Policy Makers Quotes

Text Quotes
Somewhere in, I think, the back of the mind of some [education] policy makers is this idea that if we fine-tune it well enough, if we just get it right, it will all hum along perfectly into the future. It won’t, and it never did (Policy Makers Quotes)
Toward the end of the Second World War, anew consciousness arose amongst the publicand policy makers of the Western World. Afterten years of crippling economic depressionand another five at war, the public demandedsomething new from their disintegratingurban environments. (Policy Makers Quotes)
In recent years, academics, policy-makers, and experts have raised the question of the applicability of peacetime environmental law in times of armed conflict. (Policy Makers Quotes)
Wherever there is injustice, there is anger, and anger is like gasoline - if you spray it around and somebody lights a matchstick, you have an inferno. But anger inside an engine is powerful: it can drive us forward and can get us through dreadful moments and give us power. I learnt this with my discussions with nuclear policy makers. (Policy Makers Quotes)
The key reason why we are richer than our ancestors is that these ancestors have bequeathed us buildings, factories and machines that have given us a high living standard to start with. Driven by irresponsible policy makers, America’s present generation is consuming the nation’s capital (Policy Makers Quotes)
The problem is the policy makers don’t have practitioners in the policy team. You won’t make an IT policy without consulting a Narayan Murthy or Nandan Nilekani. But for energy, people think they know everything and they know what to do for it. That’s how the policies are created in Delhi and that needs to change (Policy Makers Quotes)
Every concerned citizen and policy maker should read this book. The environmentalists will hate it. The world’s destitute masses will love it. And everyone will be challenged by it to reexamine their beliefs and the environmental establishment’s claims (Policy Makers Quotes)
Policy is formed by preconceptions, by long implanted biases. When information is relayed to policy-makers, they respond in terms of what is already inside their heads and consequently make policy less to fit the facts than to fit the notions and intentions formed out of the mental baggage that has accumulated in their minds since childhood (Policy Makers Quotes)
It is profoundly troubling when you have Supreme Court justices not following their judicial oath. And taking the role of policy makers and legislators, rather than being judges (Policy Makers Quotes)
If we want to keep farmers in business, it’s time for all of us, ordinary citizens and policy makers alike, to begin learning how that might be done. Sharing the Harvest is a great place to start (Policy Makers Quotes)
Indian president does not determine policy. Here President is not the policy maker. In the name of the president, the cabinet takes the policy decision (Policy Makers Quotes)
If, in our haste to ‘progress,’ the economics of ecology are disregarded by citizens and policy makers alike, the result will be an ugly America. We cannot afford an America where expedience tramples upon esthetics and development decisions are made with an eye only on the present (Policy Makers Quotes)
Global warming - at least the modern nightmare vision - is a myth. I am sure of it and so are a growing number of scientists. But what is really worrying is that the world’s politicians and policy makers are not (Policy Makers Quotes)
The IPCC ‘policy summaries,’ written by a small group of their political operatives, frequently contradict the work of the scientists that prepare the scientific assessments. Even worse, some of the wording in the science portions has been changed by policy makers after the scientists have approved the conclusions (Policy Makers Quotes)
Children have in the past and continue to influence policy makers (Policy Makers Quotes)
Women are never again going to be mindless coffee-makers or mindless policy-makers in politics (Policy Makers Quotes)
Homelessness came into being because liberal policy makers embraced a series of foolish ideas (Policy Makers Quotes)
Until the public demands otherwise, the policy makers will continue to serve their financiers (Policy Makers Quotes)
The resistance of policy makers to intelligence is not just founded on an ideological presupposition. They distrust intelligence sources and intelligence officials because they don't understand what the real problems are (Policy Makers Quotes)
As this body of knowledge has evolved, a much more critical job for researchers and scientists has evolved into explaining and educating policy makers and the public to the risks of global warming and the possible consequences of action or of no action (Policy Makers Quotes)
Anyone who studies declassified documents soon becomes aware that government secrecy is largely an effort to protect policy makers from scrutiny by citizens, not to protect the country from enemies (Policy Makers Quotes)
Policy makers, like most people, normally feel that they already know all the psychology and all the sociology they are likely to need for their decisions. I don’t think they are right, but that’s the way it is (Policy Makers Quotes)
I think the policy makers like the idea of being the boss. I mean people who like to boss other people around like to go into politics so they can become the boss (Policy Makers Quotes)
I think we’re much more comfortable with women as policy makers.We’re not there yet, but the comfort zone is much wider than it was when I came (Policy Makers Quotes)
Policy makers still think that if we just hand out more money the world’s problems will be solved (Policy Makers Quotes)
For policy makers interested in using tax policy to stimulate investments or especially to smooth business cycle fluctuations, the results are not promising (Policy Makers Quotes)
We need to ask our policy makers and those we elect to office who are supposed to make decisions to give us the evidence of the facts that are behind the decisions that we make. We should be skeptical (Policy Makers Quotes)