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Politics Quotes

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Moral outrage is the most powerful motivating force in politics  (Politics Quotes) In politics, nothing moves unless it’s pushed  (Politics Quotes) In volunteer politics, a builder can build faster than a destroyer can destroy  (Politics Quotes) Sound doctrine is sound politics  (Politics Quotes) I’m not into politics. I’m into survival  (Politics Quotes) The essence of politics is to direct oneself to the group which wields power  (Politics Quotes) Politics isn’t in my nature  (Politics Quotes) In politics a week is a very long time  (Politics Quotes) Military action without politics is like a tree without a root  (Politics Quotes) Politics is about who wins and loses. The rest is of marginal interest  (Politics Quotes) Trust is for lovers. In politics there are only converging interests  (Politics Quotes) Art has nothing to do with politics. It is the freest thing in the world  (Politics Quotes) We mistake politics for legislative debate. You can be passionate without being personal  (Politics Quotes) It’s a cowardly form of politics to use my spouse to beat me  (Politics Quotes) I’m not clever enough to be in machinations and real politics  (Politics Quotes) Money in politics is a huge issue  (Politics Quotes) I mean, the last thing I want to do is be involved in politics  (Politics Quotes) I don’t like politics, hypocrites, folks with poodles  (Politics Quotes) Insect politics, indifferent universe. Bang your head against the wall, but apathy is worse  (Politics Quotes) Politics and hypocrites is turning us all into lunatics  (Politics Quotes) Politics is cyclical  (Politics Quotes) Politics isn’t only about government. Politics is about the people  (Politics Quotes) Art is about play and about transcendent meanings, not reducible to politics  (Politics Quotes) I am not a fan of politics  (Politics Quotes) The composition of a common world would be the definition of politics  (Politics Quotes) As society changes, as politics change, as people change, certain songs still seem to resonate  (Politics Quotes) I cannot do politics under someone else’s control  (Politics Quotes) In politics one should not expect big jumps. Everything takes time  (Politics Quotes) Politics is a good thing!  (Politics Quotes) It’s perfectly possible for somebody to make the transition from politics to journalism  (Politics Quotes)
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