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My role is to make sure we’re moving in the right direction, getting points, rebounds, steals, assists and providing leadership.  (Points Quotes) If self is a location, so is love: Bearings taken, markings, cardinal points, Options, obstinacies, dug heels, and distance, Here and there and now and then, a stance.  (Points Quotes) Praise, more divine than prayer; prayer points our ready path to heaven; praise is already there  (Points Quotes) Liberals need to take the advice they routinely give to conservatives: that there are consequences to their divisive rhetoric, and that in their attempts to score political points, they are also inciting violence.  (Points Quotes) Some movies I see today have the most dramatic plot points but the actors are not playing them dramatically.  (Points Quotes) I have found my way, step by step, proceeding from touch points that have emerged, some through conscious choice and some through dream state discovery.  (Points Quotes) If you can look at a crime where everything points to one answer and not see it, you’re a dumb-ass. And if you can look at the deficit and not see that the problem is that the rich stopped paying taxes, you’re a Republican.  (Points Quotes) If Mr. [Donald] Trump is up 10 or 15 points on Election Day and ends up losing, then, you know, maybe he can raise some questions. That doesn’t seem to be the case at that moment.  (Points Quotes) A time-tested political tactic guaranteed to raise a president’s popularity rating by at least 30 points. It is especially useful during election years and economic downturns.  (Points Quotes) It’s the emotional trigger points that are important to me because I know if I could believe in the characters and try and imagine how they felt then I’d be able to do something quite honest.  (Points Quotes) I used to enjoy using dots where they would be least expected, not at the end of a sentence but in the middle, creating the effect... of a skipped beat. It seemed to me the mind reacted - first!... in dots, dashes, and exclamation points, then rationalized, drew up a brief, with periods.  (Points Quotes) At different points in my life, I had grappled with the idea of going into the priesthood - in high school or law school. Where it ends, I’m not quite sure. Perhaps it ends with death, grappling with one’s spirituality.  (Points Quotes) You always take a little bit back with you at the end of the day. I always put a little bit of myself into the characters, too. You find parallels, points of connection, things like that. But I’m not an actor who gets so incredibly haunted by my characters that I can’t come back.  (Points Quotes) Tolerance, openness to argument, openness to self-doubt, willingness to see other people’s points of view - these are very liberal and enlightened values that people are right to hold, but we can’t allow them to delude us to the point where we can’t recognise people who are needlessly perpetrating human misery.  (Points Quotes) The sad truth is that most Christians spend their entire lives trying to score points with Someone who is not keeping score.  (Points Quotes) It’s one thing to work women into your talking points. It’s another to tell them how you are going to educate their kids, how you are going to ensure they get health care, how we are going to rebuild infrastructure, how they are going to get equal pay.  (Points Quotes) Artists see the world in a very different way than everyone else, and it’s important when the artist points a lens at the law.  (Points Quotes) You can kill people with sound. And if you can kill, then maybe there is also the sound that is opposite of killing. And the distance between these two points is very big. And you are free--you can choose. In art everything is possible, but everything is not necessary.  (Points Quotes) The camera points both ways. In expressing the subject you also express yourself.....  (Points Quotes) No matter if I’m booting extra points, kicking off, punting...whatever. I can kick things far, and I’m willing to do whatever the Colts ask of me.  (Points Quotes) To her amazement, she realized that the way of life of these people was nothing more than an indeterminate fiction, casually knotted together at particular points that were used again and again. With four or five remarks, and a couple of facial expressions, she had mastered it with no problem at all.  (Points Quotes) Since ancient times the term awakening has been used as a kind of metaphor that points to the transformation of human consciousness. There are parables in the New Testament that speak of the importance of being awake, of not falling back to sleep.  (Points Quotes) In my opinion, there are two focal points of the war danger. The first focal point is the Far East zone of Japan. The second focal point in the zone is Germany.  (Points Quotes) We all have points in our lives where two roads present themselves and we have to make a decision very fast. We don’t know how it will impact our lives, but it usually does.  (Points Quotes) Whenever you’re fighting with weapons, there’s a level of reality because people don’t understand that these are still metal or hard rubber with sharp points - that if the timing’s wrong, you could definitely get hurt. There’s nothing like working with an actor who doesn’t know what they’re doing, because you’re always in fear of losing an eye.  (Points Quotes) What is acted out on the female body parallels the larger practices of domination, fragmentation, and conquest against the earth body, which is being polluted, strip-mined, deforested, and cut up into parcels of private property. Equally, this pattern points to the fragmentation of the psyche, which ultimately underlies and enables all of this damage.  (Points Quotes) Life doesn’t change when you meet a guy and life doesn’t fall apart when you break up with one. We are teaching young female readers the wrong things through books not only expressing this point, but also using these two concepts as turning plot points of novels.  (Points Quotes) A lot of modern film scoring is about a lack of themes, so I try to find ways of using music that doesn’t necessarily have thematic material in it to make the points when there is thematic material even stronger. It’s cool to be able to combine old and new.  (Points Quotes) Financial planning is like navigation. If you know where you are and where you want to go, navigation isn’t such a great problem. It’s when you don’t know the two points that it’s difficult.  (Points Quotes) While you’re finding evidence of innocence, you also find evidence that points to other people  (Points Quotes)
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