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If any player has a bad game it’s there in the back of your mind in the next game. There’s always a hangover. It is like a wounded animal in a way, as you want to get out there as quick as possible and rectify it.  (Player Quotes) Don’t just stand back and play the way you’re coached. A great player must rise to the occasion and turn the game around on his own.  (Player Quotes) He’s probably the only player who doesn’t play for 10 months and, if he scores a hat trick in his first game back, no one would be surprised.  (Player Quotes) I’ve gone from being a brilliant captain of a TV soccer team to an average rugby player on a real team. I’ve gotten so used to ruling the roost and just saying whatever the hell I wanted, and I had to get back to reality.  (Player Quotes) As a tennis player, you have to get used to losing every week. Unless you win the tournament, you always go home as a loser. But you have to take the positive out of a defeat and go back to work. Improve to fail better.  (Player Quotes) It should not be a child’s only goal to become the best player in the world. That would be a bad, a harmful attitude.  (Player Quotes) Just about every player on tour has a bad back. It’s just one of those games that does mess you up a little bit. You’ve got to keep looking after it.  (Player Quotes) As a coach, one thing that used to frustrate me was one player would make a bad decision, and that’s all you would read about in the papers all over the country. We have so many athletes do so many wonderful things for other people, and you never read about it.  (Player Quotes) There is a hangover from a defeat like Denmark - ask any player about when they’ve had a bad game, it’s still in there somewhere in the back of your mind.  (Player Quotes) Golf isn’t like other sports where you can take a player out if he’s having a bad day. You have to play the whole game.  (Player Quotes) If all I’m remembered for is being a good basketball player, then I’ve done a bad job with the rest of my life.  (Player Quotes) I loved the glamour and excitement of the games and, in particular, knowing the names of each and every one of the referees - that’s because my mom, a former basketball player, would yell at them from our front-row seats for making bad calls!  (Player Quotes) I think I’m bad luck for Tiger because he missed the cut in Charlotte with me. But yeah, those are two of the best players of all time. Tiger’s the best player of all time in my opinion, so when he’s not in the field, it’s a relief because he’s such a great player.  (Player Quotes) Obviously, drafts sometimes are good ones, or bad ones; I think you can get a good, quality player late in the lottery.  (Player Quotes) I thought it was too ‘glam rock’ to practice. The problem is that now I’m a pretty bad guitar player.  (Player Quotes) I started playing ball when I was a kid. My dad was a pro ball player and he passed on his knowledge to me.  (Player Quotes) I am a ball player in the summer and a farmer in the winter time, and I aim to be a success at both professions.  (Player Quotes) A ball player has to be kept hungry to become a big leaguer. That’s why no boy from a rich family has ever made the big leagues.  (Player Quotes) I was a baseball player. I played in high school and a little bit in college. I was a catcher. I don’t know if I could have played any other position. As a catcher, you’re always on the ball.  (Player Quotes) In regards to core training, I try to incorporate the medicine ball whenever possible. As a baseball player, there is a lot of twisting and turning that I will do. Keeping my abs strong is as important as anything else.  (Player Quotes) Billy Loes was the only player in the majors who could lose a ground ball in the sun  (Player Quotes) With a versatile player, there’s no spot on the court you can’t pass him the ball. You can do anything.  (Player Quotes) I’ve always studied business. Even when I was a ball player, I’d read business journals and the business sections of newspapers.  (Player Quotes) Our offensive philosophy is to simply find a way to get the ball into the hands of our team’s best player.  (Player Quotes) Scholes was England’s best football player. It was impossible to take the ball from him, and he never mishit a pass.  (Player Quotes) I’m a selfish football player. Each time the ball is snapped, I tell myself that I want to make that tackle, make that big play.  (Player Quotes) I hope I haven’t maxed out, because I’m not satisfied. I hope I can be a better ball player, and I hope I’m on my way.  (Player Quotes) Training’s completely different now. It used to be a lot of running and work without the ball. Now it’s all with the ball, which any player loves.  (Player Quotes) Having Messi in the team guarantees everything. He doesn’t just score, he gives assists, and he works and wins the ball. He is the best player in the world.  (Player Quotes) It’s easier to date a football player for sure. Football players have one game a week, and they practice every day, but they’re all at home. In basketball, they’re on the road all the time.  (Player Quotes)
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