Political Quotes

Text Quotes
Everyone can have health care. Everyone can earn a living wage. We can educate all our kids - well.But none of that happens unless there’s a political revolution. And it’s not going to happen unless we deal with corporate control of the media (Political Quotes)
I come from a state that has virtually no gun control. And yet, at political peril, I voted for an instant background check, which I want to see strengthened and expanded. I voted to ban certain types of assault weapons which are designed only to kill people (Political Quotes)
Saddam Hussein’s mind would have been a unique resource for historical, political and psychological research: a resource that is now forever unavailable to scholars... In a small way his execution represents a wanton and vandalistic destruction of important research data (Political Quotes)
To keep doing this job [draw political cartoons] week after week, I think you have to want to change the world, while understanding that you can’t. You have to hold both of those contradictory ideas simultaneously (Political Quotes)
Worldwide, the twentieth century has seen the rise of extraordinary concentrations of economic and political power - evoking the people as the source of power while simultaneously privatizing its most meaningful exercise. Democracy always seems to be at least slightly elusive under such conditions (Political Quotes)
In a world of increasing interdependence, energy security will depend much on how countries manage their relations with one another. That is why energy security will be one of the main challenges of foreign policy in the years ahead. Oil and gas have always been political commodities (Political Quotes)
I do want to write about social/cultural/historical context. I’m interested in relationships, in character, but within a specific social context. Which is kind of a political thing, I admit that. But it’s what I’m interested in, and it’s how I believe human behavior is legible (Political Quotes)
The arts are not simply skills: their concern is the intellectual, ethical, and spiritual maturity of human life. And in a time when religious and political institutions are so busy engraving images of marketable gods and candidates that they lose their vision of human dignity, the arts have become the custodians of those values which most worthily difine humanity, which most sensitively define Divinity (Political Quotes)
The president’s attempted diktat takes money from bondholders and gives it a labor union that delivers money and votes for him.... Shaking down lenders for the benefit of political donors is recycled corruption and the abuse of power (Political Quotes)
Having spent years ruining the housing markets with their interference, leading to a housing meltdown that has taken the whole economy down with it, politicians have now moved on into micro-managing automobile companies and medical care. They are not going to stop unless they get stopped. And that is not going to happen until the voters recognize the fact that political rhetoric is no substitute for competence (Political Quotes)
Women in the Arab world have a rich history in their active participation in political change from the Algeria revolution against the French occupation to the most recent revolution in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya among other countries. The question is not their participation. Their question is the incorporation of women’s voices fully in the new definitions of the countries where change has happened (Political Quotes)
We see images of people being beheaded on TV. That’s not a thing that you see all the time. That’s a different kind of scary. Unfortunately, some of the scary stuff is political, and that’s a change from our past (Political Quotes)
The idea of the Overton Window of using people on the political fringe to change the terms of acceptable debate, that`s an idea that`s been hugely influential in conservative politics since Joseph P. Overton thought it up, making radical ideas seem acceptable by advocating for the unthinkable (Political Quotes)
Cameras are dangerous. With no waiting period or background check, any whack-job could just stroll into a Wal-Mart and walk out with a semi-automatic. Now, for years I’ve been pressing for stricter regulations on cameras, especially around our elected officials. Too many political lives have been cut short by some crazed shooter (Political Quotes)
The political disfunction that has brought about the shutdown and now threatens default, isn’t so much gridlock. It is exposing the fatal flaw in our Constitution and highly distinct system of government. In other words, it’s the Constitution’s fault. Something truly catastrophic was bound to happen sooner or later (Political Quotes)
He issue of inequality in this country [USA], and the ways that money has captured our political system, are serious indicators of that. And climate change is a game-changer. We really are in serious trouble as a species if we stick with business as usual. We desperately need to find alternatives, and in fact we are surrounded by them (Political Quotes)
We will stop the terrorist attacks before they occur because we will not be prisoners to political correctness. Rather, we will speak the truth. Border security is national security and we will not be admitting jihadists as refugees (Political Quotes)
Some soldier will say, ‘You know, sir, you and I have some political disagreements, but I’m glad you came all the way out here.’ And you know, you say, ‘Well, maybe one day you’ll see the light but I’m glad to be out here with you.’ (Political Quotes)
We have to remember that the experience of gangsta rap as such in its foundation is an anti-systemic experience primarily. And it is an anti-systemic experience that is not in some cases politicized, but in general results in a much more transgressive, much more uncomfortable music for the structures of power, than conscious rap or political rap (Political Quotes)
I can’t marry myself to one idea or one form of doing politics or one form of understanding politics. I believe that we have to play the game of strategy, and understand how to move the pieces because this is how the political spectrum functions (Political Quotes)
Without a movement pressing for change, there’s little hope. We’ve got to work the political system to make this happen fast. The physics and chemistry are daunting. The resources on the other side are very large (Political Quotes)
I think all of us could insist on preserving the truth and preserving the peace. We could insist that political candidates tell the truth about controversial issues. And secondly, we should be sure to encourage our political leaders, after they’re elected, to preserve the peace (Political Quotes)
Every form of communication is for the purpose of feeling, experiencing, sharing. Everyone has their own intense journey through life, and you don’t want to do it all alone. It’s really meaningful to be able to share with people. Whether it’s your political beliefs, or what goes on for you emotionally, or keeping track of history (Political Quotes)
Basically political economy - that you have to look at how funding structures shape the media landscape. You have to look at commercial interests, consolidation - the economy structures are experience (Political Quotes)
One of the most influential women of the 20th century? Well, that may be overdoing it. When one thinks of really influential women, my mind turns to Margaret Thatcher, Golda Meir, ... some of the true political leaders in their own right (Political Quotes)
We have felt for some time that if political candidates or their staff are willing to make the pilgrimage to North Iowa, the least we can do is show hospitality. And it’s also a wonderful way to get to know these people who make our political system work (Political Quotes)
Wall Street is perhaps the most powerful economic and political force in this country. You have companies like Goldman Sachs, who just recently paid a settlement fine with the federal government for $5 billion for defrauding investors (Political Quotes)
I think it’s one thing to be part of a very important group called the Senate of the United States and cast a vote. You’re one of 100. I think it says even more to be a governor, where you ultimately have that political responsibility and accountability to succeed (Political Quotes)
Autonomy is the capacity to act on principles that are one’s own and one will exercise this capacity by means of a process of rational reflection on these principles. Autonomy is thought to be necessary for attributing political responsibility (Political Quotes)
The Democrats are incapable of even being accused of violating political correctness, so they don’t even worry about it. The Democrats have really grown accustomed, however, to Republicans not attacking, not criticizing them (Political Quotes)