Policies Quotes

Text Quotes
We all have choices. We can build walls or we can build bridges. We can give our talents to creating weapons of annihilation, as so many scientists have done, or we can work to find solutions to humanities greatest problems. Our orientation is found not only in our acts, but also in the policies we support or oppose (Policies Quotes)
An intellectual may be interested in ideas and policies for their own sake, but a politician’s interest is exclusively in the question of whether an idea’s time has come (Policies Quotes)
Firms don’t just try to pay as little as possible to get the needed bodies on board; when there is unemployment, they ask themselves how wage cuts would affect the behavior of the employees. Would they quit or feel dissatisfied and work less hard on the firm’s behalf if they feel that wage policies are unfair? (Policies Quotes)
However destructive may be the policies of the government and the methods and products of the corporations, the root of the problem is always found to be found in private life. We must learn to see that every problem that concerns us as conservationists always leads straight to the question of how we live. The world is being destroyed, no doubt about it, by the greed of the rich and powerful. It is also being destroyed by popular demand (Policies Quotes)
I don’t think that our problem, our jobs problem, is fundamentally a problem of trade. I think it has much more to do with the fact that we have not sufficiently educated our population. We have not got out of this great recession with adequate stimulus and adequate fiscal and monetary policies over all (Policies Quotes)
We therefore must keep the faith, despite the defeat of policies, because men pass with their policies whilst generations follow each other (Policies Quotes)
I cite a good example, say, of agriculture,.. In agriculture we need to move with speed to bring to full utilization the land that is now in our possession. We need to curb aspects of corruption that are endemic in the economy. We need to be transparent in everything that we do. We need to be consistent in implementing the policies we would have agreed. And not implement policies one day and reverse them the other day (Policies Quotes)
One of the biggest insurance mistakes boat owners make is endorsing their boats onto their homeowners policies, which may not cover their losses from a major storm (Policies Quotes)
I wanted to retain my individuality. I was afraid of being hampered by studio policies. I knew if someone else got control, I would be restrained (Policies Quotes)
Drugs have destroyed many lives, but wrongheaded governmental policies have destroyed many more. I think it’s obvious that after 40 years of war on drugs, it has not worked. There should be decriminalization of drugs (Policies Quotes)
I’m a big believer in education. If people learn the truth, they’ll see the benefit if they have gender neutral policies (Policies Quotes)
I don’t think there’s a conflation between somebody’s personal wealth and whether they should run for office or not, assuming that they’re not actually pursuing policies that help them make a lot of money (Policies Quotes)
Legislation is a matter of more or less intelligent improvisation aiming at palliating conditions by means of patchwork policies (Policies Quotes)
When it comes to our foreign policy, you seem to want to import the foreign policies of the 1980s, just like the social policies of the 1950s and the economic policies of the 1920s (Policies Quotes)
We need more than new policies. We need a new worldview, and a new bottom line. We need to replace economic values as our ordering principle, with humanitarian values as our ordering principle (Policies Quotes)
At the local government level, policies must be championed to increase the number of instructional hours in our schools as well as make the process of admission easier in order to enroll and keep a higher number of students in class (Policies Quotes)
Policies are judged by their consequences but crusades are judged by how good they make the crusaders feel (Policies Quotes)
Americans need to see people who are honestly trying to learn from each other, even as we make our own points powerfully and fight for our own values and policies (Policies Quotes)
A phenomenon noticeable throughout history regardless of place or period is the pursuit by governments of policies contrary to their own interests (Policies Quotes)
I’m sympathetic to the decent and hapless footsoldier into whose lap falls the unenviable duty of carrying out fubar policies (Policies Quotes)
People just hate the idea of losing. Any loss, even a small one, is just so terrible to contemplate that they compensate by buying insurance, including totally absurd policies like air travel (Policies Quotes)
Americans are hard working, innovative, proud people who want bad government policies and high taxes to get out of the way so they can take care of their families and pursue their dreams (Policies Quotes)
Positive response from some of our exporters and holders of free funds in response to some of the turnaround initiatives... in particular the favourable exchange rate policies (Policies Quotes)
My father, for his part, was not a man to begrudge anyone a divergent opinion; he’d have been fine if I had written some articles disagreeing with his policies, or even given interviews, as long as I was respectful and civil (Policies Quotes)
Canada will also look into their policies to avoid a repeat. They will go after their exporter (Policies Quotes)
Civility also requires relearning how to disagree without being disagreeable. Surely you can question my policies without questioning my faith or, for that matter, my citizenship (Policies Quotes)
A nation’s domestic and foreign policies and actions should be derived from the same standards of ethics, honesty and morality which are characteristic of the individual citizens of the nation (Policies Quotes)
In my view, we need a massive federal jobs program which puts millions of our people back to work. We must end our disastrous trade policies. We need to raise the minimum wage to a living wage. And we have to fight for pay equity for women (Policies Quotes)
Modern women are squeezed between the devil and the deep blue sea, and there are no lifeboats out there in the form of public policies designed to help these women combine their roles as mothers and as workers (Policies Quotes)
This is not about trade, no one is a stronger supporter of capitalism and trade than I am. This is about sovereignty and whether a country has the right to set its own public health policies (Policies Quotes)