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I’ve never been one to throw clubs, break clubs, or use bad language on the golf course. I’ve played with golfers who’ve done that, and I really hate to see it. If I did something like that, my dad would come get the putter and hit me upside the head with it. I knew better.  (Played Quotes) When you’ve been in the game as long as I have, you know the managers you’ve played for, the good ones and the bad ones. Even the good ones get fired.  (Played Quotes) I played a lot of acetates at the end of my vinyl period - I used to make tracks and get them pressed in four or five days - but the quality was always so bad and they would skip all the time. The vinyl days for me are over. I still buy vinyl, but only albums, and just to play. For DJing, vinyl is a nightmare.  (Played Quotes) I’m attracted to soccer’s capacity for beauty. When well played, the game is a dance with a ball.  (Played Quotes) I was a contact hitter my whole career but I learned how to handle the ball inside. And Ted Williams played a big part in that. He gave me the advice on how to handle inside pitches.  (Played Quotes) I have good anticipation, and good reaction to the the ball because I’ve played so many matches in my life.  (Played Quotes) I was a baseball player. I played in high school and a little bit in college. I was a catcher. I don’t know if I could have played any other position. As a catcher, you’re always on the ball.  (Played Quotes) The only football players in my time were fellows who really loved to play football. They were not in it for the money. There wasn’t much money there. They would have played football for nothing.  (Played Quotes) I was into all kinds of music as a teen - country music, because my dad was in a band that played country, and whatever my sister and brother were into.  (Played Quotes) The best part of the high school in Hastings must have been the Music Department. Its orchestra and concert band did well in county competitions, and the dance band formed by its students was the best in the region. I played lead trumpet in all of them.  (Played Quotes) My grade 3 teacher put on a kids’ Christmas concert, and I played the kazoo, so my mother bought me a trumpet. I took lessons for eight years, was in the Kitsilano Boys Band, and I played in the Vancouver Junior Symphony for two years.  (Played Quotes) In high school, I had a wonderful teacher who, coincidentally also taught Meryl Streep before me. At the same time I had my own rock band, I played bass and sang. I was one of those kids who really enjoyed being with my friends and doing rather insane, but fun, creative things.  (Played Quotes) I first started going to shows when I was about 16 - seeing local bands. I mean, I loved music before that, and I played a bit of guitar when I was younger and thought maybe I’d become a guitar teacher or something, but when I saw other kids doing it, I was like, ‘Whoa, these are great bands! I can do it, too.’  (Played Quotes) I grew up with baseball; I played in Little League and went to games with my dad. But I, as I grew up, became more of a basketball fanatic than a baseball one.  (Played Quotes) Dad played with me a great deal, as dads should do, and our chief sport was baseball. He bought me a hardball when I was three years old, and he used to sit in a rocker on the front porch while I sat on the grass in the yard, and we’d play catch by the hour.  (Played Quotes) When I was a kid, I played sports a lot. My mom and dad were divorced, but I hung out in the neighborhood a lot, and it was all about sports. I would be out all day on the sand lot or on the hockey rink. My dad would take me to baseball games, but he worked so hard, and he would always fall asleep.  (Played Quotes) I hated baseball. I really didn’t like baseball at all until someone decided they were going to pay me... Every year I played in the big leagues, the day the season ended, I called my buddies in West Virginia and said, ‘I’ll be home tomorrow.’  (Played Quotes) I love sports. I’ve played basketball, baseball, soccer, tennis, track and field growing up.  (Played Quotes) I always played sports when I was young. I played football and baseball for eight years. I loved football.  (Played Quotes) We in the Negro leagues felt like we were contributing something to baseball, too, when we were playing. We played with a round ball, and we played with a round bat. And we wore baseball uniforms, and we thought that we were making a contribution to baseball. We loved the game, and we liked to play it.  (Played Quotes) When we played the Dodgers in St. Louis, they had to come through our dugout, and our bat rack was right there where they had to walk. My bats kept disappearing, and I couldn’t figure it out. Turns out, Pee Wee Reese was stealing my bats. I found that out later, after we got out of baseball. He and Rube Walker stole my bats.  (Played Quotes) I’m among the first girls ever to play Little League baseball, and to my knowledge, the very first in western Illinois. It was 1976, and I was a nine-year-old tomboy whose older brothers had played.  (Played Quotes) There will never be another Mariano Rivera. He was a friend and a champion of a teammate. He really cared about the game of baseball, the way it was played, and whatever it took to win that night.  (Played Quotes) I played baseball my entire life, up through college and everything, so working out and being physically active was always a huge part of my life. I’ll spend at least a couple of hours in the gym a day.  (Played Quotes) As a kid, I grew up on a farm in Florida, and I did what most little kids do. I played a little baseball, did a few other things like that, but I always had the sense of being an outsider, and it wasn’t until I saw pictures in the magazines that a couple other guys skate, I thought, ‘Wow, that’s for me,’ you know?  (Played Quotes) I’ve played for teams that were family-oriented organizations. They made you feel like family. The Yankees are strictly a business. Baseball is your life and everything else is secondary.  (Played Quotes) My parents didn’t know what to do with me. They got me into Little League Baseball, I played out in right field, cause I stunk.  (Played Quotes) My kids have played soccer and baseball and basketball, and the parents who come to games are always saying and doing things that are just wildly inappropriate.  (Played Quotes) When I started playing the game of baseball, the more I played and the better numbers I got, the more I started thinking about the Hall of Fame. But I never thought I had a chance to be there.  (Played Quotes) Marlins Park is what I call my office in Miami, because I work for the Venezuelan Museum of Baseball and Hall of Fame. My job is to go to all the MLB stadiums and to talk to and collect articles from all the Venezuelan players in the big leagues and those Americans that played in Venezuela.  (Played Quotes)
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