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Political Quotes

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It’s not my place to tell you whom to vote for, to take any political stand, to tell you what religion to believe in. I’m an athlete. I can influence certain things, but when I see other athletes and celebrities telling you whom to vote for, I actually get a bit offended  (Political Quotes) If a dictator takes up my ideas, the resulting town will survive the political system that commissioned it and stand as a social good. Besides, modernism rather than classicism has dominated the architecture of totalitarian regimes of both the left and right  (Political Quotes) You cannot live a political life, you cannot live a moral life if you’re not willing to open your eyes and see the world more clearly. See some of the injustice that’s going on. Try to make yourself aware of what’s happening in the world. And when you are aware, you have a responsibility to act  (Political Quotes) You know, I really do have some morals. I do actually care about people. And I do have a political standpoint  (Political Quotes) Whatever your personal political feelings are, if you become involved in them publicly you’re bound to come out the loser  (Political Quotes) We ain’t gonna fight no reactionary pigs who run up and down the street being reactionary; we’re gonna organize and dedicate ourselves to revolutionary political power and teach ourselves the specific needs of resisting the power structure, arm ourselves, and we’re gonna fight reactionary pigs with international proletarian revolution. That’s what it has to be. The people have to have the power: it belongs to the people  (Political Quotes) As a composer, I believe that music has the power to inspire a renewal of human consciousness, culture, and politics. And yet I refuse to make political art. More often than not political art fails as politics, and all too often it fails as art. To reach its fullest power, to be most moving and most fully useful to us, art must be itself  (Political Quotes) The social disease of political correctness has entered daily life, inverting good to bad and attempting to rewrite proud histories as an imposition of white supremacy for which we all should make contrition  (Political Quotes) As a minister, you shouldn’t imagine you know better than the technical experts in your ministry. In the end you’re there to apply the political stamp of approval  (Political Quotes) The easy way to make money is to get special political privilege. From the beginning of time, business has cozied up to government and gotten restrictions on competition and subsidies and stuff  (Political Quotes) The world today is so full of violence, obscenity, war, the failure of political systems. I try to make movies that make people a bit more confident. But that doesn’t mean being sugary  (Political Quotes) Television is likely to do more to revolutionize politics than sound broadcasting did. Political candidates may have to adopt new techniques to benefit from visual radio: their dress, their smiles and gestures, all will be important. How they look, as well as what they say, may determine to an appreciable extent their popularity. The eyes of the public will be upon them  (Political Quotes) We choose our leaders, political or spiritual, out of our own confusion, and so they also are confused  (Political Quotes) It is our great collective misfortune that the scientific community made its decisive diagnosis of the climate threat at the precise moment when an elite minority was enjoying more unfettered political, cultural, and intellectual power than at any point since the 1920s  (Political Quotes) The problem with the immigration debate, it’s probably is the most poisoned and political debate of any issue, because you have this huge voting bloc that everybody says is yours  (Political Quotes) I cannot suggest political ways out, that is the task of politicians, so it is simply that those who accuse me of this do not know how to read  (Political Quotes) It is organized violence on top which creates individual violence at the bottom. It is the accumulated indignation against organized wrong, organized crime, organized injustice, which drives the political offender to act  (Political Quotes) The liberality of sentiment toward each other, which marks every political and religious denomination of men in this country, stands unparalleled in the history of nations  (Political Quotes) The war in vietnam threatened to tear our society apart, and the political and philosophical disagreements that separated each side continue, to some extent. It’s been said that these memorials reflect a hunger for healing  (Political Quotes) The women’s movement is filled with tyrants, just as men’s political movements are equally filled  (Political Quotes) Where intellectuals have played a role in history, it has not been so much by whispering words of advice into the ears of political overlords as by contributing to the vast and powerful currents of conceptions and misconceptions that sweep human action along  (Political Quotes) If you can come up with a snappy little slogan, then you have a future in winning tagline competitions or being a political speech writer  (Political Quotes) Today we say all art is political. But I’d say all art has to do with ethics. Which after all really comes to the same thing. It’s a matter of attitudes  (Political Quotes) Man is a political animal by nature; he is a scientist by chance or choice; he is a moralist because he is a man  (Political Quotes) I have a huge political problem with the role. It was essentially accepting a form of racial profiling. I think it’s repulsive. But it was the first time I had  (Political Quotes) One of the great inventions of the twentieth century was the studied, methodical engineering of myth for political ends  (Political Quotes) When you realize that your history books and your science books and your literature books are not the result of experts sitting down and making it a wise decision, but of political pressure groups coming to the state textbook hearings, this is wrong  (Political Quotes) And it’s absolutely hypocritical for the political party that talks about states rights, to suddenly ignore states rights, that say that the federal government or federalism has no business in this kind of business  (Political Quotes) That’s a deep change in priorities. People are much less political today. They have found other values of life. We are developing normal attitudes, a normal set of priorities. We are growing out of our childhood  (Political Quotes) The democratic process on which this nation was founded should not be restricted to the political process, but should be applied to the industrial operation as well  (Political Quotes)
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