’t really have a career as a classical musician. I don’t really have a career as a college professor, and yet I did all those things and I did them well. I put out some records in the 1980’s and 1990’s that changed the way some trumpet players played  (Played Quotes) We sailed to Italy on the Andrea Doria, a year before it sank, and Zoot (Sims) and I played a lot of ping-pong on deck during that trip. Zoot sparked that [Gerry Mulligan’s] sextet in an extraordinary way, soloing with joyous abandon and infusing the ensemble parts with his special brand of swing  (Played Quotes) I was not a band geek, per say. But me and my two older sisters played instruments, so I would come home and my sister Dana would be playing the clarinet or playing the piano, and I would play the saxophone, my other sister would be singing, my mom would be singing. I was not afraid to be musical. That was not something that I thought was uncool  (Played Quotes) I met this wonderful guy who owned an old pub near the Eiffel Tower called Malone’s (he’s French but it’s an Irish name). He had a cellar with a piano and told me I could use it whenever I wanted to. I played lots of gigs down there. When I came back I played a show at the Knitting Factory  (Played Quotes)
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