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Black people dance well because we start early - there’s music being played everywhere. White people? They don’t start dancing until they get to college, and by then, it’s too late; the bottom don’t move with the top no matter how hard they try.  (Played Quotes) God is the Supreme Musician. It is He who is playing with us, on us and in us. We cannot separate God from His music. The universal Consciousness is constantly being played by the Supreme Himself, and is constantly growing into the Supreme Music.  (Played Quotes) Things happen in baseball, even if, in theory, it’s something you don’t do. Stats are a tool, but it doesn’t mean that’s how a game is being played at that moment. There’s more than one way to win a game, or have a winning team.  (Played Quotes) This is a deeply spiritual issue...Do we want to spend more time trying to care for our fellow man or do we want to just pursue more virtual reality? That’s the issue before us.. and it’s being played out in the world of the environment.  (Played Quotes) I always like to think I build in historically accurate musical in-jokes that are so precise that like maybe there’s 7 or 8 people in the world watching the show that will sit up and go, Oh my God the music being played is the right kind of music!  (Played Quotes) When I composed, I heard my music played by the orchestra within days of completion of the score. No master at a conservatory, no matter how revered, can teach as much by verbal criticism as can a cold and analytical hearing of one’s own music being played.  (Played Quotes) The houses [my first project in London] were reactions to the condition of the city and my frustrations with the norms that were being played out. In a way they were slightly subconscious but reactions to that condition and a way to posit new possibilities within certain pervasive norms.  (Played Quotes) The fact that the Bush administration, and those in Europe who have followed its 9/11-inspired agenda, somehow believe that the future of the world is being played out in the Middle East and Central Asia rather than East Asia has only served to accelerate China’s rise and the U.S.’s decline.  (Played Quotes) If it weren’t for a new rule that came into being, we’d have played three years in a row in the championship game.  (Played Quotes) I certainly don’ think I could’ve played the character [Idi Amin] the same way without being in Uganda. I loved working in Uganda.  (Played Quotes) When I first was offered the role on Rise [of the Planet of the Apes], I always played Caesar as a human being within ape skin.  (Played Quotes) I’m a serial monogamist and would never dream of being as predatory as some of the women I’ve played. I can actually be a bit shy.  (Played Quotes) I’ve been to unpretty places with the roles I’ve played, and I’m attracted to reckless abandon. I like being taken to the edge of my own abyss.  (Played Quotes) As a kid, I wasn’t sure that I would ever get married - I was not the kind of little girl who played at being a bride.  (Played Quotes) In all my years of being with Pittsburgh, I never encountered a player taking a contract dispute into the season and letting that dispute affect the way he played.  (Played Quotes) When I was a young person working, everybody was older than me, so I had to kind of keep up. I’d see every movie and listen to everything played, and read all the relevant books. Being an actor, it’s kind of your job to know what came before you and how big your feelings are allowed to be.  (Played Quotes) I rallied all the youth around me, all the people who liked Compa, but felt like it was dying, going away, being replaced with Zouk. So it became a movement. So, through the years, I’ve played my music with dedication, discipline and originality, and controversy also.  (Played Quotes) I played a lot of sarcastic, wisecracking characters for a long time, and people would think that was me. And it’s very much not me, and then people would think I was being sarcastic when I wasn’t: ‘Oh, you’re making fun of me right now.’ And I wasn’t!  (Played Quotes) They wanted me to play more sports because they were acutely sensitive to their children being one hundred percent American, and they believed that all Americans played sports and loved sports.  (Played Quotes) I can’t recall a story that played out exactly as I’d expected it to. That’s one of the thrills of journalism - being surprised, and learning new stuff, but it also poses the biggest challenge to a writer’s character.  (Played Quotes) I was trying to break out of the suburbs, and when I did break out, I don’t think I took my whole self with me - I think I played a role of being too cool and hip.  (Played Quotes) My brother was a huge Charles Barkley fan - my brother went to Miami. He played power forward, and he always used to tell me stories about Barkley and college. And I watched Barkley growing up. I loved what he brought to the game. His toughness and just his attitude, being as strong he was.  (Played Quotes) You never had the opportunity to play with some of the great ballplayers, but being that close around them, and being in the same category, was a great feeling, to feel that vibe of all the best players who played the game.  (Played Quotes) I’ve played hockey most my life and I’ve never been badly injured...Three weeks into curling I’ve got bone chips in both my elbows. I still can’t lean on a table. I’ve even got curling injuries, believe it or not, just from falling on my arse.  (Played Quotes) I was never a villain on the stage. I always played strong, sympathetic types. My first stage role with a speaking part, believe it or not, was as a priest. It wasn’t until I began acting in films that the producers and directors saw me primarily as a bizarre villain.  (Played Quotes) I think Kristen is incredibly brave. She played such a good version Bella Swan, people think Kristen Stewart is Bella Swan. She’s not, you know? If you meet Kristen, she’s wildly kind of giggly and vivacious and rebellious and naughty - all things that Bella Swan isn’t.  (Played Quotes) I had five brothers and sisters. Four of them older, and some of them played instruments, and we would get together and have family recitals and raise money for the church. I belonged to a wonderful church community that encouraged me to sing.  (Played Quotes) All 48 of my fights have been hard. None have been easy. All played a major key. It’s the ‘Mayweather Era.’ I feel that every fighter is an artist and they all take pictures their own way. I’m just one of the very best artists.  (Played Quotes) I’m just a poor boy from the cornfields of Richmond, Virginia. I’m proud because I loved baseball and played with the best.  (Played Quotes) It’s still the best game in town because you don’t have to be big to play, and everybody plays. Even your grandmother probably played baseball.  (Played Quotes)
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