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If we were to go back in time 100 years and ask a farmer what he’d like if he could have anything, he’d probably say he wanted a horse that was twice as strong and ate half as many oats. He would not say he wanted a tractor. The point is, technology changes things so fast that many people aren’t sure what the best solutions to their problems might be  (Point Quotes) Almost every part of the mile is tactically important: you can never let down, never stop thinking, and you can be beaten at almost any point. I suppose you could say it is like life  (Point Quotes) The communications of humanity obviously are trending towards that future point at which virtually all information will be spontaneously available and copyable at the individual level: beyond that, a vast transformation must occur  (Point Quotes) It is important not to suppress your feelings altogether when you are depressed. It is equally important to avoid terrible arguments or expressions of outrage. You should steer clear of emotionally damaging behavior. People forgive, but it is best not to stir things up to the point at which forgiveness is required. When you are depressed, you need the love of other people, and yet depression fosters actions that destroy that love. Depressed people often stick pins into their own life rafts. The conscious mind can intervene. One is not helpless  (Point Quotes) I’ve always believed fitness is an entry point to help you build that happier, healthier life. When your health is strong, you’re capable of taking risks. You’ll feel more confident to ask for the promotion. You’ll have more energy to be a better mom. You’ll feel more deserving of love  (Point Quotes) All of us are mad. If it weren’t for the fact that every one of us is slightly abnormal, there wouldn’t be any point in giving each person a separate name  (Point Quotes) There is a point when you aren’t as much mom and daughter as you are adults and friends  (Point Quotes) For many of us, water simply flows from a faucet, and we think little about it beyond this point of contact. We have lost a sense of respect for the wild river, for the complex workings of a wetland, for the intricate web of life that water supports  (Point Quotes) It takes a great deal of labor and love to make ice wine. When you have it with dessert, you miss the point of enjoying it on its own  (Point Quotes) What’s the point of washing off your ball when teeing off on a water hole?  (Point Quotes) The artist accepts the limitations of form, not with fear and dread, but as the starting point of creation  (Point Quotes) The inflection point at which we have arrived is one in which we are increasingly seizing the keys to all creation, as astonding as that might seem  (Point Quotes) The point is to create a system where individuals don’t work simply for money or personal gain but to support the planet and its inhabitants in entering the next stage of evolutionary progression  (Point Quotes) Imagination must first be filled to the point of saturation with life of every kind before the moment arrives when the friction of free sociability electrifies it to such an extent that the most gentle stimulus of friendly or hostile contact elicits from it lightning sparks, luminous flashes, or shattering blows  (Point Quotes) The librarian, the warrior, the free spirit... archetypes are a great jumping off point to help clarify where we want to go with a character  (Point Quotes) Part of it has to do with the discipline of being actively receptive. At the core of this receptivity is a process that might be called soft eyes. It is a physical sensation. You are not looking for something. You are open, receptive. At some point you are in front of something that you cannot ignore  (Point Quotes) Beauty is the arrowhead of evangelization, the point with which the evangelist pierces the minds and hearts of those he evangelizes  (Point Quotes) In modern political society it is probably a fact that national leadership can heighten foreign crises to the point where war becomes almost inevitable and public approval, at least for a time, automatic  (Point Quotes) What’s the point of having a book club if you don’t get to eat brownies and drink wine?  (Point Quotes) It’s funny I’m in some ways hopelessly masculine, but I don’t fish, I don’t hunt, I’m not that into sports. I can’t fix a car. I think it’s my point of view and the way I see the world  (Point Quotes) Any materialist philosophy must take as its point of departure the existence of a material world that is independent of our minds  (Point Quotes) And here I arrive at my point. The point is that everyone has a different dream. The point is that it is a grave mistake to assume your dream is in any way shared, that it’s a common dream. Not only is it not shared, not common, there is no reason to assume that other people don’t find you and your dream utterly revolting  (Point Quotes) Life is like a landscape. You live in the midst of it but can describe it only from the vantage point of distance  (Point Quotes) There are very few certainties that touch us all in this mortal experience, but one of the absolutes is that we will experience hardship and stress at some point  (Point Quotes) The problem is one of opposition between subjective and objective points of view. There is a tendency to seek an objective account of everything before admitting its reality. But often what appears to a more subjective point of view cannot be accounted for in this way. So either the objective conception of the world is incomplete, or the subjective involves illusions that should be rejected  (Point Quotes) His background and knowledge can’t be transplanted overnight,... I’d make a point that unless you sat on the throne, you don’t know what it’s like to be king. In reality there are a lot of things that you do and people you influence that other people don’t see and that impact is there for the city  (Point Quotes) It’s difficult in my position because you are just waiting on injuries and that’s often when your opportunity comes at this point into the season,... You never wish anyone ill health, but that’s the reality of the business  (Point Quotes) When you lose the shootout, you feel like you lost the hockey game,... But we didn’t lose the hockey game. We lost a point and they gained a point. That’s the reality of it  (Point Quotes) I need someone who believes that the sun will rise again but who does not fear my darkness. Someone who can point out the rocks in my way without making me a child by carrying me. Someone who can stand in thunder and watch the lightning and believe in a rainbow  (Point Quotes) True simplicity is, well, you just keep on going and going until you get to the point where you go... Yeah, well, of course  (Point Quotes)
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