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Poet Quotes

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In a manner of speaking, the poem is its own knower, neither poet nor reader knowing anything that the poem says apart from the words of the poem  (Poet Quotes) So the poet, who wants to be something that he cannot be, and is a failure in plain life, makes up fictitious versions of his predicament that are interesting even to other persons because nobody is a perfect automobile salesman  (Poet Quotes) As for the usefulness of poetry, its uses are many. It is the deification of reality. It should make our days holy to us. The poet should speak to all men, for a moment, of that other life of theirs that they have smothered and forgotten  (Poet Quotes) An architect, to be a true exponent of his time, must possess first, last and always the sympathy, the intuition of a poet... this is the one real, vital principle that survives through all places and all times  (Poet Quotes) The music is the shining path over which the poet travels to bring his song to the world  (Poet Quotes) The pure work implies the disappearance of the poet as speaker, who hands over to the words  (Poet Quotes) The poet knows himself only on the condition that things resound in him, and that in him, at a single awakening, they and he come forth together out of sleep  (Poet Quotes) There’s a part of me that wishes I’d never said one single solitary word on any subject publicly. Then I could have been the tortured poet, and there’s so much mileage in that. But it’s too late to stop now  (Poet Quotes) I’m much more of a musician than a poet. I just feel much more confident about my musical abilities  (Poet Quotes) I am not less poet; I am more conscious of all that I am, am not, and might become  (Poet Quotes) The poet is in command of his fantasy, while it is exactly the mark of the neurotic that he is possessed by his fantasy  (Poet Quotes) A poet must be a psychologist, but a secret one: he should know and feel the roots of phenomena but present only the phenomena themselves in full bloom or as they fade away  (Poet Quotes) It is true that the poet does not directly address his neighbors; but he does address a great congress of persons who dwell at the back of his mind, a congress of all those who have taught him and whom he has admired; they constitute his ideal audience and his better self  (Poet Quotes) I first got involved in theater in 1968, at the height of a social tumult. I was a poet  (Poet Quotes) No poet is ever completely lost. He has the secret of his childhood safe with him, like some secret cave in which he can kneel. And, when we read his poetry, we can join him there  (Poet Quotes) I am no poet, but if you think for yourselves, as I proceed, the facts will form a poem in your minds  (Poet Quotes) The winter moon becomes a companion, the heart of the priest, sunk in meditation upon religion and philosophy, there in the mountain hall, is engaged in a delicate interplay and exchange with the moon; and it is this of which the poet sings  (Poet Quotes) The discoverer and the poet are inventors; and they are so because their mental vision detects the unapparent, unsuspected facts, almost as vividly as ocular vision rests on the apparent and familiar  (Poet Quotes) The poet sees things as they look. Is this having a faculty the less? or a sense the more?  (Poet Quotes) I cannot write in verse, for I am no poet. I cannot arrange the parts of speech with such art as to produce effects of light and shade, for I am no painter. Even by signs and gestures I cannot express my thoughts and feelings, for I am no dancer. But I can do so by means of sounds, for I am a musician  (Poet Quotes) That which we know is but little; that which we have a presentiment of is immense; it is in this direction that the poet outruns the learned man  (Poet Quotes) All I ask, is the privilege for my masculine part the poet in me... If I must not, because of my sex, have this freedom... I lay down my quill and you shall hear no more of me  (Poet Quotes) For the godly poet must be chaste himself, but there is no need for his verses to be so  (Poet Quotes) Children when they ask you why your mama so funny say she is a poet she don’t have no sense  (Poet Quotes) As I am a poet I express what I believe, and I fight against whatever I oppose, in poetry  (Poet Quotes) One of the ridiculous aspects of being a poet is the huge gulf between how seriously we take ourselves and how generally we are ignored by everybody else  (Poet Quotes) A poet may be a good companion, but, so far as I know, he is ever the worst of fathers  (Poet Quotes) The poet who does not revere his art, and believe in its sovereignty, is not born to wear the purple  (Poet Quotes) To practice your scales, so to speak, in order play the symphony, is what you have to do as a young poet  (Poet Quotes) Nobody really knows whether they are a poet. I knew I was interested from the age of 15  (Poet Quotes)
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