Policies Quotes

Text Quotes
First of all, I don’t like to speak about austerity. I’d prefer to speak of fiscal discipline. Fiscal discipline, in the end, amounts to austerity if it is not accompanied by other policies. (Policies Quotes)
We need to fix Washington, D.C. and states need to fix their sanctuary policies. That’s the problem. (Policies Quotes)
Rather than following through on the proven crime and violence prevention techniques that work, we are back to tough-talking sound byte policies that have been proven to not only fail to reduce crime but actually increase crime, waste taxpayers’ money and discriminate against minorities. (Policies Quotes)
Israel is following policies which maximise its security threats... policies which choose expansion over security... policies which lead to their moral degradation, their isolation, their delegitimation, as they call it now, and very likely ultimate destruction. That’s not impossible. (Policies Quotes)
We’re in an illusion about what our role is in world politics and foreign affairs, and our policies are killing and destroying and doing a lot of things that we are not aware of. (Policies Quotes)
Barack Obama has talked a lot about changing the way America relates to the world, and few areas are as ripe for reform as our policies on foreign aid. (Policies Quotes)
The recent, single-year influx of unaccompanied minors from foreign countries into the United States is a direct result of President Obama’s policies of encouraging amnesty and failing to enforce existing immigration laws. (Policies Quotes)
In Iran, people are free to express their views. Every day, some people criticize the policies of the government. (Policies Quotes)
Basically, the myth is that America has been founded on the free market; the government has done very little; it has thrived under free trade. But actually, if you look at the history, this is actually the country that has succeeded most with protectionist policies. (Policies Quotes)
The President, in talking about freedom and democracy, is sparking a wave of very positive democratic sentiment that might help us override both Islamic fundamentalism that has formed in that region, and also some of the hatred for our policies of invading Iraq. (Policies Quotes)
I was first elected to public office when the Reagan revolution was in full swing. Maximizing freedom guided the policies of that era, with tremendous success. (Policies Quotes)
Friedrich Hayek, who died on March 23, 1992 at age 92, was arguably the greatest social scientist of the twentieth century. By the time of his death, his fundamental way of thought had supplanted the system of John Maynard Keynes - his chief intellectual rival of the century - in the battle since the 1930s for the minds of economists and the policies of governments. (Policies Quotes)
I happen to agree with the anti - dictatorship policies, but I don’t think it’s the role of General Electric to support them or oppose them. They do of course, but I don’t agree with that. (Policies Quotes)
How about we get rid of separate bathrooms for boys and girls? Gays and straights share the bathroom with zero issues. We need to put an end to the sexist pooping policies of yesterday. The only way to achieve gender equality is to start crapping in front of each other. (Policies Quotes)
When I got to be a CEO, I said: ‘Right. I’m now going to tackle gender inequality head-on. I’m going to make a difference and lead by example and actively put in place policies and practices to support women.’ (Policies Quotes)
I believe in being a happy conservative: that you’re happy because your policies will give people greater freedom, greater independence. But you have to explain why your policy makes life better. (Policies Quotes)
Capitalism brainwashes us through advertising and the skewing of priorities .... We need economies that promote human values, seek to limit suffering, and are committed to democratic principles, rather than ones dependent on global trade and a blind commitment to neo-liberal economic policies. (Policies Quotes)
There are philosophical issues involved in that about choosing the right discount rate, the value, the future, and things like that which drive it. But its start with the premise that global warming is real and if you’re a denier of that fact, then you’re not going to find climate change mitigation policies to have particular appeal. (Policies Quotes)
Then as now, whatever disagreements over policies existed among Americans - and there were many such bitter policy disputes - the purposes and goals for which Americans fought were clearly understood. (Policies Quotes)
Hillary Clinton’s policies are bigoted because she knows they’re not going to work (Policies Quotes)
Others say that that’s not good for the country [to resist Donald’s Trump ] and that they should work with this new administration on policies... (Policies Quotes)
Washington, D.C. is what is broken, not the immigration policies. We have good laws. We have people suffer every day because of government’s failure to enforce the law and be respectful to the process we have. We have a pathway to citizenship already in place. (Policies Quotes)
U.S. assistance provides the Jordanian government needed flexibility to pursue policies that are of critical importance to U.S. national security and to foreign policy objectives in the Middle East. (Policies Quotes)
Leftist big-government policies have been disastrous for black America just as they were in the countries that most Hispanics emigrated from. But like the gambling addict who keeps gambling the more he loses, those addicted to government entitlements keep increasing the size of the government even as their situation worsens. (Policies Quotes)
The White House doesn’t create jobs. The government together - White House, Congress - creates policies that allow for greater job creation. (Policies Quotes)
The government in Turkey, which represents the powerful, traditionalist mass, is very comfortable creating policies tailored only for their supporters. (Policies Quotes)
Let’s face it, the U.S. government is woefully, woefully behind in all of its policies that affect the use of technology. (Policies Quotes)
Tariffs protect ill-considered government policies, such as costly regulations and high taxes on labor and capital that make our goods uncompetitive in international markets. (Policies Quotes)
We... are not really free if we can’t control our own government and its policies. And we will never do that if we remain ignorant. (Policies Quotes)
Silicon Valley benefits, as all of industry, from highly protectionist policy - patent policies and things like that - which come out of the government. (Policies Quotes)