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The preceding merely defines a way of thinking. But the point is to live  (Point Quotes) What happened with the pond? Surely the water is the point of the story  (Point Quotes) Prayer is the contemplation of the facts of life from the highest point of view  (Point Quotes) A strong sense of injury often gives point to the expression of our feelings  (Point Quotes) He has carried every point, who has mingled the useful with the agreeable  (Point Quotes) Thou true magnetic pole, to which all hearts point duly north, like trembling needles!  (Point Quotes) Amid two seas, on one small point of land, wearied, uncertain, and amazed we stand  (Point Quotes) Every group has its idiosyncrasies, but at a certain point we all are human  (Point Quotes) All sins tend to be addictive, and the terminal point of addiction is damnation  (Point Quotes) No point mentioning those bats, I thought. The poor bastard will see them soon enough  (Point Quotes) Perfection of planned layout is achieved only by institutions on the point of collapse  (Point Quotes) The point to remember is that what the government gives it must first take away  (Point Quotes) With your spirit open and unconstricted, look at things from a high point of view  (Point Quotes) The greatest potential for control tends to exist at the point where action takes place  (Point Quotes) We have now reached a turning point in the struggle between freedom and terror  (Point Quotes) Many writers profess great exactness in punctuation who never yet made a point  (Point Quotes) Goals should always be made to a point that will make us reach and strain  (Point Quotes) People reach a point of readiness for change when they reach their own personal bottom  (Point Quotes) The past sharpens perspective, warns against pitfalls, and helps to point the way  (Point Quotes) The point of flight. To get rid of oneself. That was reason enough to fly  (Point Quotes) From my point of view, a great deal of openly expressed piety is insufferable conceit  (Point Quotes) In point of fact magicians appear to have often developed into chiefs and kings  (Point Quotes) ... at no point have I yet found artistic truth and theological truth at variance  (Point Quotes) I have no point in my system or morals where I say, ‘This is too far  (Point Quotes) Kosovo’s destiny is clearly to join the European Union at some point  (Point Quotes) I do believe at some point in time everyone will be genotyped at birth  (Point Quotes) I think there will be PCs at every price point  (Point Quotes) Art and science have their meeting point in method  (Point Quotes) The point of power is always in the present moment  (Point Quotes) I was a 16-year-old girl at one point, so of course I wrote poetry  (Point Quotes)
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