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Political Quotes

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There is only one form of political strategy in which I have any confidence, and that is to try to do the right thing and sometimes be able to succeed  (Political Quotes) And money, if the pile gets high enough, is something like a big political party: it does as much harm as it does good, it puts too much power in too few hands, and the closer you come to it the dirtier you get  (Political Quotes) The soul is the effect and instrument of a political anatomy; the soul is the prison of the body  (Political Quotes) In modern capitalism economic exploitation rather than political oppression is the real enemy of the people  (Political Quotes) The trouble is that once you see it, you can’t unsee it. And once you’ve seen it, keeping quiet, saying nothing, becomes as political an act as speaking out. There’s no innocence. Either way, you’re accountable  (Political Quotes) The political problem of mankind is to combine three things: economic efficiency, social justice and individual liberty  (Political Quotes) When the goal of political action is no longer the defense of liberty, no word other than demagoguery can describe the despicable nature of politics  (Political Quotes) Innocence was gone from all our acts. Our habitual state of rebellion became a serious political crime  (Political Quotes) Terrorism is not an expression of rage. Terrorism is a political weapon. Remove a government’s facade of infallibility, and you remove it’s people’s faith  (Political Quotes) Political freedom cannot exist without economic freedom; a free mind and a free market are corollaries  (Political Quotes) We have a complete void of progressive politics in this country right now. The will of the people goes ignored and unrealized. I’m searching for the people that can enter the political system, a strong third party. We need to consolidate  (Political Quotes) The prophecy of a world moving toward political unity is the light which guides all that is best, most vigorous, most truly alive in the work of our time  (Political Quotes) Tyranny is the political corollary of socialism, as representative government is the political corollary of the market economy  (Political Quotes) People of superior refinement and of active disposition identify happiness with honour; for this is roughly speaking, the end of political life  (Political Quotes) We are free to say that in respect to political rights, we hold women to be justly entitled to all we claim for men  (Political Quotes) In the final analysis it doesn’t really matter what the political system is... We don’t need perfect political systems; we need perfect participation  (Political Quotes) Like the effect of advertising upon the customer, the methods of political propaganda tend to increase the feeling of insignificance of the individual voter  (Political Quotes) When people align around shared political, social, economic or environmental values, and take collective action, thinking and behaviour that compromises the lives of millions of people around the world can truly change  (Political Quotes) Philosophy means the complete liberty of the mind, and therefore independence of all social, political or religious prejudice... It loves one thing only... truth  (Political Quotes) Ideological talk and phrase mongering about political liberties should be disposed with; all that is just mere chatter and phrase mongering. We should get away from those phrases  (Political Quotes) Economic freedom is an essential requisite for political freedom. By enabling people to cooperate with one another without coercion or central direction, it reduces the area over which political power is exercised  (Political Quotes) Political leaders in capitalist countries who cheer the collapse of socialism in other countries continue to favor socialist solutions in their own. They know the words, but they have not learned the tune  (Political Quotes) For those looking for security, be forewarned that there’s nothing more insecure than a political promise  (Political Quotes) What seems fair enough against a squalid huckster of bad liquor may take on a different face, if used by a government determined to suppress political opposition under the guise of sedition  (Political Quotes) The main political problem is how to prevent the police power from becoming tyrannical. This is the meaning of all the struggles for liberty  (Political Quotes) All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party  (Political Quotes) To model our political system upon speculations of lasting tranquility, is to calculate on the weaker springs of the human character  (Political Quotes) We ought to deprecate the hazard attending ardent and susceptible minds, from being too strongly, and too early prepossessed in favor of other political systems, before they are capable of appreciating their own  (Political Quotes) When I hear a person talking about political solutions, I know I am not listening to a serious person  (Political Quotes) So much of politics is about the daily grind of political business: the people to see, the myriad different facets of government, the remorseless agenda of this part of the media or that  (Political Quotes)
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