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We must consider the distinctive characters and the general nature of plants from the point of view of their morphology, their behavior under external conditions, their mode of generation, and the whole course of their life  (Point Quotes) I think at this point, I’d eventually like to work behind the camera. That’s not to say I would never act again, I’m not quite sure to be honest  (Point Quotes) Authoritarianism and secrecy breed incompetence; the two feed on each other. It’s a vicious cycle. Governments with authoritarian tendencies point to what is in fact their own incompetence as the rationale for giving them yet more power  (Point Quotes) I can’t imagine something being beautiful at this point in history if it’s destroying the planet or causing children to get sick. How can anything be beautiful if it’s not ecologically intelligent at this point?  (Point Quotes) The point of poetry is to be acutely discomforting, to prod and provoke, to poke us in the eye, to punch us in the nose, to knock us off our feet, to take our breath away  (Point Quotes) One good song with a message can bring a point more deeply to more people than a thousand rallies  (Point Quotes) We have come to a point where it is loyalty to resist, and treason to submit  (Point Quotes) The knowable world is incomplete if seen from any one point of view, incoherent if seen from all points of view at once, and empty if seen from nowhere in particular  (Point Quotes) Men do not rest content with parrying the attacks of a superior, but often strike the first blow to prevent the attack being made. And we cannot fix the exact point at which our empire shall stop; we have reached a position in which we must not be content with retaining but must scheme to extend it, for, if we cease to rule others, we are in danger of being ruled ourselves. Nor can you look at inaction from the same point of view as others, unless you are prepared to change your habits and make them like theirs  (Point Quotes) To say that an idea is fashionable is to say, I think, that is has been adulterated to a point where it is hardly an idea at all  (Point Quotes) If you’re playing within your capability, what’s the point? If you’re not pushing your own technique to its own limits with the risk that it might just crumble at any moment, then you’re not really doing your job  (Point Quotes) I guess there might come a point when I will want to live an anonymous life. I’m only at the start of my career, so I’m sure that moment will come, but I know how blessed I am to have this platform on which to speak and influence  (Point Quotes) People love to see themselves on screen in a way that makes sense and seems on point  (Point Quotes) My point is that, over the years, I’ve taught five thousand people acting and lately I have a lot of energy on these kids, having the same break I had as a high school girl  (Point Quotes) When times get tough, at some point, people instinctively know they need to lighten up in order to get through it  (Point Quotes) The player can only compete with the best internationally when they’ve committed themselves to this goal. They have to be properly supported until that point  (Point Quotes) I believe that my art gets across the point that I’m in this morality theater trying to help the underdog, and I’m speaking socially here, showing concern and making psychological and philosophical statements for the underdog  (Point Quotes) I do have a library of events I can talk about and I always expect to find a different point of view on it so even if I talk about the same event in the same town it’s fresh  (Point Quotes) It is not a mystical thing, however, it is obvious and practical and I think that what the performer does is to try to get to that point with every choice you make from the phrasing in a tune to the choice of tunes  (Point Quotes) I think that I was being much more uptight about those things before. I feel like I really don’t have to prove anything at this point other than what I’m doing  (Point Quotes) Surely the whole point of writing your own life story is to be as honest as you possibly can, revealing everything about yourself that is most private and probably most interesting for that very reason  (Point Quotes) At that point it certainly would be called abstract. That is to say, you had a model and there’d be one or two or three people there drawing the model but otherwise you had abstractions all around the room, even though the model was in front of you  (Point Quotes) At this point, I’m spoiled. I’ve actually had a really blessed career  (Point Quotes) Songs come from all over the place. You can’t predict what you’re going to like. You might like something that doesn’t fit right now. What was working for you at one point, something you’ve loved for years and years, when you get together with everybody, you think, this doesn’t match up with what’s going on with you personally  (Point Quotes) I’m not writing just about melancholy stuff anymore, I made a point to cover a wide range of emotions  (Point Quotes) If I’m writing strictly for others, how does that show what I’m experiencing or thinking? I just got to a point where I realized I could be as personal as I wanted to be and people could relate to those situations if they so choose  (Point Quotes) I feel, sometimes, as the renaissance man must have felt in finding new riches at every point and in the certainty that unexplored areas of knowledge and experience await at every turn  (Point Quotes) It would be wrong to assume that one must stay with a research programme until it has exhausted all its heuristic power, that one must not introduce a rival programme before everybody agrees that the point of degeneration has probably been reached  (Point Quotes) I’ve reached a point in my life where it’s the little things that matter... I was always a rebel and probably could have got much farther had I changed my attitude. But when you think about it, I got pretty far without changing attitudes. I’m happier with that  (Point Quotes) Soap opera wouldn’t be my first choice, but at this point in my life, I would consider a soap. It would allow me to act and still do other things with my life  (Point Quotes)
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