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People are not hungry because we don’t produce enough. People are hungry for political reasons  (Political Quotes) The erasure itself became the action. It seemed to suggest a moment in terms of how sad or pessimistic you can feel in a political environment or a historical situation. But it felt like a really hopeful gesture in the painting  (Political Quotes) One could judge the degree of civilization of a country by the social and political position of its women  (Political Quotes) Conventional wisdom suggests the primary motivator for entrepreneurs is money or wealth creation and, in fact, much of the political debate tends to center around what kind of tax or regulatory policy changes will turn corporate suits into small business adventurers overnight  (Political Quotes) Scientific theories never dictate human values, but they can often cast new light on ethical issues. From a sexual selection viewpoint, moral philosophy and political theory have mostly been attempts to shift male human sexual competitiveness from physical violence to the peaceful accumulation of wealth and status. The rights to life, liberty, and property are cultural inventions that function, in part, to keep males from killing and stealing from one another while they compete to attract sexual partners  (Political Quotes) I watch sports and cable news. I’m a political junkie, so that’s my interest  (Political Quotes) Indeed, the best practical reason to think that social media can help bring political change is that both dissidents and governments think they can. All over the world, activists believe in the utility of these tools and take steps to use them accordingly. And the governments they contend with think social media tools are powerful, too, and are willing to harass, arrest, exile, or kill users in response  (Political Quotes) Political campaign must not be aimed at collecting ballots, instead, it’s honestly aim at seeking support for an ideology  (Political Quotes) Political job is not a business job but it is a job of the people who have generous heart who want to help others with their views  (Political Quotes) I’d love to be the political voice of my generation, but that’s not my gift  (Political Quotes) Hurry, conscious younger people! Get to power quickly so political decisions can be based on the greater good for all rather than the greater gain for few. Hurry, before it is too late!  (Political Quotes) A writer often wants to change a reader’s perception about the world, which is a political act. But we have to work through character, so helping the reader to feel close to fictional characters is the gate through which we have to usher the reader  (Political Quotes) Political correctness gets in the way of all too many things in this country of ours, I am not a subscriber of political correctness by any means, shape or form  (Political Quotes) It’s not so much about the cause, it’s about feeling superior to political opponents  (Political Quotes) So I can very well say without hesitation that all those who have political power, even if they use it well have acquired it by demonic mediation and even if they are not conscious of it, they are worshippers of diabolos  (Political Quotes) I do have strong convictions and political opinions, but I don’t think it’s necessary to imbue my photographic work with them. I use photography as a vessel for visual material to flow through, to encourage conversation with the viewer. I try to present a catalyst and invite viewers to tell their own stories  (Political Quotes) America faces a fundamental choice: either the blessings of liberty or the servitude of liberalism. In the political struggle for survival, one or the other is headed for extinction  (Political Quotes) I used to do some philanthropic work, but with the political platform, I can contribute in a bigger way  (Political Quotes) I’m very political without being political. I don’t know how to speak proper political language  (Political Quotes) Those who depend on television as their primary information source are condemned to... A form of political illiteracy  (Political Quotes) Hollywood has always been political. They consider it their right and duty to tell us what is politically good and right  (Political Quotes) Hollywood is right. A good and strong movie can have a more powerful social impact than any and all political speeches or newspaper editorials and columns  (Political Quotes) Previously known for its six syllables of sweetness and light, reconciliation has become the political fighting word of the year  (Political Quotes) You can’t talk about life without talking about politics. You have to have both. If you’re just a political person, you’re going to burn out. If you, as an artist, are just focused inward, you’re going to eventually be irrelevant  (Political Quotes) Perhaps the challenge is to invent the political structure that will give conscience a better chance against authority  (Political Quotes) To be perfectly honest, it isn’t fair that people have used my personality, and the sacrifices I make because I want to, as an indication that I want to be in a political office  (Political Quotes) We must ask the high cadres... When you suppressed the rights of others to express freely their political views, did you secure your own?  (Political Quotes) Globalization could be the answer to many of the world’s seemingly intractable problems. But this requires strong democratic foundations based on a political will to ensure equity and justice  (Political Quotes) Manchester is a city which has witnessed a great many stirring episodes, especially of a political character. Generally speaking, its citizens have been liberal in their sentiments, defenders of free speech and liberty of opinion  (Political Quotes) My poems are political in the deeper sense of the word. Political means to live in your time, to be a man of your time  (Political Quotes)
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