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I’ve been around so long that I might be in record books for being the longest, weirdest, most pathetic great player ever. Look t how precocious I am at 33.  (Player Quotes) Larry Bird is overrated in a lot of areas. ... Why does he get so much publicity? Because he’s white. You never hear about a black player being the greatest.  (Player Quotes) I think if I were a college professor, no one would say I was uncomfortable about being shy because that might be expected. But I think because of people’s stereotypes, they think of a football player as someone who is very outgoing and I’m not.  (Player Quotes) The great player, so much of the greatness, in my mind, is in his heart and his head. It’s not in his body, in his skill set. It comes from having great talent but wanting to mold that and fit it together into being special. And being special means winning championships.  (Player Quotes) The Olympics will be great for the growth of golf on a global scale, but my focus right now is on being the best player I can be, trying to win Major Championships and contributing to what will hopefully be a victorious European side at the forthcoming Ryder Cup Matches against the USA.  (Player Quotes) Everyone must know by now that the aim of Scrabble is to gain the moral high ground, the loser being the first player to slam the board shut and upset all the letters over the floor.  (Player Quotes) I hope I’m building a record of being a good team player and not just standing for my principles but being willing to work for them. I think when you do that and you work really hard, people take notice.  (Player Quotes) I went from a guy, kind of a working actor, a supporting player, to magazine covers and being offered the studio pictures really quickly. Nobody was comfortable with it. I wasn’t really comfortable with it.  (Player Quotes) I believed in myself. I never imagined myself as just an ordinary player.  (Player Quotes) Personally, I belong to the speedy school of golf. If it were left up to me, I would introduce a new rule that said every golf ball has to stay in motion from the moment it leaves the tee to the moment it plops into the hole, thus obliging each player to run along after his ball and give it another whack before it stops rolling.  (Player Quotes) I’m not the kind of player to see out my time and sit with my bum on the bench too much. I want to be involved. That’s my character.  (Player Quotes) It’s frustrating at times when you think you’ve earned a chance to play on the field and you’re over there sitting on the bench. That’s not the kind of player I am. I’m the kind of player who wants to be out there on the field and needs to contribute every minute of every game.  (Player Quotes) My goal on Earth is not to win a World Series or be the best baseball player who ever lived. That simply is not up to me because I have to wait and see if it is part of the Lord’s plan. My goal is to follow the Lord and what he wants me to do so that someday I may enter His kingdom and receive everlasting life.  (Player Quotes) Kenny Dalglish would be my first choice for Liverpool’s best ever player because he was a great player with a lot of qualities.  (Player Quotes) In short, we accumulate all the information that we can accumulate, wherever that information comes from, and try to analyze it and make the best decision we can make for our football team on a case-by-case basis. It’s the same for every single player; the process is the same.  (Player Quotes) Best team player? As good as Lebron James is, I have to go with Messi. What he’s doing, he’s on pace to becoming the best ever.  (Player Quotes) My reality was that if there was a defenseless player, if that person didn’t touch the ball, I would not hit them. I was not going to strike you if you didn’t have an opportunity to get the ball.  (Player Quotes) Excluding nobody, I’m the best player in the National Football League  (Player Quotes) It made me hungry. I feel like I’m in a program that really helped me individually as a player. I feel like I’m with a group of guys that are like my best friends.  (Player Quotes) Messi and Neymar will create beauty - just like Picasso’s paint brush. I still believe Messi is the best in the world. He has a special magic and is more of a team player than Cristiano. Never before has there been such a difference between the King and the next.  (Player Quotes) Yeah, we try to get the best musicians possible, and Justin [Robinson] is a great musician, man, a great player. You must have been surprised to see him out there, then.  (Player Quotes) What is the best music is impossible to define. Just because it’s played by a virtuoso player, doesn’t mean it’s great music. It might not reflect the soul of a people, which is really my criteria for great music.  (Player Quotes) Get the best player because whether it’s soccer or whether it’s anything else the team with the best players wins. So focus your energy on getting the best and getting rid of the weakest.  (Player Quotes) LeBron James is the best player, hands down. He is easily moving into the territory of one of the best players of all time and may end up being the best player of all time.  (Player Quotes) In terms of merit, sports has mathematical statistics. That’s how you know who the best player is.  (Player Quotes) ...you could be the best team or the best player in different generations and people respect each other. Nobody cares who was the best.  (Player Quotes) I’m sick at myself for not winning more. But I am always trying to find ways to make myself a better player. I am not just turning up to make up the numbers.  (Player Quotes) You know over 20 years I played for a number of managers and dozens of coaches. I don’t know any of them that I didn’t learn something from to help make me a better player.  (Player Quotes) Well I think in all the thirty years I’ve been doing this now and being gone from home and all that stuff it’s really, it’s not about what I’ve achieved and if I’ve become a better player, or played better ten years ago than I do today.  (Player Quotes) For several years, I have had my eye on second baseman Del Pratt of St. Louis. I cannot say that he is a better player than our own Joe Gedeon, but he has played better ball, and we wanted him. Well, how did I get him? I paid $15,000 in cash and gave away a number of good players for him. But what can you do?  (Player Quotes)
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