Pleasing Quotes

Text Quotes
It is a challenge trying not to give in to pleasing other people (Pleasing Quotes)
We may always enslave ourselves to mankind if we do not clearly differentiate between showing respect to mankind from pleasing mankind (Pleasing Quotes)
There is no pleasing New Englanders, my dear, their soil is all rocks and their hearts are bloodless absolutes (Pleasing Quotes)
But we need to pray daily for humility and honesty to see these sinful attitudes for that they really are, and then for grace and discipline to root them out of our minds and replace them with thoughts pleasing to God (Pleasing Quotes)
Wine makes a man more pleased with himself; I do not say it makes him more pleasing to others (Pleasing Quotes)
The happiest conversation is that of which nothing is distinctly remembered, but a general effect of pleasing impression (Pleasing Quotes)
The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope (Pleasing Quotes)
The hours we pass with happy prospects in view are more pleasing than those crowded with fruition (Pleasing Quotes)
The hours that we pass with happy prospects in view are more pleasing than those crowned with success (Pleasing Quotes)
I am invariably late for appointments - sometimes as much as two hours. I've tried to change my ways but the things that make me late are too strong, and too pleasing (Pleasing Quotes)
Women have many faults, but of the many this is the greatest, that they please themselves too much, and give too little attention to pleasing the men (Pleasing Quotes)
Many men are melancholy by hearing music, but it is a pleasing melancholy that it causeth; and therefore to such as are discontent, in woe, fear, sorrow, or dejected, it is a most present remedy (Pleasing Quotes)
Music is pleasing not only because of the sound but because of the silence that is in it: without the alternation of sound and silence there would be no rhythm (Pleasing Quotes)
Though God's attributes are equal, yet his mercy is more attractive and pleasing in our eyes than his justice (Pleasing Quotes)
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun; coral is far more red than her lips' red... I love to hear her speak, yet well I know That music hath a far more pleasing sound (Pleasing Quotes)
There's something pleasing about large, well - lit spaces. I love that dealers are willing to take massive chances in order to give this much room to their artists. Most of all, I love that more galleries showing more art gives more artists a shot (Pleasing Quotes)
We require from buildings two kinds of goodness: first, the doing their practical duty well: then that they be graceful and pleasing in doing it (Pleasing Quotes)
I was definitely getting the hang of this skating thing. I'd started to copy a fancy cross - over turn from a German girl in front of me, and it was working pretty well. I was just about keeping up with her too, which was pleasing. She must have been about six (Pleasing Quotes)
The sky is the part of creation in which nature has done for the sake of pleasing man (Pleasing Quotes)
The more you give a king the more he wants. We are walking on a bridge of ice with an abyss on either side. Pleasing one king is difficult enough. Pleasing two is hardly possible (Pleasing Quotes)
The spirit that I have seen may be a devil, and the Devil hath power t' assume a pleasing shape, yea, and perhaps out of my weakness and my melancholy, as he is very potent with such spirits, abuses me to damn me (Pleasing Quotes)
A bard here dwelt, more fat than bard becomes who void of envy, guile and lust of gain, on virtue still and nature's pleasing themes poured forth his unpremeditated strain (Pleasing Quotes)
Affection endeavors to correct natural defects, and has always the laudable aim of pleasing, though it always misses it (Pleasing Quotes)
Be known for pleasing others, especially if you govern them. Ruling other has one advantage: you can do more good than anyone else (Pleasing Quotes)
Take here the grand secret - if not of pleasing all, yet of displeasing none - court mediocrity, avoid originality, and sacrifice to fashion (Pleasing Quotes)
Gay hope is theirs by fancy fed, less pleasing when possest; the tear forgot as soon as shed, the sunshine of the breast (Pleasing Quotes)
For who to dumb forgetfulness a prey, this pleasing anxious being e’er resigned, left the warm precincts of the cheerful day, nor cast one longing ling’ring look behind? (Pleasing Quotes)
It makes no difference where one sleeps in God’s City of Zion, the air is everywhere just as all - embracingly pleasing (Pleasing Quotes)
Be happy. Be yourself. If others don’t like it, then let them be. Happiness is a choice. Life isn’t about pleasing everybody (Pleasing Quotes)
Beauty is produced by the pleasing appearance and good taste of the whole, and by the dimensions of all the parts being duly proportioned to each other (Pleasing Quotes)