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Political Quotes

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Whenever a man reaches the top of the political ladder, his enemies unite to pull him down. His friends become critical and exacting  (Political Quotes) There are men who desire power simply for the sake of the happiness it will bring; these belong chiefly to political parties  (Political Quotes) If the abuse be enormous, nature will rise up, and claiming her original rights, overturn a corrupt political system  (Political Quotes) As industrial technology advances and enlarges, and in the process assumes greater social, economic, and political force, it carries people away from where they belong by history, culture, deeds, association, and affection  (Political Quotes) Sooner I’d try to change history than turn political, than try convincing others to write letters or to vote or to march or to do something they didn’t already feel like doing  (Political Quotes) To be just, that is to say, to justify its existence, criticism should be partial, passionate and political, that is to say, written from an exclusive point of view, but a point of view that opens up the widest horizons  (Political Quotes) The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is generally understood. Indeed, the world is ruled by little else  (Political Quotes) The safety and happiness of society are the objects at which all political institutions aim, and to which all such institutions must be sacrificed  (Political Quotes) We must conclude that it is not only a particular political ideology that has failed, but the idea that men and women could ever define themselves in terms that exclude their spiritual needs  (Political Quotes) Prudence is not only the first in rank of the virtues political and moral, but she is the director and regulator, the standard of them all  (Political Quotes) I’m not an activist; I don’t look for controversy. I’m not a political person, but I’m a person with compassion. I care passionately about equal rights. I care about human rights. I care about animal rights  (Political Quotes) I think anybody who wants to be president has to be a politician, but I would like to find somebody who’s coming from a loving place instead of a political place  (Political Quotes) Media populism means appealing to people directly through media. A politician who can master the media can shape political affairs outside of parliament and even eliminate the mediation of parliament  (Political Quotes) There is a need for financial reform along ethical lines that would produce in its turn an economic reform to benefit everyone. This would nevertheless require a courageous change of attitude on the part of political leaders  (Political Quotes) Terrorism, to me, is the use of terror for political purpose, and terror is indiscriminate murder of civilians to make a political point  (Political Quotes) My parents were really political. The news was very important in our home. We basically had dinner every night while watching the news, and then we’d discuss it with our parents  (Political Quotes) It’s not unusual to find big political shifts that take place beneath the surface before they’re visible above the surface  (Political Quotes) I think that if I would talk on a political subject, if I talk about it, it would divide the audience on that issue. That’s not my issue  (Political Quotes) It takes some courage to write fiction about politically controversial topics. The dread is you’ll be labeled a political writer  (Political Quotes) I never think that anything I’m writing is bluntly political in any way. I’m not going for commentary  (Political Quotes) Global warming is a political issue. It is as much a political issue to the left as abortion is. It’s as big a political issue as health care is  (Political Quotes) Money is the fuel that makes political victory possible. Sadly, folks, in many cases it’s more important than ideas. And this is what turns off so many people to politics  (Political Quotes) We’re led to believe everybody opposes it and disagrees with political correctness, but yet everybody’s scared to death of it. So who is it? Well, it’s the power structure wherever you happen to be  (Political Quotes) Everything is political. I will never be a politician or even think political. Me just deal with life and nature. That is the greatest thing to me  (Political Quotes) I think that the idea that I’m writing for many more people than I ever imagined has created a certain general responsibility that is literary and political. There’s even pride involved, in not wanting to fall short of what I did before  (Political Quotes) If you’re going to have any kind of political opposition in the 21st century, then it has to be as fundamentally liquid as the rapidly changing society we’re living in  (Political Quotes) When I make a film, I’m not doing it purely for political reasons. If I just wanted to do that, I’d run for office  (Political Quotes) To me, a political song is also a personal song. Most political activism has been driven by empathy for other people and the desire for a world that’s less divisive. Even if songs aren’t overtly political, they can make a listener more empathetic  (Political Quotes) In a lifetime of observing and participating in political debate, I have seen a lot of meanness  (Political Quotes) Fear and its accompanying emotional reactions have become part of the public mindset. Such reactions, while often legitimate, are also being exploited with increasing frequency for political ends  (Political Quotes)
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