Policy Quotes

Text Quotes
In a world of increasing interdependence, energy security will depend much on how countries manage their relations with one another. That is why energy security will be one of the main challenges of foreign policy in the years ahead. Oil and gas have always been political commodities (Policy Quotes)
The federal government has made explicit and implicit promises to millions of people, but has put no money aside in order to keep those promises. Some of you may wonder where Bernie Madoff got the idea for his Ponzi scheme. Clearly he was studying federal entitlement policy (Policy Quotes)
In a world dependent on international trade and commerce, and staggering under a heavy load of international debt, no policy is more destructive than protectionism. It cuts off markets, eliminates trade, causes unemployment in the export industries all over the world, depresses the prices of export commodities, especially farm products of the United States. It is the crowning folly of government intervention (Policy Quotes)
The key reason why we are richer than our ancestors is that these ancestors have bequeathed us buildings, factories and machines that have given us a high living standard to start with. Driven by irresponsible policy makers, America’s present generation is consuming the nation’s capital (Policy Quotes)
You have to take risks on policy. You can’t be a politician, wringing your hands, worried about what the public opinion polls are saying or worried about the negative attacks. If you believe in something, go fight for it (Policy Quotes)
During the debate over NAFTA President Clinton said, ‘I believe that NAFTA will create a million jobs in the first five years of its impact.’ WRONG. According to the Economic Policy Institute, NAFTA has led to the loss of more than 680,000 U.S. jobs. I voted against NAFTA and other bad trade agreements and am fighting to stop the TPP (Policy Quotes)
Until we fully understand what turned two brothers who allegedly perpetrated the Boston Marathon bombings into murderers, it is hard to make any policy recommendation other than this: We need to redouble our efforts to make America stronger and healthier so it remains a vibrant counterexample to whatever bigoted ideology may have gripped these young men....And the best place to start is with a carbon tax (Policy Quotes)
Humans who see something different than them want to hate it and tear it down. Britain had a government policy that allowed prejudice to destroy someone’s life, and today there is still homophobia at home and elsewhere, like Russia or Greece. It’s still a relevant discussion. While women have it better than the 1940s or 50s, sexism is still prevalent (Policy Quotes)
Hip-hop is contributing to American society’s misogyny and racism, hyper-sexuality anti-Black representations. Hip-Hop isn’t setting the standard for misogyny. No one reduces the presidency to misogyny, although we’ve had misogynistic presidents. No one reduces our government to being solely homophobic, although we have a government with a don’t ask, don’t tell policy for gays and lesbians in the military (Policy Quotes)
Bush had expertise in one thing: How to run a Presidential campaign. He understands campaigns and Presidential politics. He has no interest or disposition or I think probably - he’s not stupid, but he’s not bright, he’s not a rocket scientist - he isn’t interested in policy (Policy Quotes)
The National Security Adviser is supposed to be an arbiter of policy and open minded in internal debates. But the playing field was never balanced. It was always tilted toward Rumsfeld’s position, which is obviously the same as Bush’s (Policy Quotes)
Well, the most important thing a president will be is commander-in-chief. And that requires having an understanding of the complex issues on foreign policy. Foreign policy presents us often with hard choices, not black or white choices (Policy Quotes)
Our population is growing rapidly because of our good health policy. When I came into office, there were 14 million Ugandans, today there are 38 million, despite the catastrophe of AIDS, which we have also tackled. The Ugandans know and appreciate this, especially the elderly (Policy Quotes)
Thus, in view of what I have said, we could not officially hack [Hillary’s Clinton mail]. It would require certain intuition and knowledge of the U.S. domestic policy peculiarities. I am not sure that even our experts from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have such intuition (Policy Quotes)
My interest in foreign policy is above the average voter’s interest. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t talk about it (Policy Quotes)
In the United States, one of the main topics of academic political science is the study of attitudes and policy and their correlation. The study of attitudes is reasonably easy in the United States: heavily-polled society, pretty serious and accurate polls, and policy you can see, and you can compare them (Policy Quotes)
According to an analysis by the Tax Policy Center, Donald Trump`s tax plan is going to increase the national debt by more than 50 percent over ten years (Policy Quotes)
Of course, aid is only one small part of international development. Some of the greatest benefits to the world’s poorest can be achieved through policy changes by developed countries (Policy Quotes)
The result of the collaborative culture is that corporations or government institutions focus intensely on internal culture and pour their energy into achieving minuscule policy changes relating to workplace efficiency, gender or race (Policy Quotes)
The Reagan years showed us that expanding economic freedom should be the North Star - the guiding light - of U.S. policy, because it is the best way to achieve sustained and broad-based prosperity for all (Policy Quotes)
Acting is no longer about lying. It’s now about revealing the truth. People are at ease with me now. Honesty is the best policy (Policy Quotes)
The thing that I think a lot of guys need to know how to do is not take your mother’s advice about honesty being the best policy. Listen to your cool, drunk uncle who tells you to lie. Those are the relationships that last. (Policy Quotes)
As we get closer to the end of this Congress, we should be addressing the urgent needs of the American people - the war in Iraq, affordable health care, a sensible energy policy, quality education for our children, retirement security, and a sound and fair fiscal policy. (Policy Quotes)
[Donald Trump] said it`s against affordable health care for poor people and will not fight to raise wages for working poor people, that`s pushing all of them in terms of policy. (Policy Quotes)
When you have a policy of making sure that African Americans cannot build wealth, of plundering African American communities of wealth, giving opportunities to other people, it’s only right that you might want to, you know, pay that back. (Policy Quotes)
Europe and Africa share proximity and history, ideas and ideals, trade and technology. You are tied together by the ebb and flow of people. Migration presents policy challenges - but also represents an opportunity to enhance human development, promote decent work, and strengthen collaboration. (Policy Quotes)
Among the friends of Union, there is great diversity of sentiment and of policy in regard to slavery and the African race among us. (Policy Quotes)
After Secretary Clinton announced in January 2010 that Internet freedom would be a major pillar of U.S. foreign policy, the State Department decided to take what Clinton calls a ‘venture capital’ approach to the funding of tools, research, public information projects, and training. (Policy Quotes)
After much deliberation, and after reviewing the legal, public policy and civil-rights questions presented, I support marriage equality for same-sex couples and believe that DOMA should be repealed. (Policy Quotes)
Economists agree about economics - and that’s a science - and they disagree about economic policy because that’s a value judgment... I’ve had profound disagreements on policy with the famous Milton Friedman. But, on economics, we agree. (Policy Quotes)