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The point on nonviolence is to build a floor, a strong new floor, beneath which we can no longer sink  (Point Quotes) All observations point to the fact that the intellectual woman is masculinized; in her, warm, intuitive knowledge has yielded to cold unproductive thinking  (Point Quotes) As a writer, I don’t think it’s my responsibility to make a point. I just write and hope there’s someone who’ll like it  (Point Quotes) One has to multiply thoughts to the point where there aren’t enough policemen to control them  (Point Quotes) It can be a simple sentence that makes one single point and you build for that. You zero in on one moment that gets that character, you go for it, that’s it, man, and if you fail the whole thing is down the drain, but if you make it you hit the moon  (Point Quotes) There are words which sever hearts more than sharp swords; there are words the point of which sting the heart through the course of a whole life  (Point Quotes) The human head is bigger than the globe. It conceives itself as containing more. It can think and rethink itself and ourselves from any desired point outside the gravitational pull of the earth. It starts by writing one thing and later reads itself as something else. The human head is monstrous  (Point Quotes) I’ve noticed two things about men who get big salaries. They are almost invariably men who, in conversation or in conference, are adaptable. They quickly get the other fellow’s view. They are more eager to do this than to express their own ideas. Also, they state their own point of view convincingly  (Point Quotes) You reach a point where you say you’re not going to do juveniles any longer  (Point Quotes) Life doesn’t make any sense, and we all pretend it does. Comedy’s job is to point out that it doesn’t make sense, and that it doesn’t make much difference anyway  (Point Quotes) What this country needs is more people to inspire others with confidence, and fewer people to discourage any initiative in the right direction more to get into the thick of things, fewer to sit on the sidelines, merely finding fault more to point out what’s right with the world, and fewer to keep harping on what’s wrong with it and more who are interested in lighting candles, and fewer who blow them out  (Point Quotes) Death does determine life. Once life is finished it acquires a sense; up to that point it has not got a sense; its sense is suspended and therefore ambiguous. However, to be sincere I must add that for me death is important only if it is not justified and rationalized by reason. For me death is the maximum of epicness and death  (Point Quotes) In comedy, reconcilement with life comes at the point when to the tragic sense only an inalienable difference or dissension with life appears  (Point Quotes) Change is the process by which the future invades our lives, and it is important to look at it closely, not merely from the grand perspectives of history, but also from the vantage point of the living, breathing individuals who experience it  (Point Quotes) Events are only the shells of ideas; and often it is the fluent thought of ages that is crystallized in a moment by the stroke of a pen or the point of a bayonet  (Point Quotes) Some who are far from atheists, may make themselves merry with that conceit of thousands of spirits dancing at once upon a needle’s point  (Point Quotes) Unless you’re living on the street and surviving on a diet of discarded turkey drumsticks, there’s no point in being gloomy. We’ve spent too long trying to cheer ourselves up by spending money on brightly coloured things we don’t really need. We’ve stopped using our imaginations  (Point Quotes) Downplaying their faults is pretty much the point of campaigns. But we do count on them living with the constant terror of public rejection  (Point Quotes) I can’t play anywhere near like I used to, and I was a hot drummer. It doesn’t bother me, because frankly, if you get to that point where you can’t hold a drumstick properly, there are many other things in life which are far more important, like cutting a loaf of bread or a piece of cheese  (Point Quotes) I’m a natural piano player. So all the practicing I do at this point is in my head. If I don’t play for a year, my chops aren’t going to get any worse. I’ve spent my time playing scales, and I don’t necessarily want to play any faster than I play. So everything I do at this point is more philosophical  (Point Quotes) At some point, life starts to pass you by and becomes about avoidance. I want to stay clear from that situation, because I don’t like that  (Point Quotes) You cannot live your life looking at yourself from someone else’s point of view  (Point Quotes) When you happy,you get locked in sleep. You get sleepy happy. I always wanna be on point. I always wanna be aware  (Point Quotes) I don’t think we need to extend unemployment any further without paying for it, and without making some modifications such as turning it into a loan at some point. It then encourages people to go back to work  (Point Quotes) Every country that’s ever been the most powerful country in the world ceases to be the most powerful country in the world at some point  (Point Quotes) Some experts look at global warming, increased world temperature, as the critical tipping point that is causing a crash in coral reef health around the world. And there’s no question that it is a factor, but it’s preceded by the loss of resilience and degradation  (Point Quotes) I’ve always argued, unsuccessfully, that there’s no point in giving money to the arts unless you educate people in them  (Point Quotes) Once I’d reached the point where I could squirrel away more than 30 digits a minute in memory palaces, I still only sporadically used the techniques to memorize the phone numbers of people I actually wanted to call. I found it was just too simple to punch them into my cell phone  (Point Quotes) After a certain point, most people, including editors, will tell you everything you do is great  (Point Quotes) My religious point of view is something I can’t talk about. It goes against my belief system to talk publicly about my own spiritual beliefs  (Point Quotes)
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