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'Beauty' is a currency system like the gold standard. Like any economy, it is determined by politics, and in the modern age in the West is is the last, best belief system that keeps male dominance intact  (Politics Quotes) In no relationship at the top of any walk of life is it always easy, least of all in politics which matters so much and which is conducted in such a piercing spotlight  (Politics Quotes) In government you carry each hope; each disillusion. And in politics it's always about the next challenge  (Politics Quotes) I didn't come into politics to change the Labour Party. I came into politics to change the country  (Politics Quotes) No wonder Americans hate politics when, year in and year out, they hear politicians make promises that won't come true because they don't even mean them - campaign fantasies that win elections but don't get nations moving again  (Politics Quotes) You have to take away some of tax breaks for the wealthy, and you have to cut back on some entitlements. Because, unless we do all of these things, it just doesn't work. And what's good theater and what's good politics isn't necessarily good economic policy  (Politics Quotes) The politics of partisanship and the resulting inaction and excuses have paralyzed decision-making, primarily at the federal level, and the big issues of the day are not being addressed, leaving our future in jeopardy  (Politics Quotes) And we want a fight, and I will fight, but we will be respectful. I admire Senator Obama and his accomplishments, I will respect him and I want- No, no, I want everyone to be respectful, and let's make sure we are, because that's the way politics should be conducted in America  (Politics Quotes) Neither party should be defined by pandering to the outer reaches of American politics and the agents of intolerance, whether they be Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton on the left, or Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell on the right  (Politics Quotes) Genuine politics - politics worthy of the name, and the only politics I am willing to devote myself to - is simply a matter of serving those around us: serving the community, and serving those who will come after us  (Politics Quotes) Let us teach ourselves and others that politics should be an expression of a desire to contribute to the happiness of the community rather than of a need to cheat or rape the community  (Politics Quotes) Our country, if that is what we want, can now permanently radiate love, understanding, the power of the spirit and of ideas. It is precisely this glow that we can offer as our specific contribution to international politics  (Politics Quotes) We ought to reverence books; to look on them as useful and mighty things. If they are good and true, whether they are about religion, politics, farming, trade, law, or medicine, they are the message of Christ, the maker of all things - the teacher of all truth  (Politics Quotes) Would that the simple maxim, that honesty is the best policy, might be laid to heart; that a sense of the true aim of life might elevate the tone of politics and trade till public and private honor became identical  (Politics Quotes) The lesson of the last year is this: foreign policy can't be managed through the politics of personality, and our President would do well to take note of an observation John F. Kennedy made once he was in office - that all of the world's problems aren't his predecessor's fault  (Politics Quotes) Politics isn't just a game of clashing parties and competing interests. The right reason is to challenge the status quo, to serve the common good, and to leave this nation better than we found it  (Politics Quotes) In politics there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers, and then there are those like John McCain who use their careers to promote change  (Politics Quotes) In laying hands upon the sacred ark of absolute permanency, in treating the forms that had been regarded as types of fixity and perfection as originating and passing away, the Origin of Species introduced a mode of thinking that in the end was bound to transform the logic of knowledge, and hence the treatment of morals, politics, and religion  (Politics Quotes) I was losing interest in politics, when the repeal of the Missouri Compromise aroused me again. What I have done since then is pretty well known  (Politics Quotes) It is the belief that extremes and excesses of inequality must be reduced so that each person is free to fully develop his or her full potential. This is why we take precious time out of our lives and give it to politics  (Politics Quotes) Politics is not predictions and politics is not observations. Politics is what we do. Politics is what we do, politics is what we create, by what we work for, by what we hope for and what we dare to imagine  (Politics Quotes) What's gratifying about West Wing is that everybody told us that it couldn't be done - that the man or woman on the street didn't care about politics. But if you set things up correctly, people don't have a problem with it  (Politics Quotes) Politics can be relatively fair in the breathing spaces of history; at its critical turning points there is no other rule possible than the old one, that the end justifies the means  (Politics Quotes) Politics resemble religion; attempting to divest either of ceremony is the most certain mode of bringing either into contempt  (Politics Quotes) The more you observe politics, the more you've got to admit that each party is worse than the other  (Politics Quotes) This country has gotten where it is in spite of politics, not by the aid of it. That we have carried as much political bunk as we have and still survived shows we are a super nation  (Politics Quotes) The more you read and observe about this Politics thing, you got to admit that each party is worse than the other. The one that's out always looks the best  (Politics Quotes) There is a hundred things to single you out for promotion in party politics besides ability  (Politics Quotes) If you do politics the right way, I believe, you can actually make people's lives better. And integrity is the minimum ante to get into the game  (Politics Quotes) For on Cardinal Rohan saying to me that the Italians did not understand war, I replied that the French did not understand politics  (Politics Quotes)
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