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There is absolutely no point in sitting around and feeling sorry for yourself. The great power you have is to let go... focus on what you have, no that which has been mean or unkindly removed  (Point Quotes) There is no point in retaining a brand equity if it has no traction with consumers, or has no likelihood of doing so  (Point Quotes) Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will  (Point Quotes) The realization that he is white in a black country, and respected for it, is the turning point in the expatriate’s career. He can either forget it, or capitalize on it. Most choose the latter  (Point Quotes) The turning point, I think, was when I really realized that you can do it yourself. That you have to believe in you because sometimes that’s the only person that does believe in your success but you  (Point Quotes) I don’t understand the point of being together if you’re not the happiest  (Point Quotes) Why do we need money beyond a point? If we are free of ill health, enmity, and debt, is that not enough? Too much money only leads to less peace  (Point Quotes) Yoga is the perfect vehicle for change of yourself. First by creating a strong and powerful body and mind. It is a starting point from which you can begin to realize your human spirit  (Point Quotes) The camera is an excuse to be someplace you otherwise don’t belong. It gives me both a point of connection and a point of separation  (Point Quotes) All roads that lead to success have to pass through hard work boulevard at some point  (Point Quotes) Never letting the competition define you. Instead, you have to define yourself based on a point of view you care deeply about  (Point Quotes) Worries are pointless. If there’s a solution, there’s no need to worry. If no solution exists, there’s no point to worry  (Point Quotes) The point of the game is not how well the individual does, but whether the team wins. That’s the beautiful heart of the game, the blending of personalities, the mutual sacrifices for the group success  (Point Quotes) The teacher manages to get along still with the cumbersome algebraic analysis, in spite of its difficulties and imperfections, and avoids the smooth infinitesimal calculus, although the eighteenth century shyness toward it had long lost all point  (Point Quotes) To teach effectively a teacher must develop a feeling for his subject; he cannot make his students sense its vitality if he does not sense it himself. He cannot share his enthusiasm when he has no enthusiasm to share. How he makes his point may be as important as the point he makes; he must personally feel it to be important  (Point Quotes) There is no point in worry or wonder about worse or better spiritual conditions, although that game is available. You will not be able to rise above your present vibration level to stay until you love the way you are now  (Point Quotes) As recently as the 1970s, the idea that the point of life was to get rich and that governments existed to facilitate this would have been ridiculed: not only by capitalism’s traditional critics but also by many of its staunchest defenders  (Point Quotes) I’m actually happier with my body now... because the body I have now is the body I’ve worked for. I have a better relationship with it. From a purely aesthetic point of view, my body was better when I was 22, 23. But I didn’t enjoy it. I was too busy comparing it to everyone else’s  (Point Quotes) Primates stand at a turning point in the course of evolution. Primates are to the biologist what viruses are to the biochemist. They can be analysed and partly understood according to the rules of a simpler discipline, but they also present another level of complexity: viruses are living chemicals, and primates are animals who love and hate and think  (Point Quotes) I’ve always thought of accessories as the exclamation point of a woman’s outfit  (Point Quotes) In my work I now have the comfortable feeling that I am so to speak on my own ground and territory and almost certainly not competing in an anxious race and that I shall not suddenly read in the literature that someone else had done it all long ago. It is really at this point that the pleasure of research begins, when one is, so to speak, alone with nature and no longer worries about human opinions, views and demands. To put it in a way that is more learned than clear: the philological aspect drops out and only the philosophical remains  (Point Quotes) You see, at the beginning we weren’t fighters. We weren’t yellers or throwers, even if we eventually came to be. It would take time and much deeper wounds for us to get to that point  (Point Quotes) The whole point of faith, in fact, is to believe regardless of the evidence, which is the very antithesis of science  (Point Quotes) I play the way I do cause it allows me to come up w/ the sickest sounds possible. That’s the point now isn’t it?  (Point Quotes) There’s always a point where you get knocked down. But I draw on what I’ve learned on the track: If you work hard, things will work out  (Point Quotes) It’s been a long blessed career. I’ve been riddled with injuries the past two and a half years and haven’t been able to quite compete as I’m accustomed to. At this point, I just really want to enjoy it and put it all on the line when I’m out there  (Point Quotes) In order to find out who you are, you will, at some point, have to feel really isolated, left out, different  (Point Quotes) Adventure is the point where you toss your life on the scales of chance and wait for the pointer to stop  (Point Quotes) We will be misguided in our intentions if we point at one single thing and say that it will prevent war, unless, of course, that thing happens to be the will, the determination, and the resolve of people everywhere that nations will never again clash on the battlefield  (Point Quotes) I dreamed impossible dreams. And the dreams turned out beyond anything I could possibly imagine. You know, from my point of view, I’m the luckiest cat on the planet  (Point Quotes)
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