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I never understood the whole point of opposing or hating someone else’s happiness  (Point Quotes) Accepting responsibility is the fulcrum point for succeeding at anything  (Point Quotes) The starting point for the understanding of war is the understanding of human nature  (Point Quotes) I prepare to the point where instinct take over  (Point Quotes) At a certain point, what people mean when they use a word becomes its meaning  (Point Quotes) We live a protracted adolescence. At some point you must leave the party  (Point Quotes) Force is always beside the point when sublety will serve  (Point Quotes) I don’t see the point in working just to be working  (Point Quotes) You mustn’t look at a film with only one point of view  (Point Quotes) Just another point of view, I’m just a reflection of you  (Point Quotes) Everyone at some point in their lives feels excluded and misunderstood  (Point Quotes) Every film is a puzzle really, from an editorial point of view  (Point Quotes) There’s no point in getting frustrated at yourself. Just be truthful  (Point Quotes) Nobody can hide their birthdays anymore, so there’s no point in lying  (Point Quotes) I don’t see the point in being bitter  (Point Quotes) What’s the point in having a company of secretaries?  (Point Quotes) If you wanna help, inspire, uplift, don’t point the blame and talk down  (Point Quotes) Words are living things. They have personality, point of view... agenda  (Point Quotes) Once you have a point of view all history will back you up  (Point Quotes) Every great painting is left incomplete at the point where its completion is obvious  (Point Quotes) It’s a hard loss when you lose by one point  (Point Quotes) The choice of a point of view is the initial act of a culture  (Point Quotes) Art is a point of view, and a genius way of looking at things  (Point Quotes) To be great, art has to point somewhere  (Point Quotes) Dwell not on the past. Use it to illustrate a point, then leave it behind  (Point Quotes) I always have searched for a point of view that a participant could change  (Point Quotes) One point of view gives a one dimensional world  (Point Quotes) Art is, from any point of view, the greatest of risks  (Point Quotes) There’s no point dating a guy who can’t support a family  (Point Quotes) There’s no point feeling angry at a drunk  (Point Quotes)
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