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At this point, I wouldn’t be able to digest meat, and I don’t like eating things with faces  (Point Quotes) At one point in college I was so shy that I’d drop out of a class if asked to speak in front of other people  (Point Quotes) Now, of course, cold fusion is the daddy of them all in a way, in terms of value, so I think that viewed in a social way, from the point of social considerations and economics, it will tell you that this thing will stay around  (Point Quotes) There is no point in asking a man a question until you have established whether he has any reason to lie to you  (Point Quotes) Nudity is who people are at the most interesting point of the evening, when they take off their protective layer, when no one is watching  (Point Quotes) Genius is another word for magic, and the whole point of magic is that it is inexplicable  (Point Quotes) Almost all these hotspots around the world, most have been destroyed to the point where there is no wildlife and very little of the natural world left  (Point Quotes) I have gotten to a point in my life where I don’t want to have dinner with someone I don’t like  (Point Quotes) The model should only serve the very private function for the painter of providing the starting point for his excitement  (Point Quotes) Linguistic philosophers continue to argue that probably music is not a language, that is in the philosophical debate. Another point of view is to say that music is a very profound language  (Point Quotes) And this whole period of time of gradually working at being a better guitar player and songwriter have gradually led me to the point where I feel I’m doing a clearer representation of the thing that I’ve been feeling inside me since I was four years old  (Point Quotes) So its mix and match. Hold your line when you really feel something youre saying is wonderful and you really want to get this point across and prove it to your partner by just throwing it into the tape and letting it speak for itself  (Point Quotes) The point of literary criticism in anthropology is not to replace research, but to find out how it is that we are persuasive  (Point Quotes) And part of that is, what is the point of having children if you don’t have the privilege of bringing them up?  (Point Quotes) And I told her point blank, you’ve got everything to live for. You’ve got such talent. You’re back singing great, lose the weight. And she went and did it, and look at her now!  (Point Quotes) If you have not been a villain at a certain point in time, you will never be a hero. And the day you are a hero, you may become a villain the next day  (Point Quotes) I learned how to fire a sniper rifle, which I’m sure will be useful at some point  (Point Quotes) What I love about how my career has gone up to this point is that I’ve always, always put my head down on my pillow at night, and I’ve been able to say that I’ve done, honestly, what I’ve felt like I wanted to do. And that’s really all you can hope for in everything you do  (Point Quotes) So I’m trying to spread myself to the point to where I can do the night shows and not have to worry about the matinees, and do one or two matinees down through the year  (Point Quotes) I was doing political cartoons and getting angry to the point where I felt I was going to have to start making and throwing bombs. I thought I was probably a better cartoonist than a bomb maker  (Point Quotes) Just when did I get to the point when staying at a hotel wasn’t fun?  (Point Quotes) A science is any discipline in which the fool of this generation can go beyond the point reached by the genius of the last generation  (Point Quotes) Pastoral theology and care helps people look deeper at the intersection between their inherited religious traditions and their current life situations. From this vantage point, religious traditions can be reinterpreted in a manner that assists healing, corrects distortions, and expands vision  (Point Quotes) The way to do research is to attack the facts at the point of greatest astonishment  (Point Quotes) The point is, the political reporters are the ones who no longer understand the ritual they are covering. They keep searching for political meanings in the tepid events when a convention is now essentially a human drama and only that  (Point Quotes) I was always more interested in story songs, things with a point of view... and things that informed me  (Point Quotes) I was being called to surrender the very citadel of my self. I was completely in the dark. I did not really know what repentance was or what I was required to repent of. It was indeed the turning point of my life  (Point Quotes) Jazz is not the format where I want to stay, but it really is a starting point for me  (Point Quotes) At that point, there will be the handover between the shuttle arm and the station arm so that the shuttle arm will take the cradle and put it into the cargo bay  (Point Quotes) Everyone has a responsibility to not only tolerate another person’s point of view, but also to accept it eagerly as a challenge to your own understanding. And express those challenges in terms of serving other people  (Point Quotes)
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