Point Quotes

Text Quotes
To concentrate implies bringing all your energy to focus on a certain point; but thought wanders away... Whereas attention has no control, no concentration. It is complete attention, which means giving all your energy, the energy of the brain, your heart, everything, to attending (Point Quotes)
It is faith, and not reason, which impels men to action... Intelligence is content to point out the road, but never drives us along it (Point Quotes)
Humanism... is not a single hypothesis or theorem, and it dwells on no new facts. It is rather a slow shifting in the philosophic perspective, making things appear as from a new centre of interest or point of sight (Point Quotes)
I can’t bear to finish things, beyond a certain point they get heavy. There’s something so dead about a finished painting (Point Quotes)
Learn the language that they understand, and when they come upon our doorstep to talk we can talk, and they will get the point. There will be a dialog, there will be some communication, and I am quite certain that then there will be some understanding (Point Quotes)
From the point of view of art, there are no concrete or abstract forms, but only forms which are more or less convincing lies (Point Quotes)
An artist must be very careful not to look for models. As soon as one artist takes another as model, he is lost. There is no other point of departure than reality (Point Quotes)
We are in truth, more than half what we are by imitation. The great point is to choose good models and to study them with care (Point Quotes)
I sometimes begin a drawing with no preconceived problem to solve, with only the desire to use pencil on paper... but as my eye takes in what is so produced, a point arrives where some idea crystallizes, and then a control and ordering begins to take place (Point Quotes)
How shall we pass most swiftly from point to point, and be present always at the focus where the greatest number of vital forces unite in their purest energy? (Point Quotes)
Nevertheless the passions, whether violent or not, should never be so expressed as to reach the point of disgust (Point Quotes)
The point is that profound but contradictory ideas may exist side by side, if they are constructed from different materials and methods. and have different purposes. Each tells us something important about where we stand in the universe, and it is foolish to insist that they must despise each other (Point Quotes)
If instead of a figure you put the shadow only of a person, you have found an original starting point, that strangeness of which you have calculated (Point Quotes)
The point is to know how to use the colours, the choice of which is, when all’s said and done, a matter of habit (Point Quotes)
We are now at the point where we must decide whether we are to honour the concept of a plural society which gains strength through diversity, or whether we are to have bitter fragmentation that will result in perpetual tension and strife (Point Quotes)
Because there is something difficult and destructive involved, there must be something creative involved as well. Relating to that creative aspect is the point (Point Quotes)
Meditation practice is a way of making friends with ourselves. Whether we are worthy or unworthy, that’s not the point. It’s developing a friendly attitude to ourselves, accepting the hidden neurosis coming through (Point Quotes)
No one can stop or control your thought process or your thinking. You can think anything you want. But that doesn’t seem to be the point. The thinking process has to be directed into a certain approach... not in accord with certain dogma, philosophy, or concepts. Instead, one has to know the thinker itself (Point Quotes)
You don’t know how to take off your suit of armor. You have no idea how to conduct yourself without the reference point of your own security... You can expose your wounds and flesh, your sore points. You can be completely raw and exposed (Point Quotes)
It is sometimes forgotten how much wit there is in certain works of abstract art. There is a certain point in undergoing anguish when one encounters the comic (Point Quotes)
Spouses often point out each other’s deficiencies. Instead, we should be each other’s motivator. My husband touches my spirit, and I try my best to motivate him, too (Point Quotes)
Treat nature by the cylinder, the sphere, the cone, everything in proper perspective so that each side of an object or a plane is directed towards a central point (Point Quotes)
The living model never answers well the idea or impressions the painter wishes to express; one must, therefore, learn to do without one, and for that, you must acquire facility, furnish one’s memory to the point of infinitude, and make numerous drawings after the old masters (Point Quotes)
These various habits of thought, or habitual expressions of life, are all phases of the single life sequence of the individual; therefore a habit formed in response to a given stimulus will necessarily affect the character of the response made to other stimuli. A modification of human nature at any one point is a modification of human nature as a whole (Point Quotes)
How badly I want that nameless thing! First there must be an idea, a feeling... Maybe it was an abstract idea that you’ve got to find a symbol for, or maybe it was a concrete form that you have to simplify or distort to meet your ends, but that starting point must pervade the whole (Point Quotes)
The point of asking questions is to find true answers; the point of measuring is to measure accurately; the point of making maps is to find your way to your destination... In short, the goal of truth goes without saying, in every human culture (Point Quotes)
I’ve got a different perception now and it’s really enjoyable to be at this point in your life and be able to watch this (Point Quotes)
There is also the danger in our culture that because a person is called upon to give public statements and is acclaimed by the establishment, such a person gets to the point of believing that he is the movement (Point Quotes)
Of course, there were huge disagreements in the arguments of military intervention,.. There is no point at the moment on focusing on those disagreements (Point Quotes)
You don’t look at it as the size of the role. Quantity is not the point. You can be as thorough in 30 seconds as you can in three hours (Point Quotes)