Pliny The Elder Quotes

Text Quotes
I think it is the most beautiful and humane thing in the world, so to mingle gravity with pleasure that the one may not sink into melancholy, nor the other rise up into wantonness (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
We neglect those things which are under our very eyes, and heedless of things within our grasp, pursue those which are afar off (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
The great business of a man is to improve his mind and govern his manners; all other projects and pursuits, whether in our power to compass or not, are only amusements (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
A dear bargain is always disagreeable, particularly as it is a reflection upon the buyer's judgment (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
As in our lives so also in our studies, it is most becoming and most wise, so to temper gravity with cheerfulness, that the former may not imbue our minds with melancholy, nor the latter degenerate into licentiousness (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
We listen with deep interest to what we hear, for to man novelty is ever charming (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
Nature makes us buy her presents at the price of so many sufferings that it is doubtful whether she deserves most the name of parent or stepmother (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
As touching peaches in general, the very name in Latine whereby they are called Persica, doth evidently show that they were brought out of Persia first (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
Lust is an enemy to the purse, a foe to the person, a canker to the mind, a corrosive to the conscience, a weakness of the wit, a besotter of the senses, and finally, a mortal bane to all the body (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
The sciences throw an inexpressible grace over our compositions, even where they are not immediately concerned; as their effects are discernible where we least expect to find them (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
It is advantageous that the gods should be believed to attend to the affairs of man; and the punishment of evil deeds, though sometimes late, is never fruitless (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
Their best and most wholesome feeding is upon one dish and no more and the same plaine and simple: for surely this hudling of many meats one upon another of divers tastes is pestiferous. But sundrie sauces are more dangerous than that (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
And that all seas are made calme and still with oile; and therefore the Divers under the water doe spirt and sprinkle it abroad with their mouthes because it dulceth and allaieth the unpleasant nature thereof, and carrieth a light with it (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
Cats too, with what silent stealthiness, with what light steps do they creep up to a bird! (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
Indeed, what is there that does not appear marvelous when it comes to our knowledge for the first time? How many things, too, are looked up on as quite impossible until they have been actually effected? (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
Let not things, because they are common, enjoy for that the less share of our consideration (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
It is ridiculous to suppose that the great head of things, whatever it be, pays any regard to human affairs (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
It is a maxim universally agreed upon in agriculture, that nothing must be done too late; and again, that everything must be done at its proper season; while there is a third precept which reminds us that opportunities lost can never be regained (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
The perverted ingenuity of man has given to water the power of intoxicating where wine is not procured. Western nations intoxicate themselves by moistened grain (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
As for the garden of mint, the very smell of it alone recovers and refreshes our spirits, as the taste stirs up our appetite for meat (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
Men are most apt to believe what they least understand; and through the lust of human wit obscure things are more easily credited (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
Nothing is more useful than wine for strengthening the body and also more detrimental to our pleasure if moderation be lacking (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
In the literary as well as military world, most powerful abilities will often be found concealed under a rustic garb (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
Simple diet is best: for many dishes bring many diseases, and rich sauces are worse than even heaping several meats upon each other (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
I would have a man generous to his country, his neighbors, his kindred, his friends, and most of all his poor friends. Not like some who are most lavish with those who are able to give most of them (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
No man’s abilities are so remarkably shining as not to stand in need of a proper opportunity (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
Our youth and manhood are due to our country, but our declining years are due to ourselves (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written, and writing what deserves to be read (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
The best kind of wine is that which is most pleasant to him who drinks it (Pliny The Elder Quotes)
The lust of avarice as so totally seized upon mankind that their wealth seems rather to possess them than they possess their wealth (Pliny The Elder Quotes)