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I find it fascinating that sport has such a strong connection to success in business. Arguably, C-suite women are some of the most successful women, and more than half of them played at a more advanced level than just the general population of women in business that had sport in their background.  (Played Quotes) Like many a Yank before me, I have tried to explain to European friends that Americans actually know soccer quite well, that many of us played it in school and college, but that, well, we just don’t find it quite as exciting as, say, what we call football.  (Played Quotes) I got to do something I never do, which is go to Starbucks and read ‘The New York Times’ until 7 a.m. I took my daughter to school on the East Side, which was a lot of fun. And I admit I played Call of Duty, one of those war video games.  (Played Quotes) During my military service, I performed a sketch in which I played a flea called Max. So when critics kept misspelling my name, I decided to change it and thought, ‘Ah! Max!’  (Played Quotes) Making a film of a work you’ve played for six weeks gives you intimate knowledge of the character. By the time you go in front of the camera you’ve worked out the behavior and life of a character.  (Played Quotes) I think I must be the only British actor who’s played both Stalin and Trotsky. I need to play Lenin so I can make it a triptych.  (Played Quotes) I am betrayed and played but right now I’m feeling nothing pain but to forgive, it’s because I love God too much that I can’t hate.  (Played Quotes) Hedge funds, private equity and venture capital funds have played an important role in providing liquidity to our financial system and improving the efficiency of capital markets. But as their role has grown, so have the risks they pose.  (Played Quotes) I’ve always been given respect because I’m kind of mannish, and I’m not a great beauty. I’ve never played the coquette card because I’m no good at it.  (Played Quotes) I played basketball. I went to school and played basketball and was trying to pursue that as a career path and kind of just fell into acting.  (Played Quotes) One of the more bizarre games I played as a kid was something called ‘kill the man.’ It was a cross between football and rugby, which found the person carrying the ball a target of some hungry tacklers. I still don’t know why we enjoyed the game because it was impossible to win.  (Played Quotes) I did a little movie called ‘Touch of Pink,’ where I played a Cary Grant-type guy, which I thought was a lot of fun, and I thought I was moderately successful in my own interpretation of Cary Grant.  (Played Quotes) If I’d played Mammy, I’d of told Scarlett to stick those green draperies up her white little pooper. Make her own damn man-catching dress. -Minny  (Played Quotes) I get as much fan mail today and sign as many autographs as I did when I played. It’s mind-boggling to a certain degree.  (Played Quotes) When I leave the NBA, I don’t want my legacy to be, ‘He won a championship ring.’ I want my legacy to say: ‘He played for the people. He gave everybody in the world hope that they can be just like him.’  (Played Quotes) That’s the one regret I have in all the years that I’ve played professional sports, that I didn’t win a championship in the N.F.L. And that’s why you play on any level of team sports: you want to win a championship as part of a team.  (Played Quotes) Every year you suit up, you play for a championship. Some years, some teams... it was very few times I think I played on that realistically had a chance.  (Played Quotes) I recently did a play, Athol Fugard’s ‘Coming Home’ at Long Wharf Theatre, where I played one character throughout - I sat at a table and didn’t have any costume changes. Following one character’s arc from beginning to end is a whole different mindset.  (Played Quotes) I’ve always thought of myself as a character actor, even though I’ve played some leading-man roles.  (Played Quotes) I moved to Los Angeles, and ‘The Office’ became successful, and the charity/cocktail party circuit is really not my scene. But I played golf, and I started getting invited to charity golf events, and I just fell in love with the game ten-fold, and at a lot of these events, there were athletes.  (Played Quotes) I haven’t played a chess match for several decades. At one point I lost most of my chess games. Then I realized many of my competitors were memorizing the best moves and I was unwilling to do this.  (Played Quotes) In chess, as played by a good player, logic and imagination must go hand in hand, compensating each other.  (Played Quotes) Music was a central part of my childhood because my mother played organ and piano in the church, and that meant all us kids had to be in the church choir.  (Played Quotes) My parents and my grandfather on my mom’s side would travel the earth. They went to Australia and China, and they went to probably every soccer game I ever played.  (Played Quotes) I didn’t grow up a theatre kid, going to theatre camps. I played sports, and that was my main direction. But luckily, I never had to choose between sports and theatre.  (Played Quotes) When I was four, we had to choose a musical instrument to play at school, and I chose the cello. I played until I was 18, and although I found it nerve-racking to play solo, I loved playing in an orchestra. When I left school I didn’t carry on with it, which I regret.  (Played Quotes) Money can add very much to one’s ability to lead a constructive life, not only pleasant for oneself, but, hopefully, beneficial to others. My grandfather, along with Carnegie, was a pioneer in philanthropy, which my father then practiced on a very large scale. The Christian ethic played an essential part in my upbringing.  (Played Quotes) Joker’ was a violent, dark, and brutal book, so I wanted to do something a little less heavy. I played around with the idea of a children’s book, and that eventually became ‘Noel.’ And I just kept finding these parallels between things I could do with Batman and Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol.’  (Played Quotes) I think that there are a lot of really beautiful Christmas carols, and then sometimes there are horrible renditions of them that are played to death in malls that make me sad. I try to avoid stores where they’re playing bad versions of Christmas songs on repeat.  (Played Quotes) I hate to say it, but Christmas as a kid was always a moneymaking venture for me. I played trumpet, and a friend of mine who played trombone and a guy who played tuba, every Christmas we’d go out for three or four days beforehand and play Christmas carols on our horns.  (Played Quotes)
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