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I think there’s something very dark in the South African psyche. I think we live a lot of the time in a state of a very low-grade civil war; the levels of violence in South Africa are extremely high. In a way, the civil war that never happened is being played out in a covert way, so we live with a lot of very ugly things.  (Played Quotes) Everyone has those times when you feel like you don’t fit in. Everyone struggles to a certain extent with being cool and popular, but I never really let it affect me. I played sports and did theater, and school was really important to me. I had fun in high school.  (Played Quotes) If you look at my résumé, I’ve more often than not played a very solid, decent human being.  (Played Quotes) I desperately wanted to play the part of Darth Vader’s mother - I think she ended up being played by a Scandinavian actress - because my son was completely crazy about ‘Star Wars.’  (Played Quotes) By giving the public a rich and full melody, distinctly arranged and well played, all the time creating new tone colors and patterns, I feel we have a better chance of being successful. I want a kick to my band, but I don’t want the rhythm to hog the spotlight.  (Played Quotes) I’ve never excluded myself because of color. It’s never been part of the radar, when I look at anything I do. The majority of the roles that I’ve played have had very little to do with being black. It doesn’t matter what color you are.  (Played Quotes) I was always being creative. I could never have played a defensive role because I would have been forced to destroy the other player’s creativity.  (Played Quotes) Being able to provoke a different point of view to the standard current ideological or political perspective as played out in conventional newspaper or radio reportage is what a public intellectual does. But it’s not merely about being oppositional, because that’s too negative.  (Played Quotes) My father worked, and my mother played bridge. Every time I went out of the house, I was chauffeur-driven with my nanny next to me to stop me being kidnapped.  (Played Quotes) It must be nice for today’s hitters when you don’t have to worry about being thrown at. It’s a whole different deal. When I played, getting knocked down was an accepted part of the game.  (Played Quotes) My message to the kids and our fans is hockey’s a great game. There’s a lot of hockey being played at all levels. Get involved, do it. We will be back and we will be back better than ever and hopefully as soon as possible. Don’t give up on the game. It’s too good.  (Played Quotes) I played hard for four quarters, and I took home a dollar. And with college being about pay to play, I earned my spot on the bench.  (Played Quotes) An American champion, obviously being here in the states, is something that we all look at with the U.S. Open. But golf is played all over the world, and there are so many great golfers from other countries, and we’re lucky enough that this is our home base to be able to play out of.  (Played Quotes) In Tasmania, an island the size of Ireland whose primeval forests astonished 19th-century Europeans, an incomprehensible ecological tragedy is being played out.  (Played Quotes) Life isn’t a music player where you choose whats being played, it is a radio where you have to enjoy whats being played.  (Played Quotes) If some of those people who wanted to ban Beethoven’s music could hear the music that’s being played today, wow, what would they do, man?  (Played Quotes) A guitar riff played on a piano doesn’t come close to the purity of it being played on a guitar but I faked it enough to get by.  (Played Quotes) I don’t want to live and die with every point that’s being played out there now. I’m going to let my coach live and die with every point.  (Played Quotes) From Mr. [Donald] Trump’s perspective, right, he simply heard [Vladimir] Putin compliment him. He then responded by complimenting him. He never thought that he might be being played.  (Played Quotes) The one thing you’ll notice when you’re walking through Harlem is every single passing car is playing different music and there’s also music that’s being played out of windows.  (Played Quotes) [With] closet indexing....you’re paying a manager a fortune and he has 85% of his assets invested parallel to the indexes. If you have such a system, you’re being played for a sucker.  (Played Quotes) My parents had a love for music. There were so many records, so much music constantly being played. My mother played piano, my father sang, and we were always surrounded in music.  (Played Quotes) At the end of the day, there are a hell of a lot of notes being played out there and I defy the average middle-American or the average punter to differentiate between them.  (Played Quotes) My mom wanted to be a country singer, too, so country was always being played. And my girlfriends and I used to go to concerts, like Brad Paisley, in middle school and high school.  (Played Quotes) Not one song on the charts is being played naturally. But when you go see someone live it’s special. Even though you can fool people, I know there are people out there who still play along to tapes.  (Played Quotes) I’m a man of different types of flavors and tastes. I like listening to things that inspire me. Older music, when instruments were being played, not just people hitting buttons. It’s manlier. You’re touching things to make sounds appear.  (Played Quotes) People are being more experimental. I hear chords being played that really haven’t been on the radio. I love that. I go to my kids’ school and see kids playing in bands. It is a sign of what’s to come.  (Played Quotes) When I enter a club and hear my song being played, I feel like it’s not really my song and when I see people dancing to my song, I feel like jumping up on stage and treating them to drinks.  (Played Quotes) I think a lot of people have had their eyes open, shocked that the team they thought they were on didn’t exist, and that the games were not being played to win. I guess it’s shocking to a lot of people.  (Played Quotes) There’s no similarity between football and ballet, so this ain’t ballet music being played on the field. I’m pumping something that’s going to put me in a frame of mind to go to war, and something that’s very high tempo and high beat.  (Played Quotes)
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