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What we are working for is an educational program that has become a resource and rallying point for scores of brave southerners who are leading the fight for justice and better race relations in these crucial days  (Point Quotes) The fact that some people can push others to the point of thinking that their lives are not worthy is catastrophic  (Point Quotes) You get to the point where you decide that you don’t want to be a victim anymore and that you’re not going to live your life like that  (Point Quotes) The point is that it doesn’t matter if you look like a beast before or after the hit, as long as you look like a beauty at the moment of impact  (Point Quotes) Basketball is a sport that involves the subtle interweaving of players at full speed to the point where they are thinking and moving as one  (Point Quotes) I believe that good defense embodies seven cardinal principle: reduce the number of your opponent’s shots; force your opponent into low percentage shots; control everything within 18 feet; eliminate second shots; no easy baskets; point the ball on all long shots; and prevent the ball from going into the pivot man  (Point Quotes) You don’t think about anything because you just try to playevery game, every point. If you get some chance, you try to take this chance  (Point Quotes) The first gesture of an architect is to draw a perimeter; in other words, to separate the microclimate from the macro space outside. This in itself is a sacred act. Architecture in itself conveys this idea of limiting space. It’s a limit between the finite and the infinite. From this point of view, all architecture is sacred  (Point Quotes) I like to see and understand a space, to hear everyone’s point of view in order to respond to many different needs  (Point Quotes) Gymnastics has made me strong. I feel like it broke me down to my lowest point, but at the same time, it has given me the greatest strength anyone could ask for  (Point Quotes) My mom was a garage sale person, save money. Come on in to the garage sale, you might find a shirt. She’d get in that garage sale and point stuff out to you. There’s a good fork for a nickel. Yeah, that’s beautiful. It’s a little high. If it were three cents I’d snap it up  (Point Quotes) With preference came point of view; with point of view, personality; with personality, uniqueness; with uniqueness, grief  (Point Quotes) As one gets older being sad and miserable can become a bit of a habit. To counteract this, she suggests making a point of savoring such things as the tastiness of a piece of fruit, or other small things we might have been prone to overlook during our younger, busier days  (Point Quotes) Gossip harms relationships and that’s why it’s bad. While we all do it at times, there’s a point where it crosses the line and becomes bullying if it damages friendships and causes people to dislike someone  (Point Quotes) God is what man finds that is divine in himself. It is the best way man can behave in the ordinary occasions of life, and the farthest point to which man can stretch himself  (Point Quotes) Once you’ve done the mental work, there comes a point you have to throw yourself into the action and put your heart on the line. That means not only being brave, but being compassionate towards yourself, your teammates and your opponents  (Point Quotes) The point about love, the essential point, was that we loved what we loved. We did not choose. We just loved  (Point Quotes) You know at this point you have everything you need. It’s available to you from the inside and you see you are supported in many ways. You realize that there is more to this dimension, to this reality, than you have seen before. You see you are being taken care of, you are being loved, you are being looked after. All that’s needed is to go inside, become still and listen  (Point Quotes) Nothing happens when you sit at home. I always make it a point to carry a camera with me at all times... I just shoot at what interests me at that moment  (Point Quotes) The universe is a soul making machine, and part of that process is learning, maturing, and growing through difficult and challenging and painful experiences. The point of our lives in this world isn’t comfort, but training and preparation for eternity  (Point Quotes) One has to believe in what one is doing, one has to commit oneself inwardly, in order to do painting. Once obsessed, one ultimately carries it to the point of believing that one might change human beings through painting. But if one lacks this passionate commitment, there is nothing left to do. Then it is best to leave it alone  (Point Quotes) A work of art is finished, from the point of view of the artist, when feeling and perception have resulted in a spiritual synthesis  (Point Quotes) God knows that a mother needs fortitude and courage and tolerance and flexibility and patience and firmness and nearly every other brave aspect of the human soul. But because I happen to be a parent of almost fiercely maternal nature, I praise casualness. It seems to me the rarest of virtues. It is useful enough when children are small. It is useful to the point of necessity when they are adolescents  (Point Quotes) It is more important to have beauty in one’s equations than to have them fit experiment... It seems that if one is working from the point of view of getting beauty in one’s equations, and if one has really a sound insight, one is on a sure line of progress. If there is not complete agreement between the results of one’s work and experiment, one should not allow oneself to be too discouraged, because the discrepancy may well be due to minor features that are not properly taken into account and that will get cleared up with further developments of the theory  (Point Quotes) What is it that an artist does when he is left alone in his studio? My conclusion was that if I was an artist and I was in the studio, then everything I was doing in the studio should be art... From that point on, art became more of an activity and less of a product  (Point Quotes) In general, an asset should be sold when it has greater value to a buyer. This happens when a buyer has a complimentary business or capability that would enable them to do more with that business. Many businesses we have exited were not failures, but had simply reached a point in their life cycle where they no longer provided a core capability or served as a platform for growth  (Point Quotes) Let the one great aim and ideal be to lift up and universalize our affection, so that while it is as deep and intimate as though it has but one object, yet it is ready to be centered on any person, to flow to any point of need  (Point Quotes) It would appear... that moral phenomena, when observed on a great scale, are found to resemble physical phenomena; and we thus arrive, in inquiries of this kind, at the fundamental principle, that the greater the number of individuals observed, the more do individual peculiarities, whether physical or moral, become effaced, and leave in a prominent point of view the general facts, by virtue of which society exists and is preserved  (Point Quotes) I actually started to think a lot about the difference between a creative gesture and a noncreative gesture. I decided that all gestures were creative. Because you always have to make a decision at some point  (Point Quotes) It’s very hard to win without any problems. To win, you have to fight. And many times, this fight means to indispose in certain ways with some people, to prevail your beliefs. Your point of view, your ideas and your personality above everything. If you don’t fight hard, you lose your own way. And if you lose your own way, you’re nobody. So, to achieve this line of conduct, you have to fight very hard. And in many times, you really have to fight  (Point Quotes)
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