Poetry Quotes

Text Quotes
There is something about poetry beyond prose logic, there is mystery in it, not to be explained but admired (Poetry Quotes)
The trouble with us in America isn't that the poetry of life has turned to prose, but that it has turned to advertising copy (Poetry Quotes)
I think that there is nothing, not even crime, more opposed to poetry, to philosophy, ay, to life itself than this incessant business (Poetry Quotes)
Shakespeare wrote better poetry for not knowing too much; milton, I think, knew too much finally for the good of his poetry (Poetry Quotes)
I certainly derived my skills as a prose writer from my scrutiny of poetry and of the individual word. But schools don't do things like that anymore - tracking words down to their roots (Poetry Quotes)
I thought to spend my declining years writing poetry and teaching - but that won't pay the Bergdorf's bill. I think I'll move to somewhere life is cheaper (Poetry Quotes)
Poetry is what we turn to in the most emotional moments of our life - when a beloved friend dies, when a baby is born or when we fall in love (Poetry Quotes)
Some music has words, and rock had words that at times aspired to poetry, but the words were always sounds first, spoken to the body before the mind (Poetry Quotes)
All history, all romance, all poetry and all prose, taught him that perseverance in love was generally crowned with success, that true love rarely was crowned with success except by perseverance (Poetry Quotes)
People go on quarrelling and fancying this and that, and thinking that the world is full of romance and poetry. When they get married they know better (Poetry Quotes)
In this world things are beautiful only because they are not quite seen, or not perfectly understood. Poetry is precious chiefly because it suggests more than it declares (Poetry Quotes)
A theology should be like poetry, which takes us to the end of what words and thoughts can do (Poetry Quotes)
Religion is hard work. Its insights are not self-evident and have to be cultivated in the same way as an appreciation of art, music, or poetry must be developed (Poetry Quotes)
Poetry ought to be a by product of living, and you can't have a by product unless you've got a product first (Poetry Quotes)
I am angry that I starved my brain and that I sat shivering in my bed at night instead of dancing or reading poetry or eating ice cream or kissing a boy (Poetry Quotes)
True love ennobles and dignifies the material labors of life; and homely services rendered for love's sake have in them a poetry that is immortal (Poetry Quotes)
I'm angry that I starved my brain and that I sat shivering in my bed at night instead of dancing or reading poetry or eating icecream or kissing a boy or maybe a girl (Poetry Quotes)
The drama is complete poetry. The ode and the epic contain it only in germ; it contains both of them in a state of high development, and epitomizes both (Poetry Quotes)
Science arose from poetry. When times change the two can meet again on a higher level as friends (Poetry Quotes)
The Bible should be taught, but emphatically not as reality. It is fiction, myth, poetry, anything but reality. As such it needs to be taught because it underlies so much of our literature and our culture (Poetry Quotes)
Everything one invents is true, you may be perfectly sure of that. Poetry is as precise as geometry (Poetry Quotes)
Most people read poetry listening for echoes because the echoes are familiar to them. They wade through it the way a boy wades through water, feeling with his toes for the bottom: The echoes are the bottom (Poetry Quotes)
I was always interested in French poetry sort of as a sideline to my own work, I was translating contemporary French poets. That kind of spilled out into translation as a way to earn money, pay for food and put bread on the table (Poetry Quotes)
I decided that it was not wisdom that enabled poets to write their poetry, but a kind of instinct or inspiration, such as you find in seers and prophets who deliver all their sublime messages without knowing in the least what they mean (Poetry Quotes)
I think the term poet is a very exalted term and should be applied to a man at the end of his work. When he looks back over the body of his work and he's written poetry then let the verdict be that he's a poet (Poetry Quotes)
No, what I should really like to do right now, in the full blaze of lights, before this illustrious assembly, is to shower every one of you with gifts, with flowers, with offerings of poetry - to be young once more, to ride on the crest of the wave (Poetry Quotes)
And New York is the most beautiful city in the world? It is not far from it. No urban night is like the night there. Squares after squares of flame, set up and cut into the aether. Here is our poetry, for we have pulled down the stars to our will (Poetry Quotes)
A man of eighty has outlived probably three new schools of painting, two of architecture and poetry and a hundred in dress (Poetry Quotes)
The true spirit of delight, the exaltation, the sense of being more than man, which is the touchstone of the highest excellence, is to be found in mathematics as surely as poetry (Poetry Quotes)
A book is sent out into the world, and there is no way of fully anticipating the responses it will elicit. Consider the responses called forth by the Bible, Homer, Shakespeare - let alone contemporary poetry or a modern novel (Poetry Quotes)