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Politics Quotes

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I don’t like to talk about things where you’re going to gt one side or the other unhappy. My music has no politics  (Politics Quotes) I don’t take a great deal of interest in party politics. Social politics interests me a great deal more  (Politics Quotes) I don’t think politics has anything to do with left, right, or center. It has to do with trying to do right by people  (Politics Quotes) I don’t want to be a politician. I don’t like politics. It’s petty; it fights dirty  (Politics Quotes) I guess you’d call me an independent, since I’ve never identified myself with one party or another in politics. I always decide my vote by taking as careful a look as I can at the actual candidates and issues themselves, no matter what the party label  (Politics Quotes) I have a certain pool of subject matter that I like to write about, things that interest me: politics, religion, ecology, and relationships between men and women. And that’s usually what I focus on  (Politics Quotes) I have been poor and I wanted to document poverty; I had lost a child and I was obsessed with birth; I was interested in politics and I wanted to know how it affected our lives; I am a woman and I wanted to know about women  (Politics Quotes) I have some very personal feelings about politics, but I don’t get into it because I do comedy already  (Politics Quotes) I love hard political debate and I love beating somebody on a political point but what I’m more frustrated by is the politics where you play the man not the politics  (Politics Quotes) I mean that I think I find the psychology of people more interesting than politics. I think the psychology of politics is more interesting than straight politics  (Politics Quotes) I pretty much ignored politics all through my 20?s and 30?s... I had other things on my mind... the band, finding a meaningful relationship, getting enough money to eat and pay the rent  (Politics Quotes) I see it all the time in politics. If a candidate gets caught in a lie, he quickly tries to change the subject by throwing more mud at his opponent. The mud keeps flying until some of the slanderous material sticks  (Politics Quotes) I think especially in a world where you have so little say about what goes on in your life, or in the politics of the world around you, it is wonderful to go into that studio, and tell yourself what to do  (Politics Quotes) I think politics can no longer be assigned to parliamentary activity and it probably never could be. But politics with a small p and the history of trade union movement really interests me  (Politics Quotes) I think politics is important. It’s how we run our society. I think it should be natural to have an interest in the subject, and I almost don’t understand why some people don’t  (Politics Quotes) I was supposed to be women’s lib, and now I’d exceeded it and gone over into international politics  (Politics Quotes) I’m interested in current affairs and social policy as a whole, but I don’t watch politics for sport  (Politics Quotes) I’m not really involved with politics... I’m living in my cocoon with my classical music around  (Politics Quotes) I’m not really one of those people who believes that if you’re a musician you can just leave that behind and start getting into politics  (Politics Quotes) I’ve never worked in politics, never been a member of an official committee or a political party  (Politics Quotes) If politics and business fail us, of course the military will be called in. In the developing world, the massive and repeated ecological disasters are quite commonly met by the military  (Politics Quotes) In politics people give you what they think you deserve and deny you what they think you want  (Politics Quotes) In politics women type the letters, lick the stamps, distribute the pamphlets and get out the vote. Men get elected  (Politics Quotes) In politics, the reaction to a controversy is very often more enlightening and important than the details of the allegations themselves  (Politics Quotes) In the business of politics, emotions and productive dissatisfaction with the world in which we live today are gradually being covered up by the minutiae of ordinary life  (Politics Quotes) It’s called political economy because it is has nothing to do with either politics or economy  (Politics Quotes) It’s time to let science and medicine, not politics and rhetoric, lead us to good, sound policy  (Politics Quotes) Lenin said that people vote with their feet. Well, that’s what’s happening. They either go, or they don’t go. It’s all politics. It’s all demographics  (Politics Quotes) Let me tell you, sisters, seeing dried egg on a plate in the morning is a lot dirtier than anything I’ve had to deal with in politics  (Politics Quotes) Life is a corrupting process from the time a child learns to play his mother off against his father in the politics of when to go to bed; he who fears corruption fears life  (Politics Quotes)
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