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Politics Quotes

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History is past politics, and politics is present history  (Politics Quotes) History furnishes to politics all the arguments that it needs, for the chosen cause  (Politics Quotes) I don’t like politics especially in chess. All I want is promote chess 24/7  (Politics Quotes) I take politics only medicinally, as a cure of occasional attacks of insomnia  (Politics Quotes) What is the first part of politics? Education. The second? Education. And the third? Education  (Politics Quotes) A week is a long time in politics, and three weeks is twice as long  (Politics Quotes) None of us believe countering terrorism is about party politics  (Politics Quotes) I think the world of politics is pretty sleazy  (Politics Quotes) Hating politics was like hating the weather. Pointless, since both were inevitable  (Politics Quotes) Politics should be about politics, not tribal ties  (Politics Quotes) We are witnessing the criminalization of conservative politics  (Politics Quotes) When I became 21, I decided that nobody learned anything about politics after the age of 21  (Politics Quotes) ... the science is getting worse faster than the politics is getting better  (Politics Quotes) Economics is really politics in disguise  (Politics Quotes) Politics is the art of acquiring, holding, and wielding power  (Politics Quotes) Politics is the best game in town  (Politics Quotes) Justice in politics has an uncomfortable habit of being rough  (Politics Quotes) If you want to succeed in politics you must keep your conscience firmly under control  (Politics Quotes) Everybody in politics lies  (Politics Quotes) I think more than anything, that’s when I decided politics was on  (Politics Quotes) When politics is interesting, people go vote  (Politics Quotes) In politics it commonly takes a superior woman to overcome the handicap of traditional prejudice  (Politics Quotes) My politics were those of prophylaxis, my opponents preferred those of palliation  (Politics Quotes) The politics of austerity, of higher taxes, decided by governments, have lengthened the economic crisis  (Politics Quotes) Everybody in politics lies, but they do it with such ease, it’s troubling  (Politics Quotes) Politics is who gets what, when, how  (Politics Quotes) Politics is the name we give to the orchestration of power in any society  (Politics Quotes) I designed collections around whatever struck my fancy... fruits, vegetables, politics, or peacocks!  (Politics Quotes) Well, politics is war, and in war, truth is the first casualty  (Politics Quotes) I was crushingly bored talking about politics 30 hours a week  (Politics Quotes)
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