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People negotiate their way around how a human mind works and find blind points. That’s how people steal effectively.  (Points Quotes) We are, all four of us, blood relatives, and we speak a kind of esoteric, family language, a sort of semantic geometry in which the shortest distance between any two points is a fullish circle.  (Points Quotes) Schools still operate as if all knowledge is contained in books, and as if the salient points in books must be stored in each human brain - to be used when needed. The political and financial powers controlling schools decide what these salient points are.  (Points Quotes) Congratulations to the NBA champion Boston Celtics - they beat the Los Angeles Lakers by 39 points. Or as Hillary Clinton would say, Too close to call.  (Points Quotes) I guarantee you, if you could give me 10 points in all those seventh games against the Boston Celtics, instead of Bill Russell having 11 rings, I could’ve at least had nine or eight.  (Points Quotes) It is amazing to hear grown-up people rationalize homophobia and discrimination. The lengths they go to trying to prove their points take reason to its breaking point.  (Points Quotes) I’ve lived this very dramatic life, with high points and terrible low points. Nothing has been ordinary, and I want to have the experience of the last breath. I want a little drama to it.  (Points Quotes) To best influence someone’s behavior, be a personal example. - Be the one who points out the bright side and serves compliments rather than complaints.  (Points Quotes) And always the animals from each trip you bring back a gaze a pose a gesture that points to the truest of humanity better than images of humanity itself  (Points Quotes) The author points out that novices to total war, and this Hitler and the British press have in common, overreact to daily events and lose sight of overall strategy.  (Points Quotes) I use an app called ChoreMonster. The kids earn points for brushing teeth or picking up the dog poop. It’s genius.  (Points Quotes) The public may admire a corporation for its impressive size. Who in the United States doesn’t? But when a business, however gigantic, gets smug enough to believe that it is sufficient only to match competition on trivial points instead of leading competition in valid matters, that business is becoming vulnerable to public disfavor.  (Points Quotes) As white authors, bloggers, and readers, we must stop promoting diversity as a business opportunity or a chance to buy ally points with our disposable income.  (Points Quotes) In business, there’s a constant focus on developing strategies, reviewing executive performance against those strategies each year, engaging with opposing or different points of view, and having intellectual dialogue.  (Points Quotes) Today there are two points where a car manufacturer has interaction with you as an owner of a car. One, you buy the car. Two, you go to the car shop to repair the car.  (Points Quotes) Whether you are liberal or conservative, people seem to know the talking points for whatever the issue of the day is. Very rarely does it seem like these are opinions that people are coming up with themselves; it’s like they watched the right cable news channel, and now they know what they are supposed to think, and they repeat that.  (Points Quotes) I think of fiction as the highest calling. I’m kind of addicted to it. It’s the thing that has gotten me through all the hard points in my life.  (Points Quotes) You can’t understand it until you experience the simple joy of the first time your son points at a seagull and says ‘Duck!’  (Points Quotes) Research points to the fact that being born without trauma is the foundation for having an intact capacity to love and trust.  (Points Quotes) We have to, in the next ten years, begin to decrease the rate of carbon dioxide emissions and then flatten it out. If that doesn’t happen in ten years, we’re going to be passing certain tipping points. If the ice sheets begin to disintegrate, what can you do about it? You can’t tie a rope around an ice sheet.  (Points Quotes) You only get points when you make something the market wants. So if you work really hard on the wrong things, no one will care.  (Points Quotes) There’s a rumour going ‘round that if you amass a certain number of penalty points on your driving licence, the authorities will make you take your test again! Now, if ever there was an incentive to drive carefully, they could not have threatened a more terrifying ordeal.  (Points Quotes) I’d say the biggest relationship is the repetition of certain themes. I don’t want to say topics, but certain points of interest.  (Points Quotes) Life is not a chain of events but an area-something spreading out from a hidden centre and welling at once toward all points of the compass.  (Points Quotes) Psychological motivation is the desire to change relations between two points, and so psychology is the study of equations with two unbound variables. (America: Three Audiences)  (Points Quotes) The car resembles a dragon fly or any other jumping animal that moves shorter distances in straight lines and then changes its direction at different points.  (Points Quotes) When women turn on women, and take cheap shots at their decisions purely to score political points it serves as proof that feminism, as a movement, is dead and no longer relevant or credible.  (Points Quotes) The church still meets people at the transition points. Marriages break down. Children commit suicide and leave helpless parents. Death and suffering are everywhere.  (Points Quotes) Well, good Christ, how was I supposed to know all that, Hannah? Who looks into the fine points when he’s hungry? I’m eight years old and chocolate pudding happens to get me hot. All I have to do is see that deep chocolatey surface gleaming out at me from the refrigerator, and my life isn’t my own.  (Points Quotes) I always choose an area that is of personal interest, but I don’t plan my travels in detail. There are so many variables one cannot predict: the changing light, weather, personal mood, and often just plain luck. Of course, you must have a starting point, so I establish some fixed points then improvise as I go. In many cases the locations seem to choose me.  (Points Quotes)
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