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Policing Quotes

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I believe in community policing  (Policing Quotes) Well, by all means please let’s decentralize policing  (Policing Quotes) The act of policing is, in order to punish less often, to punish more severely  (Policing Quotes) Ferguson and St. Louis County are not the first places that we have become engaged to ensure fair and equitable policing, and they will not be the last. The Department of Justice will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that the Constitution has meaning for all communities.  (Policing Quotes) We also have to recognize, in addition to the challenges that we face with policing, there are so many good, brave police officers who equally want reform.  (Policing Quotes) We are not a country that subscribes to policing any part of the world. The areas we are comfortable with are capacity building, intelligence sharing, exchange of ships, call on each other’s ports, joint training and exercises.  (Policing Quotes) We need to support our police officers and make sure that community policing becomes something that becomes the standard across the country.  (Policing Quotes) The way you make communities safer and police safer is through community policing  (Policing Quotes) I believe in community policing. And, in fact, violent crime is one-half of what it was in 1991.  (Policing Quotes) Obviously these conditions [violence, poverty] predate the [Barack] Obama presidency and the president has limited ways to dent this violence. But funding war weapons in cities, as opposed to more community policing, is not the solution.  (Policing Quotes) Well, what did we buy? Instead of a leaner, smarter government, we bought a bureaucracy that now tells us which light bulbs to buy, and which will put 16,500 IRS agents in charge of policing President Obama’s health care bill.  (Policing Quotes) Community policing is a great idea. It’s worked in the Hoosier state.  (Policing Quotes) No one can know how long this dumbing-down of American religion will persist. But so long as it does, citizens should probably be more vigilant about policing the public square, not less so. . . . [Y]ou cannot sustain liberal democracy without cultivating liberal habits of mind among religious believers. That remains true today, both in Baghdad and in Baton Rouge.  (Policing Quotes) The horrific cases in Ferguson, in Staten Island with the death of Eric Garner, and all across the country serve as stark reminders that we must have a say in who polices us, and how that policing is done. We must, we must, let our voices be heard on Election Day.  (Policing Quotes) We’ve got to do everything possible to improve policing, to go right at implicit bias  (Policing Quotes) The DOJ has employed these investigations in communities across our nation to reform serious patterns and practices of force, biased policing and other unconstitutional practices by law enforcement, I’m asking the Department of Justice to investigate if our police department has engaged in a pattern or practice of stops, searches or arrests that violate the fourth amendment.  (Policing Quotes) What we need is a political and joyous alternative to the behaviorist discourse, the Christian discourse on evil or sin, and the convergence of the two in forms of gender policing that [is] tyrannical and destructive.  (Policing Quotes) Moral police’ is my new word. I am very against the media doing moral policing, giving opinions on actor’s lives. Media should not become moral police; they should just report.  (Policing Quotes) Well, what did we buy? Instead of a leaner, smarter government, we bought a bureaucracy that now tells us which light bulbs to buy, and which will put 16, 500 IRS agents in charge of policing President Obama's health care bill  (Policing Quotes) Regardless of the cultural system, social pressure to appear straight seems to be fairly intense cross-culturally. Indeed, one is inclined to wonder, if being straight is just natural, why does it require quite so much policing?  (Policing Quotes) Let’s talk about policing and public safety. Let’s debate what works and what does not. We must abandon practices that do not work, and do more of the things that actually do work to save lives  (Policing Quotes) Guilt serves a powerful social function in terms of policing our behavior  (Policing Quotes) Questions have arisen about the policing of science. Who is responsible for the policing? My answer is: all of us  (Policing Quotes) No one’s policing their own minds more than an author. You spend a lot of time in your own head analysing what you think about things, and a philosophy comes  (Policing Quotes) A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless. We find that after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us  (Policing Quotes) The conversation around policing is painful but I believe it provides us with an opportunity to learn, to change and to grow  (Policing Quotes) Effective policing relies on the police having the confidence of the communities they serve, and this consultation gives the public an opportunity to contribute to the values and standards they expect of police officers  (Policing Quotes) Just as in policing there is an emphasis on civilians to help with paperwork, we must free up trained and experienced social workers to focus on children, not bureaucracy  (Policing Quotes) We are not a country that subscribes to policing any part of the world. The areas we are comfortable with are capacity building, intelligence sharing, exchange of ships, call on each other’s ports, joint training and exercises  (Policing Quotes) I believe in a civil society we should do as much as possible not to have firearms in any guise, but obviously they are a necessary function of policing  (Policing Quotes)
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