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There's no point in burying a hatchet if you're going to put up a marker on the site  (Point Quotes) He's like a gun; once you point him and pull the trigger, it's too late to change your mind  (Point Quotes) There is no point in expending good money on the pursuit of an engine that can power aircraft without propellers. What is wrong with airships anyway? They have borne mankind aloft for over a hundred relatively accident-free years and I see no reason to impugn their popularity  (Point Quotes) The greatest encouragement throughout the Bible is God's love for His lost race and the willingness of Christ, the eternal Son, to show forth that love in God's plan of redemption. The love of Jesus is so inclusive that it knows no boundaries. At the point where we stop caring and loving, Jesus is still there loving and caring  (Point Quotes) If the real world were a book, it would never find a publisher. Overlong, detailed to the point of distraction-and ultimately, without a major resolution  (Point Quotes) A science which is postulated on the assumption that human beings are avaricious through all eternity is utterly devoid of point (whether in problems of distribution or any other aspect) to a person who is not avaricious  (Point Quotes) We're very near a certain point where money doesn't mean anything... They say: How much money is this going to cost? This is really a totally meaningless concept. Money determines less and less our reality. Money is not constant factor, it's simply a process dependent entirely on acceptance for its existence. We already see situations without money, and I think that we're coming closer and closer to it  (Point Quotes) She's got legs like a stork, no arse worth speaking of, and great cow-like eyes. call that a woman?' 'You just like big tits', chentsov retorted. 'That's an outmoded, pre-revolutionary point of view  (Point Quotes) When I started on Disneyland, my wife used to say, but why do you want to build an amusement park? they're so dirty. I told her that was just the point - mine wouldn't be  (Point Quotes) To be right we must think worthily of God. It is morally imperative that we purge from our minds all ignoble concepts of the Deity and let Him be the God in our minds that He is in His universe. The Christian religion has to do with God and man, but its focal point is God, not man. Man's only claim to importance is that he was created in the divine image; in himself he is nothing  (Point Quotes) We like to have a point of view in our stories, not an obvious moral, but a worthwhile theme.... All we are trying to do is give the public good entertainment. That is all they want  (Point Quotes) One important point many fail to understand is that the Bible was never meant to replace God; rather, it was meant to lead us into the heart of God. Too many Christians stop with the text and never go on to experience the presence of God  (Point Quotes) In my writing I am acting as a map maker, an explorer of psychic areas, a cosmonaut of inner space, and I see no point in exploring areas that have already been thoroughly surveyed  (Point Quotes) We've reached a point in American history when death has become almost the last obscenity. Have you noticed how many of us refuse to say ‘he or she died'? We're far more likely to say ‘she passed away, ' as though death were a sterile process of modest preparation, followed by shrink-wrapping, then rapid transit-where? Well, elsewhere. In short, it's the single thing we're loath to discuss in public  (Point Quotes) All this saving a child does! At one point I even saved the box scores of an entire baseball season, both leagues, since Philadelphia played, haplessly, in both. How precious each scrap of the world appears, in our first years' experience of it! Slowly we realize that it is all disposable, including ourselves  (Point Quotes) When people like me, they like me "in spite of my color. " When they dislike me; they point out that it isn't because of my color. Either way, I am locked in to the infernal circle  (Point Quotes) Those running tights the young women wear now, so they look like spacewomen, raspberry red and electric green so tight they show every muscle right into the crack between the buttocks, what is the point of them? Display. Young animals need to display  (Point Quotes) The burden borne by mankind is a heavy and a crushing thing. The word Jesus used means a load carried or toil borne to the point of exhaustion. Rest is simply release from that burden. It is not something we do, it is what comes to us when we cease to do. His own meekness, that is the rest  (Point Quotes) "You must do the thing you think you cannot do," Eleanor Roosevelt once observed, and her life was spent proving the point  (Point Quotes) Idling has always been my strong point. I take no credit to myself in the matter-it is a gift  (Point Quotes) Let us make one point, that we meet each other with a smile, when it is difficult to smile. Smile at each other, make time for each other in your family  (Point Quotes) When people mistakenly believe a lie, we have a responsibility—even a commission (Matthew 28:18-20)—to gently and lovingly point them to God’s truth. What is truth? It is that God alone is the one means of forgiveness of sin. He alone is the one way to eternal life. “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6)  (Point Quotes) He left the name at which the world grew pale, to point a moral, or adorn a tale  (Point Quotes) The prevalence of suicide, without doubt, is a test of height in civilization; it means that the population is winding up its nervous and intellectual system to the utmost point of tension and that sometimes it snaps  (Point Quotes) It is in this matter that I fall foul of so many American writers on writing; they seem to think that writing is a confidence game by means of which the author cajoles a restless, dull-witted, shallow audience into hearing his point of view. Such an attitude is base, and can only beget base prose  (Point Quotes) All the mistakes I make arise from forsaking my own station and trying to see the object from another person's point of view  (Point Quotes) Modern man must descend the spiral of his own absurdity to the lowest point; only then can he look beyond it. It is obviously impossible to get around it, jump over it, or simply avoid it  (Point Quotes) From a commercial point of view, if Christmas did not exist it would be necessary to invent it  (Point Quotes) C being what it is lacks support for multiple return values, so the notion that it is meaningful to pass pointers to memory objects into which any random function may write random values without having a clue where they point, has not been debunked as the sheer idiocy it really is  (Point Quotes) The most perfect caricature is that which, on a small surface, with the simplest means, most accurately exaggerates, to the highest point, the peculiarities of a human being, at his most characteristic moment in the most beautiful manner  (Point Quotes)
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