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I do struggle with how much and in which way, as an artist or celebrity, that you voice your political views  (Political Quotes) In the beginning I thought, and still think, he did great good in giving support and encouragement to this movement. But I did not believe then, and have never believed since, that these ills can be settled by partisan political methods. They are moral and economic questions  (Political Quotes) I feel I’m two people: I have my interest in acting and I have a lot of other political interests I’d like to pursue  (Political Quotes) I have plenty of political views and plenty of social and personal prejudices. I do not, however, value them  (Political Quotes) Painting is a very difficult thing. It absorbs the whole man, body and soul, thus have I passed blindly many things which belong to real and political life  (Political Quotes) So the result was that as one approached a political convention for most of the 19th century and for most of the 20th century until the 1960’s, part of the drama was the fact that you didn’t know ultimately who was going to be the nominee at the end of that convention week  (Political Quotes) It would be really hard to get serious about anything political today unless it was a joke  (Political Quotes) The decision to join or not join a service union, political party or other organization should be left up to the individual. No such organization has the right to take money out of the pockets of state workers without their proper consent  (Political Quotes) I don’t think it’s the job of theatre at the moment to provide political propaganda; that would be simplistic. We have to explore our situation further before we will understand it  (Political Quotes) In spite of our poverty and our economic dependence, we do not have to give in, neither because we are sometimes abandoned nor because of the wish of some nations to impose their economic or political models  (Political Quotes) We’re at unique point in history where the things that we are building are going to significantly impact our social, political, economical, and personal lives  (Political Quotes) There was never in my mind a desire to give in on the subject of freeing the political prisoners  (Political Quotes) I was in a little punk band and we put out a few punk records that weren’t very political, at all  (Political Quotes) My theory is this; I’m not a political songwriter. I’m an honest songwriter  (Political Quotes) You get to a point where the factual adjudication doesn’t matter because there are all these other outlets that are far less responsible, all talking about the ad, some of which have a political reason for promoting it  (Political Quotes) There is no stopping the world’s tendency to throw off imposed restraints, the religious authority that is based on the ignorance of the many, the political authority that is based on the knowledge of the few  (Political Quotes) The stage of the development of the productive forces determines the political and ideological superstructure of society which are crystallized into a system of social organization  (Political Quotes) There is no private domain of a person’s life that is not political, and there is no political issue that is not ultimately personal  (Political Quotes) I’m just not political. I have opinions, but there’s nothing about the process that has ever interested me. I’m 22, and this is the first interview I’ve ever done in my life  (Political Quotes) The rule of law should be upheld by all political parties. They should neither advise others to break the law, nor encourage others to do so even when they strongly disagree with the legislation put forward by the government of the day  (Political Quotes) If the conditions were right there could be great acceptance. Often it is only when they pose an economic or political threat that it turns really ugly  (Political Quotes) There is little place in the political scheme of things for an independent, creative personality, for a fighter. Anyone who takes that role must pay a price  (Political Quotes) All wars come to an end, at least temporarily. But the authority acquired by the state hangs on; political power never abdicates  (Political Quotes) In 1995 the whole political situation was very complicated. I was the first deputy prime minister, and at the same time I had very low influence in the government  (Political Quotes) If you think of life and death on a continuum, finding the point where it tips is complicated. It cuts across all political lines and gets to the root of our humanity. It requires faith informed by years of intimacy that you’re doing what’s right for your loved one  (Political Quotes) As the books grew bigger and more ambitious, the situations in question sometimes became political ones, and so it became necessary to start painting in the social background on a scale which eventually became panoramic  (Political Quotes) It seems to me that you would have to write a novel on a very small, intimate scale for it not to become political  (Political Quotes) Despite my emphasis on technology, I do not view laws as inherently evil. My goals are political ones, even if my techniques are not. The only way to fundamentally succeed is by changing existing laws. If I rejected all help from the political arena I would inevitably fail  (Political Quotes) I am going to get political on you. Because I am the most shallow person in the world, my mission is to see men’s formal wear change a little bit. It is too rigid! Everybody looks like a penguin!  (Political Quotes) It is easy to criticize, particularly in a political season. But to lead is something altogether different. The leader must live in the real world of the price that might be paid for the goal that has been set  (Political Quotes)
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