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So if you want to get things done, you positively have to understand at any given point in time what is the most important thing to get done right now and if you’re not doing it, you’re not making progress at the fastest possible rate  (Point Quotes) Relationships or not, I believe that people don’t need to know about my life beyond a certain point  (Point Quotes) It is good to come to a country you know practically nothing about. Your thoughts grow still, useless. Everything must be rebuilt. In a country you know nothing about, there is no reference point. You struggle to associate colors, smells, dim memories. You live a little like a child, or an animal. Objects and events may bring things to mind, but in the end they remain no more than what they are in fact. They begin only when you experience them, vanish when others follow  (Point Quotes) My artistic goal was to write something that’s one hundred percent real and true to me and to this world. I tried to touch on truths that really connect with people from every avenue of life. Ultimately, when you write from a vantage point of faith, humility and openness to the world around you, people have to respond because those same truths are instilled in them. Honestly, I don’t have any agenda other than being sincere, real, and passionate about these songs and the music I make  (Point Quotes) I might not be able to hold my drink or my man, but what I can hold, is a tune. Point me in the right direction and give me a bloody mic  (Point Quotes) We believe our suppliers of materials have not been impacted. At this point, our customers have not asked us to do anything differently as a result of the earthquake  (Point Quotes) You should always have a worst case point. The only choice should be to get out quicker  (Point Quotes) Technology has brought us to a point in which hundreds of millions if not billions of people have a voice, each voice can now be heard  (Point Quotes) Satisfaction, for us, is only a brief thing. The man who acquires wealth does not reach a point where he has enough. Success for us is more like acceleration than speed. Interest cannot be maintained at a constant level  (Point Quotes) Anarchism’s lone objective is to reach a point at which the belligerence of some humans against humanity, in whatever form, comes to a halt  (Point Quotes) Like a lady who has lost weight and she’s just getting to that point where she can fit into that favourite dress, you get the film down to just about the right cut. You can feel it when it happens  (Point Quotes) I want to do the best I can right away. There’s no point for me to just kind of be relaxed about it. Of course, in each match winning is out of my control, but I want to try to do the best I can as soon as I can, and I want to have 10 successful years and not five slow ones and then five good ones  (Point Quotes) At what point must a female senator raise her hand or her voice to be recognized over her male colleagues?  (Point Quotes) We’ve come to the point where we’re no longer able to protect our national values. Where will it all end?  (Point Quotes) I thought maybe a day was coming when I’d stop constantly worrying about how to live. Maybe at some point I’d just start living, no questions asked  (Point Quotes) My point, once again, is not that those ancient people told literal stories and we are now smart enough to take them symbolically, but that they told them symbolically and we are now dumb enough to take them literally  (Point Quotes) This is not going away. At this point of unimaginable threats on the horizon, this is what hope looks like. In these times of a morally bankrupt government that has sold out its principles, this is what patriotism looks like. With countless lives on the line, this is what love looks like, and it will only grow  (Point Quotes) There is no inherent awakening power in cultural forms that have become dissociated from the wisdom and practicality that gave birth to them. They turn into illusions themselves and become part of the drama of religious culture. Although they can make us happy temporarily, they can’t free us from suffering, so at some point, they become a source of disappointment and discouragement. Eventually, these forms may inspire nothing more than resistance to their authority  (Point Quotes) I don’t think there is any mystery to understanding the passionate feelings people have for guns. Nobody really believes it’s about maintaining a militia. It’s about having possession of a tool that makes a person feel powerful nearly to the point of exaltation  (Point Quotes) The point of acting is to pretend you’re someone else and sell a story  (Point Quotes) Grief is a very scary thing, and there comes a point where it can really take you down  (Point Quotes) I always knew that I wanted to work and I knew I wanted to be a singer and an actor. I knew that every choice I made would help me get to that point. So the better the choices I made, the more of a chance I would have to get to where I wanted to be  (Point Quotes) What you get is what you get. What you do with what you get, that’s more the point  (Point Quotes) What’s the point of being bad when there’s nothing good to stop you?  (Point Quotes) I kind of had my life planned out for me. I’d be married at some point, have, you know, 1.5 children, and be a principal possibly one day. But I think that that was kind of my problem. I allowed myself to plan out my life and didn’t let provident direction guide my life  (Point Quotes) It’s like you run into this dark tunnel, trusting that somewhere there’s another end to it where you’re going to come out. And there’s a point in the middle where it’s just dark. There’s no light from where you came in and there’s no light at the other end; all you can do is keep running. And then you start to see a little light, and a little more light, and then, bam! You’re out in the sun  (Point Quotes) The whole point of art, aside from the aesthetic pleasure it yields, is that it provides a bridge to the past; that seductive land where we all find certainty and consolation. Nothing quite spans this gulf with such immediacy as the art of popular song  (Point Quotes) If you want to have a relationship, at some point you have to let yourself get caught. That’s what I did. I got caught  (Point Quotes) There’s no point in being unhappy about growing older. Just think of the millions who have been denied the privilege  (Point Quotes) I would point out that I’m an actress for a reason! If I were popular in high school, I would have considered another career because I wouldn’t have been alone in my room, making up other characters for myself. I definitely had growing pains. The popular kids didn’t want anything to do with the girl who was starting the drama club  (Point Quotes)
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