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Why be normal? What’s the point?  (Point Quotes) The author’s opinions do not necessarily coincide with his point of view  (Point Quotes) Angling is extremely time consuming. That’s sort of the whole point  (Point Quotes) Strategy is not the consequence of planning, but the opposite: its starting point  (Point Quotes) A leader shapes and shares a vision, which gives point to the work of others  (Point Quotes) Depression means that you have no point of view  (Point Quotes) The summit is just a halfway point  (Point Quotes) Simplicity is the outcome of technical subtlety. It is the goal, not the starting point  (Point Quotes) The spectacle is capital accumulated to the point where it becomes image  (Point Quotes) When you find your place where you are, practice occurs, actualizing the fundamental point  (Point Quotes) Talent is only a starting point  (Point Quotes) I don’t believe in proving a point to anybody. Nobody is that important  (Point Quotes) We reached the point where weapons should go silent and ideas speak  (Point Quotes) The winner of the first point is the loser of the last  (Point Quotes) The point is to be free, not to be crazy  (Point Quotes) Objective evaluations set the foundation that moves leaders to the tipping point  (Point Quotes) The point is, I’m weird, but I never felt weird  (Point Quotes) I try my hardest to push the point that I am a feminist  (Point Quotes) Point at solutions instead of at each other  (Point Quotes) Some musicians are not great technicians, but they give you a rich point of view  (Point Quotes) Nothing brings fear to my heart more than a floating point number  (Point Quotes) The pain of life overrides the joy to the point that joy does not exist  (Point Quotes) I just feel that you reach a point when its time to move on  (Point Quotes) A unicorn is just a horse with a point of view  (Point Quotes) Our hearts and souls are always the departing point for all thought, feeling and action  (Point Quotes) If you do a job, do it right or there is no point  (Point Quotes) We’re so quick to point out our own flaws in others  (Point Quotes) The point in lifeis to find equilibrium in what is inherently unstable  (Point Quotes) We need to sharpen our focus and live to the point just like a pencil  (Point Quotes) Readiness is a student’s entry point relative to a particular understanding or skill  (Point Quotes)
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