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Pole Quotes

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There’s a big difference between poll workers and pole workers. Sadly.  (Pole Quotes) Man is about to be deprived of a great pole - work routine. The nightmare of capitalist society is unemployment; the nightmare of cybernetic society will be employment.  (Pole Quotes) Those youngsters go out there and set a record and clinch the pole position. But what do you do if you wreck your car. That record doesn’t spend too well.  (Pole Quotes) Some scientists believe climate change is the cause of unprecedented melting of the North Pole, and that effects these very uncertain weather patterns. I think we should listen to those scientists and experts.  (Pole Quotes) He stopped and leaned against a pole and looked up at the deaf and swollen sky. It was a movement of dark shapes, a hurrying, a running.He closed his eyes. (Hunger)  (Pole Quotes) I had my young eyes opened by the impersonal blood and guts of news photography. I was running the gamut every low man on the totem pole runs - country clubs to mass murder.  (Pole Quotes) Shakira’s music isn’t my cup of tea, but the way she moves her hips reminds me of the feeling you get when you climb the gym pole.  (Pole Quotes) Someone is dead. Even the trees know it, those poor old dancers who come on lewdly, all pea-green scarfs and spine pole.  (Pole Quotes) As a child, I spent a lot of time alone. I used to sit in my closet with one cracker. I’d pretend that I was on the North Pole freezing to death, and I had to somehow survive on this one tiny cracker.  (Pole Quotes) The greatest want of the world is the want of men - men who will not be bought or sold; men who in their inmost souls are true and honest; men who do not fear to call sin by its right name; men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole; men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.  (Pole Quotes) It’s not that hard to climb a pole. All you need are powerful thighs and an empty soul.  (Pole Quotes) I was never ready to give up, but I did get words of confidence to move forward from a few musicians that had climbed up the totem pole of rock. They were encouraging words that struck a nerve with me and made me stronger.  (Pole Quotes) The North Pole will be ice-free during summer in years to come, and that itself will put the Arctic Sea basin on a very high risk of... environmental disasters that might be there.  (Pole Quotes) You don’t have to give people fish everyday but instead you must give them the pole to learn how to fish themselves.  (Pole Quotes) I’m excited that ‘The Good Guy’ is getting distribution because indie movies they’re not - people ran out of money and they’re not making these movies anymore. It’s all superhero movies or real obvious tent pole studio films.  (Pole Quotes) A fishing pole is a stick with a hook at one end and a fool on the other  (Pole Quotes) Lot Of Strip Clubs in Florida... Good grief... Florida has so many strip clubs, they need to change their state flag to a brass pole.  (Pole Quotes) You can’t really get into regular football after you watch Australian rules football because it’s just two different ends of the totem pole.  (Pole Quotes) I looked at game show hosting as the bottom of the totem pole, one step away from infomercials. I never watched them myself. However, it’s been a lot of fun.  (Pole Quotes) If this whole writing thing doesn’t work out, I’ll be getting right back on the pole  (Pole Quotes) Environmental scientists in Canada said it was impossible for me to get to the Pole in 2004... I said ‘no,’ it’s still OK, and I can still get there, and I did.  (Pole Quotes) The goal of education should be to dismantle the Middle Pole view, not to reinforce it in the name of the need for a grounding in one’s own civilisation.  (Pole Quotes) I won the Olympic gold medal in Rome, Italy. Olympic champion. The Russian standing right here, and the Pole right here.  (Pole Quotes) After the failure in 92, my goal was to be a good pole vaulter. I used that as motivation.  (Pole Quotes) If your gonna drop out of school - tough grades are not your goal - then change your name to Candy and learn to work a pole.  (Pole Quotes) Telephone pole wires get in the way of great photos. Communication always gets in the way of communication.  (Pole Quotes) Yeah, it turns out that guys don’t like deals on laser hair removal or pole dancing lessons  (Pole Quotes) In the middle of the North Pole, anything hot gives the feeling like touching the hand of the God!  (Pole Quotes) People know my lyrics; they know the stuff I’ve written, and it’s all about life, love, happiness, and these big euphoric moments. It would always bug me when I’d go to a club, and they’re playing some chick on a stripper pole on the monitor behind me. I’m like, ‘So that’s not what I do - that’s the other guy.’  (Pole Quotes) I do not have to look for credentials for my Polishness and for my patriotism. I’m a Pole. The chronicles of my family go back - as far back as the 13th century.  (Pole Quotes)
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