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Political Quotes

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I can’t vote again ever, so political party is not a relevant thing for me  (Political Quotes) My top priority for 2012 will be to make a renewed push for women’s economic empowerment and political participation  (Political Quotes) You don’t need to spend tens of millions of dollars on political consultants to tell you what you think when you already know what you think  (Political Quotes) The state dinner is almost a formula, but you try to make it interesting. You try not to overload it with too many political types. You try to get a cross section  (Political Quotes) I never felt comfortable with making political decisions based on whether, you know, it was the right thing to do in terms of a poll  (Political Quotes) Like buried treasures, the outposts of the universe have beckoned to the adventurous from immemorial times. Princes and potentates, political or industrial, equally with men of science, have felt the lure of the uncharted seas of space, and through their provision of instrumental means the sphere of exploration has made new discoveries and brought back permanent additions to our knowledge of the heavens  (Political Quotes) So use all that is called fortune. Most men gamble with her, and gain all and lose all, as her wheel rolls... A political victory, a rise of rents, the recovery of your sick or the return of your absent friend, or some other favorable event raises your spirits, and you think good days are preparing for you. Do not believe it. Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles  (Political Quotes) Expressing political opinion can be a powerful way to establish a character’s voice when writing fiction  (Political Quotes) I’ve always seen my campaigns against corruption as political work of a purer form than what opposition leaders usually do. All they do is hold roundtables and release political statements, which is all well and good. But there are concrete things that need to get done in order to achieve the basic goal of every opposition politician  (Political Quotes) There has never been a time when I was not committed to, involved in, or caring of, the social and political issues of my world  (Political Quotes) When students leave college, they are like children who know nothing about the problems of life, and don’t have a political stance  (Political Quotes) I’ve never been a member of a political party, but people will superimpose on you what they want  (Political Quotes) I’m very much a believer that it’s action that matters much more so than, you know, the flurry of political promises and statements and slogans that are used during political campaigns  (Political Quotes) I think I’m fascinated by the power of religion in our culture. Like a lot of secular, liberal people, I ignored it for a long time. Lately, of course, just from a political perspective, it’s impossible to ignore  (Political Quotes) Venezuelans have a deep democratic conviction. If the government hotheads ventured out to stir violence they would encounter the armed forces. I don’t believe the armed forces respond to a political party  (Political Quotes) Let me just say that to imagine racism does not exist is imagination. And to imagine that it does not create its own set of problems is true imagination. So let’s not imagine that racism is gone, extinguished, because it’s not. We are seeing this in the top levels of the political arena, and we are seeing it very, very plainly  (Political Quotes) It’s always interesting to me to tell stories that come from difficult political climates  (Political Quotes) As a writer, I have readers who will have a range of political views. I don’t think they look to me for political guidance  (Political Quotes) Let us wage a moral and political war against war itself, so that we can cut military spending and use that money for human needs  (Political Quotes) I wouldn’t say I’m a political junkie. I follow it. I read a few articles every day  (Political Quotes) Among the most urgent political priorities of our age is the separation of economy and state  (Political Quotes) We’re building an independent political program that can run electoral politics and then turn on a dime to hold our leaders to task, in case they suddenly develop that old case of amnesia! We’ll be there to remind them what they promised and who they promised to work for!  (Political Quotes) Some musicians play blues, others classical jazz or bluegrass. I like to play political roles because I can merge my political interests with my creative interests  (Political Quotes) I am also well aware that literature only has a minimal influence on political disputes or economic crises in the world, but its significance to human beings is ancient  (Political Quotes) You have to deal with the reality that in the political process, people are going to vote based on what they’re hearing from their constituents and others  (Political Quotes) ... there are moments in which the teacher, as the authority talks to the learners, says what must be done, establishes limits without which the very freedom of learners is lost in lawlessness, but these moments, in accordance with the political options of the educator, are alternated with others in which the educator speaks with the learner  (Political Quotes) It doesnt hurt to repeat here the statement, still rejected by many people in spite of its obviousness, that education is a political act  (Political Quotes) What we need is political leadership which can give guidance to the development of global governance. We need business leadership which goes beyond shareholder value to understand the needs and fears of other stakeholders and their communities  (Political Quotes) Senses of humor define people, as factions, deeper rooted than religious or political opinions. When carrying out everyday tasks, opinions are rather easy to set aside, but those whom a person shares a sense of humor with are his closest friends. They are always there to make the biggest influence  (Political Quotes) Love begets wisdom, thus it is, as often misconceived, more than vain layers of tenderness; it is inherently rational and comprehensive of the problem within the problem: for instance, envy is one of the most excused sins in the media of political correctness. Those you find most attractive, or seem to have it all, are often some of the most insecure at heart, and that is because people assume that they do not need anything but defamation  (Political Quotes)
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