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Politics Quotes

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In politics, sunny days and rainy days can change very quickly  (Politics Quotes) Politics is a continuation of economics by other means  (Politics Quotes) Much of today’s psychiatric science is based on wish, myth, and politics  (Politics Quotes) Aristocracy and exclusiveness tend to final overthrow, in language as in politics  (Politics Quotes) If politics is the art of the possible, theatre is the art of the impossible  (Politics Quotes) Politics is everywhere.. it is in your shirt.. in your pants.. everywhere  (Politics Quotes) Politics sometimes is not only unnecessary but also unnecessary complicated  (Politics Quotes) Politics moves upward into ethics, and ethics ascends to theology  (Politics Quotes) Food, clothes and shelter have no politics  (Politics Quotes) I do not sing politics. I merely sing the truth  (Politics Quotes) The eternal sea of politics is best left to politicians  (Politics Quotes) Politics is social work with power  (Politics Quotes) Photography is a universal language, transcending the boundaries of race, politics, and nationality  (Politics Quotes) Power politics is the diplomatic name for the law of the jungle  (Politics Quotes) I never mix my religion with politics. But I feel values are very important  (Politics Quotes) The first thing to say about politics is that politics is not the first thing  (Politics Quotes) Truth is a habit of integrity, not a strategy of politics  (Politics Quotes) Religion and politics are supposed to be separate  (Politics Quotes) I don’t talk about my politics. I am registered as an independent  (Politics Quotes) Politics is the polite way of telling somone else they’re stupid  (Politics Quotes) Politics or ideology must not get in the way of sound planning  (Politics Quotes) Either one lives for politics or one lives off politics  (Politics Quotes) Focus on the competition to diminish the time dedicated to internal politics  (Politics Quotes) I’m into politics, and I love watching the heavier news magazine shows  (Politics Quotes) Politics is downstream from culture  (Politics Quotes) The intersection of religion and world politics has often been a bloody crossroads  (Politics Quotes) Politics is not an issue whether you like or dislike, but every citizen must involve  (Politics Quotes) Politics is not about justice, but about solutions  (Politics Quotes) Politics is the art of reaching a goal that benefits all citizens of a nation  (Politics Quotes) I quit politics because I hated it  (Politics Quotes)
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