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We cling to our own point of view, as though everything depended on it. Yet our opinions have no permanence; like autumn and winter, they gradually pass away  (Point Quotes) Are you being sinister or is this some form of practical joke? I’m trying to come to the point. I refuse to give up my obsession  (Point Quotes) If you have grasped the purpose of life there is no point in trying to make life into something it is not or cannot be  (Point Quotes) I know that I’m not perfect and that I don’t claim to be, so before you point your fingers make sure your hands are clean  (Point Quotes) When there is no more separation between ‘this’ and ‘that,’ it is called the still-point of the Tao. At the still point in the center of the circle one can see the infinite in all things  (Point Quotes) I’m not a knee-jerk conservative. I passionately believe in free markets and less government, but not to the point of being a libertarian  (Point Quotes) The knowledge of the ancients reached the highest point - the time before anything existed. This is the highest point. It is exhaustive. There is no adding to it  (Point Quotes) I think in general, romantic comedies tend to take one person’s point of view, but every once in a while you get something that is balanced for two people  (Point Quotes) I have to make what I see, whether it’s a painting, a table, or a movie, or it’s like a death and what would be the point of that?  (Point Quotes) If I had to associate myself with one song, it would probably be Let Love Rule. It’s so simple and to the point. It speaks for itself  (Point Quotes) Each man has a breaking point, no matter how strong his spirit. Somewhere, deep inside him, there is a flaw that only the fickle cruelty of fate can find  (Point Quotes) From the point of view of morals, life seems to he divided into two periods; in the first we indulge, in the second we preach  (Point Quotes) I think midlife crisis is just a point where people’s careers have reached some plateau and they have to reflect on their personal relationships  (Point Quotes) Their swaying bodies reflected the agitation of their minds, and they suffered the worst agony of all, ever just within the reach of safety or just on the point of destruction  (Point Quotes) There was no one clear point of loss. It happened over and over again in a thousand small ways and the only truth there was to learn was that there was no getting used to it  (Point Quotes) You have to love what you do to the point that you can’t imagine doing anything else with your life  (Point Quotes) What’s very important from my point of view is that there is one web … Anyone that tries to chop it into two will find that their piece looks very boring  (Point Quotes) The high point of the act is when he (Uri Durov) puts his head inside the bear’s huge jaws. I wouldn’t even try that with my agent  (Point Quotes) Galinda didn’t often stop to consider whether she believed in what she said or not; the whole point of conversations was flow  (Point Quotes) The old chess is too limited. Imagine playing cards, black jack for example, and every time the dealer has the same starting hand you have the same starting hand. What’s the point?  (Point Quotes) I’ve learned that being a celebrity is like being a sacrificial lamb. At some point, no matter how high the pedestal that they put you on, they’re going to tear you down  (Point Quotes) I know when I walk into that classroom in the morning, even if it’s for a split second, at some point I’m being checked out  (Point Quotes) This must be your point of view: that the world and all it contains is perfect, though not completed  (Point Quotes) Do not try to convert others to your point of view, except by holding it and living accordingly  (Point Quotes) That is suitable to a man, in point of ornamental expense, not which he can afford to have, but which he can afford to lose  (Point Quotes) You can write jokes at any point of the day. Jokes are not that hard to write, or they shouldn’t be when it is literally your job  (Point Quotes) There’s an awful temptation to just keep on researching. There comes a point where you just have to stop, and start writing  (Point Quotes) You can go through life and actually speak your mind and do it in an articulate fashion and with a really intelligent point of view  (Point Quotes) Every day I try to do breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga. These things sound awfully cliche, but they help me slow down and try to point to a truth  (Point Quotes) When lifting weights, nothing feels better than achieving a high point on the bench press with no help from your spotter  (Point Quotes)
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