Players Quotes

Text Quotes
My ambition is that I have the best players who can collaborate with each other to form the best team in the world (Players Quotes)
My coaching philosophy? Determine your players talents and give them every weapon to get the most from those talents (Players Quotes)
The only players I hurt with my words are the ones who have an inflated opinion of their ability (Players Quotes)
The game is choreographed; it is mental, it is physical, it is a battle. People can feel those hits when they are in the stadium, you feel them and you see the velocity of the players (Players Quotes)
If I have any talent, it’s in the artistic end of football. The variation of movement of 11 players and the orchestration of that facet of football is beautiful to me (Players Quotes)
To me, rockabilly music paralleled punk’s energy and feeling, but the players were much better (Players Quotes)
You can bluff the good players, but not the bad players. Against the bad players, you have to have a hand (Players Quotes)
Toughest thing for me as a young manager is that a lot of my players saw me play. They know how bad I was (Players Quotes)
There wasn’t any particular player I modeled my game after. I tried to learn from everyone and create my own style. I studied past players. Truth be told I never had a favorite player. It’s just not my nature to go around idolizing people. I just go try to learn (Players Quotes)
There is a clear difference between sexist parody and parody of sexism. Sexist parody encourages the players to mock and trivialize gender issues while parody of sexism disrupts the status quo and undermines regressive gender conventions (Players Quotes)
I want to be honest with you: The players I played with and the coaches I had... they were directly responsible for my being here. I want you all to remember that. I always will (Players Quotes)
It is good to be different, because difference is great; that’s what this music is based on. But lose that energy between the audience and the players, and you have nothing (Players Quotes)
The number one thing on any team that will keep your players from being selfish is respect for the other players (Players Quotes)
Artists make art. Singers sing. Players play. Gypsies travel. Music lights fires everywhere. It’s like oxygen! (Players Quotes)
It’s the nature of it. The players will want to compete at the highest level they possibly can (Players Quotes)
The majority of players are looking for reasons to fold. I am looking for reasons to play (Players Quotes)
Players that aren’t true leaders but try to be, always bash other players after a mistake. True leaders on the pitch already assume others will make mistakes (Players Quotes)
When you play a match, it is statistically proven that players actually have the ball 3 minutes on average... So, the most important thing is: what do you do during those 87 minutes when you do not have the ball. That is what determines wether you’re a good player or not (Players Quotes)
We must make sure their worst players get the ball the most. You’ll get it back in no time (Players Quotes)
Every professional golfer has a seperate coach for his drives, for approaches, for putting. In football we have one coach for 15 players. This is absurd (Players Quotes)
Players today can only shoot with their laces. I could shoot with the inside, laces, and outside of both feet. In other words, I was six times better than today’s players (Players Quotes)
There are very few players who know what to do when they’re not marked. So sometimes you tell a player: that attacker is very good, but don’t mark him (Players Quotes)
I address these hopes to all young players. It seems to me that they often begin too early the strict life of a professional, without first completing their chess studies. Deficiencies in education and a lack of certain basic knowledge will tell sooner or later; they will bump their head on the ceiling and will no longer be able to climb up to the stars (Players Quotes)
When you’re good at something, you should continue to do it. Too many players have stopped at a relatively young age (Players Quotes)
Retiring from cricket is not about form. I feel that the time is now and it’s right. I’ve tried to give everything I have when I’ve played the game, the game goes on. You can’t hold onto it and people shouldn’t be too sentimental. I think a lot better players and greater players have gone, and the game has gone on and there are new players who take the mantle, and in my case it won’t be any different (Players Quotes)
I see a tough time for our cricket. Senior players will establish records and go home, but our cricket will struggle. Young players aren’t playing with the freedom that they should enjoy. The selectors and the cricket board should take responsibility for that (Players Quotes)
If you want to become a super club you have to be ready to play against super clubs. In the past couple of years, we’ve seen a mentality that has emerged that our players aren’t on the field to get autographs. It’s an opportunity to prove what we’ve been shouting from the rooftops for a long time, that we’ve been producing quality players and we can play with the best teams in the world (Players Quotes)
Coaching is salesmanship. Coaching is winning players over and convincing them they have to play together. It takes a team conviction to play together to make things work (Players Quotes)
Coaching is something that takes place only when learning does. No matter what you are doing in your practices, if your players are not learning something significant, you’re really not coaching. If a player fails in a game, the coach may have failed in practice (Players Quotes)
Too many players are so afraid to do anything that they seldom venture to do anything (Players Quotes)