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Politics Quotes

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Politics are always involved, even in my love songs  (Politics Quotes) I never have been involved in politics  (Politics Quotes) What are the politics of boredom?  (Politics Quotes) When politics is too slow, change has to come from culture  (Politics Quotes) I’ve come to believe that, fundamentally, art matters more than politics  (Politics Quotes) Experience has taught that politics is a game played by conmen and hypocrites  (Politics Quotes) Politics are close to me, but there are different ways of participating in politics  (Politics Quotes) Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics  (Politics Quotes) Slate is not a political magazine but a lot of what it does is politics  (Politics Quotes) I make movies. I’m not in politics  (Politics Quotes) Three people marooned on a desert island would soon reinvent politics  (Politics Quotes) There are no true friends in politics  (Politics Quotes) Poetry was the maiden I loved, but politics was the harridan I married  (Politics Quotes) There’s a hell of a lot of politics in football  (Politics Quotes) Pure politics is merely the calculus of combinations and of chances  (Politics Quotes) In politics there’s never a magic wand  (Politics Quotes) I loved politics and, I confess, I enjoyed politicians immensely  (Politics Quotes) Rest of my life is more important to me than politics  (Politics Quotes) Politics: distrust all parties but consider capitalism must go  (Politics Quotes) Truth refuses to be subservient to either politics or the market  (Politics Quotes) In politics evils should be remedied not revenged  (Politics Quotes) A depraved culture supports a depraved politics and vice versa  (Politics Quotes) Neutrality is not politics  (Politics Quotes) Transparency is not about restoring trust in institutions. Transparency is the politics of managing mistrust  (Politics Quotes) Art and politics have many things in common  (Politics Quotes) People who give money in large amount in politics are basically not altruistic  (Politics Quotes) In politics there are no principles, just opportunities  (Politics Quotes) To be locked into partisan politics doesn’t permit you to think clearly  (Politics Quotes) Politics was sort of a way of life in our family  (Politics Quotes) Information upon points of practical politics  (Politics Quotes)
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